Right now I'm running 2- 4x4 trays ebb and flo. I have an aircooled hood above each tray that are being cooled w/ a 440cfm cam fan pulling cooler air from another room. I also am using a 9k btu ac to keep the temps at a comfortable 80-85. Im using a harvestmaster to keep the co2 at 1500 ppm, and am having an extremely hard time doing that. This isn't my first sealed room I've set up, but it is the first time using the ac unit. The ac unit has 4" duct that comes from the backside and runs straight into the attick. My guess is that it's just sucking the air from the room straight up. I was under the misconception that it was a closed ac unit, where as the air is just being recirculated. So I guess what im asking is could somebody point me in the right direction for a closed ac unit, and if at all possible one that I could still run the hot air into the attick? Thanks!