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260W CFL First Time Cab - Journal From seed germ - critique please!


Strain: 1NL Bagseed, 3 AF Easyryder (AK47xLR#2)
Medium: Foxfarm Ocean Soil
Lighting: 260 Watts of CFL (10 26w Bulbs). (6400K Veg, 2700k FloweR)
Nutes: 3 part Flora Series from General Hydroponics.

I originally turned my Micro-grow cab into a journal-esque entry if you will, however i figured that forum is pretty much dedicated to micro-grow building and strategy discussions and i should move this here instead! If you followed me along there, i hope you will here as well!

First time here, hello everyone. I recently came upon some seeds and too much time on my hand so i took up this beautiful, beautiful hobby. I transformed a former small utility cabinet you can get at any home retailer, the kind with pegged adjustable shelves into my first micro grow cab. I planned to get feedback on this micro-grow setup, but i've also decided to detail my first grow extremely well for anybody like me out there who is considering starting themselves. Please follow along and feel free to offer advice and watch my beauties grow into strong independent women!

Supplies and Construction

Meet my Cabinet, dimensions approx 15"x15"x30"

I found this on the side of the road, 1/3 of the back was destroyed but it was in beautiful condition otherwise. It's about perfect for small, bushy indica grows. I originally planned to grow 2 plants with tons of growth room, but i've decided I can get about 4 mid-sized to large square planters in there with ease. The inside is all matte white which means i don't have to paint it or mess with foil/mylar and it has adjustable pegs that fit into holes which run vertically up all 4 corners of the cabinet. This means i don't have to mess with an adjustable lightning system, which is great as a noobie with limited electrical knowledge and using CFLs.

Next I was off to buy a few fixtures, as stated above i decided to go with CFLs, I've seen tremendous results with CFLs and who am i kidding, this is more of an experiment and hobby than an operation. By all means don't think you need to run out and buy a fancy HID system for your first grow, you're bound to make mistakes, make mistakes on cheap equipment!

My first choice were the flimsy light duty desk clamp lights, these actually worked quite well and could adjust easy, however in the end they were too much trouble and a little too light duty. I then decided to go with medium duty utility sockets with dual socket splitters. Drilled some holes in the top with just enough to hold the thickest part of the socket on the top and let the actual bulbs hang down. This allowed me a tiny bit of wiggle room to adjust the lights if needed. I used a 1 1/2" drill bit to achieve this.



Ventilation, everyone needs it! I decided again, as my first time, to go the little bit more expensive route instead of messing with splicing, (which i broke down and did later) so i went over to my good friend ebay and found two lovely 70cfm electrical cabinet fans for exhaust and airflow. Anything more is overkill for my cabinet. I mounted these both on the bottom and top left, i choose these positions because it gave me the best airflow/pressure system with the top back of the cabinet damaged and left open. I anchored them in there, hit them with some great stuff then taped them up to make sure they didn't go anywhere.




After monitoring the temps for a bit I found a large heat pocket next to a cluster of my CFLs. I decided to combat this with a ducted exhaust. First i suspended the duct, secured it with the bungee cord and ported it though the damaged back half for an easy diy exhaust duct. I spliced an old CPU fan and taped it right up with an old portable fan 3v AC adapter. This worked like a charm and Voila! A fully adjustable cabinet with mounted lights, a perfect temperature/humidity level crow cab for about 100 bucks (minus the actual cabinet itself).



Total Supplies and Prices (will keep updated):

-Cabinet (free in my case) $40
-5x Corded Utility Sockets $25
-5x "Y" Adapters $8
-2x Cabinet Fans $25
-1x 4"x5' flex Duct $5
-1x Old CPU fan (free in my cae) $4
-2x 6 pack CFLs 6400k $12
-1x Mech. Timer $12
-2x Power Strips (everyone has these laying around) $15

Total: approx $145~ investment
Wattage: 260Watt


Due to a blunder on my part :wallbash:, I'm only about 60% what strain i'm actually growing at the moment. I started with two seeds, a pure NL strain given to me by a friend and a bagseed. I plopped them both in the same cup before i could specify which was which, and before i knew it both had sprouted. Sadly only 1 made it, i'm guessing it's the NL but i can't be for sure. My general strategy is more experimental than maximum growth, as this is a first time experience i want to actually make mistakes and get my hands dirty so to speak. I plan to eventually convert this into a small Scrog cabinet eventually when my other plants begin to bloom. My current light schedule from sprout has been 18-6 and the plant is loving it. I just recently recieved my Auto-AK47/LR#2s and plan to sprout those immediately and add them to my cabinet. I will then convert to 20/4 and do my best to maintain my NL while my LRs catch up. Then eventually i plan to 12/12 both which will be a bit experimental since LRs typically don't get that much period of darkness.

---------------------------GROW LOG---------------------------

9/14 Bertha (Fem'd NL) Germ
9/16 Bertha Sprout
9/28 Alex, Carol, Melissa (Fem'd Easyryder) Germ
9/29 Melissa Sprout
9/30 Carol and Alex Sprout
10/6 Bertha Flushed due to possible nute burn
10/7 All 4 transplanted to final homes
10/8 Bertha given full strength 3-2-1 nute solution
10/9 Identified potential PH problem, watching to see how Bertha will recover. Trimmed Some sick fan leaves. Mixed fresh batch of 1/3 strength 1-1-1 GH Flora nutes for the babies for when they perk up a bit.
10/11 Gave Bertha, Carol and Alex a good soaking. Spritzed melissa's leaves, she was still too wet from transplant. Next watering for the little girls will be their first batch of 1-1-1 1/3 strength nutes.
10/15 Gave bertha full veg nutes (3-2-1) and gave the little girls their final watering before i begin them on 1/3 nutes. Bertha showing signs of improving, i've clipped all leaves that had shown signs of browning in effort to stunt her to grow with my others evenly.
10/20 Gave bertha + girls good soaking. Decided to go against the nute dosage, noticed drooping and yellowing on younger plants.


And We're Off!

Week 1: After having devastating results with the ole' papertowel method (roots didn't want to let go of papertowel), I plopped my remaining seeds in some room temperature filtered water i let sit over night. Not even 4 hours later the seeds would sink with the touch of a finger. 24 hours later each had sprouted their tap root. I then prepared my cups with soil, cut some holes for drainage and burried each bean about 3/4" into the soil, and gave it a good soaking, letting the soil cover the seed. I then put them back on my heating pad in a dark place and waited for the sprout. About 2 days later i had a tiny sproutling! :woohoo:


The other mystery plant sadly never made it to sprout, thus why i'm betting my current plant is my NL because it was a pretty beat bagseed. Godspeed little dead seedling :(. After seeing green i immediately put it under my lights. Since i don't have my ideal setup at the moment i had to stack some books to bring my lovely lady up to decent light level.


I began nutes early as the little gal' was showing enormous spurts of growth. This can be very dangerous for such a young plant, but once again, this is a very experimental grow. I started with a 1/3 power solution recommended for a seedling/sprout. So basically i gave even less than recommended. The plant absolutely loved it and has doubled in growth almost every day it seems. Thus far there has been no sign of any discoloration of the leaves or any signs of any deficiency or nute lockout.

Week 2: Growth has continued to increase!
She was barely over a week old in this picture, leaves look good, still no signs of deficiencies, i couldn't be happier. I've given her the same strength solution about 6 days apart from the last, i soon plan to up the dose to normal level for general use 2-2-2 maybe? I'm not 100% on that i'll have to check.

Recent Growth:





Adding Sisters

After receiving my new beans in the mail sat 9/26 (3 AF AK47xLR and 1 LA Woman), they're already ready to be planted! In the chamber they go! Soon, hopefully, my garden will actually be a garden!


I used the ole drop in filtered room temp water method, and it's been good to me thus far. I explained early that i'm a little hesitant to go back to the papertowel method as the roots growing into the material has got me once. I then put my seeds in each respective mug onto a heating pad and check on them a few times a day until they've sprouted, nothing more nothing less! When they're ready to go i take my soil, put my babies in a decent side container about 3/4" burried and let the soil cover them up with a good soaking. Then it's into the chamber where they'll go big and strong. I know a lot of growers don't like to put them under light immediately, but i've had good experiences with it thus far. Feel free to discuss your methods or critique mine!



My little NL is getting quite bushy

As stated before this is the final light schedule change before 12/12 and that should be a good ways away. I plan to use 20-4 until my AFs show sex, then switch to 12/12 so my NL can get in on the action. My Scrog screen should be here before the end of the week, can't wait.


Total Duration: 20 Days from Initial NL planting stage, 6 days from AK47xLR germ
Light Cycle: 20/4

My new little girls have just decided to show their first beautiful set of leaves


Godspeed little gals'



I'm so proud of my LRs, they've shot right up after a scare with two of them early on. Definitely a strain i recommend to any first time growers. Out of the 3 recently planted girls Melissa seems to be the clear golden child (also my most recent ex :laughing:). The other two are catching up however. You can see how Bertha is absolutely exploding right now, she's definitely going to be a dank, frosty girl at this rate. It's almost a shame too, if i had the resources and a little bit bigger cabinet she could probably be a monster the way she keeps just expanding and staying low.

I've noticed a tad bit of yellowing on some of Bertha's lower leaves however i'm not quite worried. I've given her strong nutes for her age but it looks more like some sort of deficiency instead of nute burn. Definitely need to test the soil when it's time to transplant, which isn't too far away actually!

A few more pics:




On a side note my cabinet is probably near finished. I received my grates and new fan the other day, everything fit like a glove, very happy.

Current Cab vers. 2.0.





I plan to transplant all my pants into their final home soon, stay tuned.


Small updated on a lazy Sunday.

While transplanting my main girl today, i noticed some yellowing around the tips and edges some bottom leaves. I understand this could be anywhere from lack of nitrogen to Mg deficiencies. Normally this doesn't bother me but she's getting quite wilty, i'm thinking it may just be genetics since she's grown basically the same way the entire way.

I'm open to suggestions and speculation however, give me some love guys!




She's literally a jungle wrapped up in about an 8" plant.


Boy, sure is lonely in this thread :)

Question for anyone, i also crossposted this in AF sub forum however i thought i should also put it here, perhaps someone has some input.

Long story short, also referenced in the OP, I originally started a bagseed about 14 days ahead of my AK47xLR#2s. Now i have two options ideally here, veg my bagseed which is thriving right now, long enough to outlast my AFs so i don't have to mess with my 20/4 light schedule. Or take all of my plants and 12/12 them in about 2 weeks. I doubt i can actually do the first option since i have a micro grow and my plant would absolutely be fucking massive if i did this.

i guess my main question, has anyone ever tried this, and would this hypothetically stunt the plant? Sadly enough i only have one cabinet and this wasn't planned out in advance.


Hey reverev313 thanks! My water and Nutes stay in the ballpark of 6.8~ so PH hasnt been an issue yet, i think i may pick up some Earth Juice Microblast to even things out.


Thanks for the kind words. I think I've decided to 12/12 my Autos when i flower my bagseed. Heres to science!


Hey nnep, this is Cannabis from TCC. Looking great so far!


Hey guys, glad you joined on the grow! Thanks for stopping by.

Day 23
Light Sched: 20/4
Weekly 3/2/1 Pure Veg recommendation with General Hydroponics Trio
260W CFLs

As time goes by i'm getting a little more worried about Bertha, my biggest plant. She's just not looking great. Her yellowing tips around the bottom has gotten a touch worse and she's as wilted as ever. I'm at a tough place right now, i want to think it's her genetics as she's grown this way since Day 1, but i started nutes around early/mid week 2, albeit mild, i'm not sure if she was shocked by it.




What do you guys think?


I went ahead and bit the bullet and LST'd her even though i plan on doing a scrog eventually.

You can see what i mean when i say shes a jungle in a tiny plant. I have no idea what has promoted such crazy growth in such layers.




Need some help friends. Today i woke up to find some brown spots on one leaf. I've checked around some online plant sickness sites however they all seem to be so close in diagnoses. From what i understand this could be any deficiency or perhaps nute burn, i did however start weak nutes around mid week 2. Thoughts on what this might be and solutions?


Light Sched: 20/4
Wattage: 260 CLFs
Current nute dosage: 3-2-1 once a week as recommended per general hydroponics
last nute dosage: 9-31
soil: foxfarm ocean forest

ph of water is fine, soil i'm not quite sure. I've orded a super soil test kit to check for like 10 different tests, so hopefully if nobody can be sure i can be mr scientist.

Smoke one for my sick plant!


Active member
when i cant tell exactly what is wrong i always flush and start with a clean slate feed with a mild nute mixture if she gets worst i would think its a deficiency good luck



All my girls have been transplanted into their final homes, I had to actually take my biggest from a larger container to a smaller and lost a good amount of root growth. I'm hoping she'll pull through, it was just a matter of bad planning on my part.


Active member
looks to me like it might be over watered??
also looks like it could use some nitrogen..
how often do you water?
what are your temps?
and how much are you feedin her right now??

sorry she's not feelin so well but i really do hope you work it out!
good luck

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