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3 year old in road with bag of weed


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
3 year old in road with bag of weed


Mom charged after tot walks into NY road with pot

<CITE class=vcard></CITE>– <ABBR class=timedate title=2011-03-08T08:14:12-0800>Tue Mar 8, 11:14 am ET</ABBR>
<ABBR class=timedate title=2011-03-08T08:14:12-0800></ABBR>
<!-- end .byline -->LOCH SHELDRAKE, N.Y. – Authorities have charged a 30-year-old New York woman with endangering the welfare of a child after police say her toddler wandered into an upstate road clutching a bag of marijuana.

Police in the hamlet of Loch Sheldrake say Lakeisha Owens was sleeping in her apartment around 5 p.m. Saturday when her 3-year-old daughter was nearly struck by a vehicle.
Officials say the driver pulled over, removed the child from the road and called police. Authorities say the girl was holding a bag containing 15 grams of marijuana.

Police said Tuesday that Owens was released after her arrest on the misdemeanor charge. Authorities didn't know if she had a lawyer, and there was no phone listing for her in Loch Sheldrake, located 85 miles northwest of New York City.


I am so sick of people, oh please let natural selection and survival of the fittest take over. We are living in a very unnatural world.


Game Bred
they should have tazed the kid then arrested her!
those damn pothead toddlers have the strength of a preteen when they get all hopped up!


they should have tazed the kid then arrested her!
those damn pothead toddlers have the strength of a preteen when they get all hopped up!
Its hard to believe one can find humor in this story, but man that shit is funny!:laughing:
Ya know when I was a Kid all I can remember is my dad saying boy go get me a beer. lol & People are worried about cannabis. I see kids bringing drinks to their parents then taking sips of the drinks when the drunks fall asleep. Its weird that I Don't see these stories in the news much though.?:chin:
kids are escape artists, and well the bag is something "mom" is fond of must be something good to have. hey shit happens, just her luck the kid got outside.


I swear I seen this exact same scene in my home town 25 years ago. I found a toddler walking in the street (no bag of weed) and got the kid out of the street. I was asking her where her mommy was and before too long I seen astonished young mother come to us to collect the child. I gave her a look and she seen it. No need for police.

Anyone that has ever had kids know they are a full time job, 24-7. As soon as you take your eyes off of them they will do something more incredibly ridiculous than you could ever imagine. The mother and child in this story posted probably napped together and the child woke before the mother.


Active member
Authorities say the girl was holding a bag containing 15 grams of marijuana.

Poor kid just stepped out quick to flip a half zip so she could get some money for another box of fruit rollups, and some do gooder citizen comes along and fucks the whole deal up.


Glad no harm came to the child. I wonder what was Danker the Diaper or the Pot?
We had a 4 yr old neighbor boy come up missing, hour and a half later he peddled up on he's little bike. Turns out he's rode down to the local Mexican food joint(pun) cause HE WANT TACOS


ICMag Donor
And now I know why my connect never showed up last night w/ those 17 grams. If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself...dam kids! And the report said 15 grams...so, who dipped into the bag...do I blame the cop or the kid??


Active member
thats messed up she shouldnt get in trouble, my little sister always did shit like that. kids are sneaky little basterds, could be taking a simple nap one second, wake up and your front door is wide open when you have freaking 3 sets of locks on it.

i agree charge the toddler, damn kids.


Green is Gold
Had I been the motorist to find that child, I can assure you the police would not have had the bag that's for sure! Do gooders, gotta luv em


Active member
I fail to see how the kids were in danger with the pot. Even if they ate the whole bag, or somehow smoked it, the only ill effects would have been spinning and throwing up. Not that I condone anybody under the age of 18 smoking, but still.

Now walking around in the middle of the street, that is a different story all together.


gotta love this story. we should start thinking of a screen name for this kid now in the hope that she signs on in 15 or so years. going south with a sack at three.. this girl is ahead of her time. fuck barbie, where is the dank?


Game Bred
gotta love this story. we should start thinking of a screen name for this kid now in the hope that she signs on in 15 or so years. going south with a sack at three.. this girl is ahead of her time. fuck barbie, where is the dank?

she figured she would take what she needed and GET THE FUCK AWAY from lakeshia
better off on her own.


I went to college in Loch Sheldrake.It is just outside Liberty NY.Sullivan County Community College or as we called it Semi Consious Community College.Used to sip a few at a bar called Bum and Kells there.Used to work at a Jewish resort there called Grossingers...bellhop...best tip Mike Spinks 100 beans...equaled a fat sack those days....sad story although here.Keep it out of reach of children.