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24 plant 6# white widow greenhouse grow


my plan is 24 plants in 10 to 20 gallons containers filled with coco/perlite mix at 50% gh 3 part nutes to grow about 6# total
starting with one month old plants(i hope that is lol) putting them outside may 1st
since i already have the pots i need to buy 2 nice fans plus one exhaust fan and the nutes ph down coco perlite etc figuring on 600$ plus 200$ for the fans so 800$ total to get 6#... think thats pretty good output for money invested
im starting to clone now since it will take awhile to raise them and fill my grow room at the same time......
my greenhouse is 24' long 8' wide and 6.5' tall
adding about 10 to 20 tomato plants to cover what im really growing....lol
Here are a couple quick tid-bits to consider. May 1st is early in the season, you might need to keep a light on em so they dont start to flower, then revert...but really depends on your location.

If you are going to start them indoors now, then out after a months veg and let em finish sometime this fall(october), then your plants WILL be root bound to hell even in those 20gallons.

Also 6# on 24 plants is not much of a yield for that many plants. Thats only 4 oz each. To be honest a grow like this could reach 20+#.

I suggest bigger then 20gallon, mine last year rootbound and were planted as clones in early July(late start) harvested in oct. I watered everyday in July/Aug, took some 250 gallons of h2o each time with 40 plants. I averaged 6+ounces each. I did have full sun, and no greenhouse.

Plants love lots of root space and the more they have the larger they will get. Small pots means watering more often, and smaller plants. If cost is an issue I would only do 12 plants in 30+gallon(or raised beds) and that gives you more space for bigger plants. You shouldn't have any problem doing OPPP. Good luck and keep it green. :joint: Smoke


thankx for the advice
im not thinking 24 plants anymore
maybe 6 with 12 being the maximum
i have the 20 gallon containers so thats what im going with
using coco/perlite mix so im hoping the roots will have plenty of air


Hey dagobaker
gussing your in cali cause of the whole 6-12 plant thingy 6 plants will fill the 24x8 space no problem becare full white widow is a streacher in the green house and .that 6'5 clearance does not leave much head room esipically if your planting in pots above the ground .


i wish i lived in cali....live in ne ohio and i just transplanted my tomatoes into containers and my fruit trees also
still cold night coming so ill have to cover if it goes below 40
i have 200 square feet of space and since ive not grown any cannabis in there before its going to be an experiment
im planning on 11 tomato plants to mask the widow although im not sure just how big the widow will get
figured 10 plants maybe for starters
ive already started the plants inside under t5 lights for the next month and then may 1st they go into the greenhouse


wowzas ohio hmm never been there , are you going full season or forcing an early crop if your going for an early one id put in more plants but full season six or less will fill that space no problem i cant remeber but isnt ohio one of those places that you really dont wont to get caught with herb in ?

stay safe



ohio is a state that had its laws lowered kinda but its still not going to be fun to get caught.....ive been growing tomatoes in the greenhouse for years and people buy my extras from my stand so im going to cover the outside with the tomatoes and grow the herb in the middle
need some extra exhaust and some air purifying also
was wondering just how big they will get if i veg inside for a month and then put them in the greenhouse in may...they will have at least 4 months of veg before they start flowering....gonna have to keep them at 6 foot tall so ill have to top them alot im assuming.....maybe start at about 4 feet tall giving me 2 feet to work with...planning on 20 gallon containers filled with coco/perlite mix using gh 3 part nutes although im considering the lucas formula maybe


i guess they will have a total of 7months of growth...april to october....cant wait to see just how big they get.... im just worried about humidity and the smell dont want to deal with the rot issue.....just gonna have to have tons of ventilation


yea this is going to be one hell of an experience
im getting ready to order my exhaust fans and my air purifier and i need 10 coco and 5 perlite also
going to drop about 950 fuck im broke...lol...... but i need to exhaust the air even more with the widow than with veggies because of the mold and smell issues
may 1st with about 8" clones ...i had some transplant shock with going into 1 gallon cont and then into the final cont so i might just go from 3" rockwool to the 20 gallon containers.....not sure yet


Active member
let them veg in smaller containers before going to the 20 gallon pots. the roots will immediately start to reach for the sides and you'll root bound them in no time.what i do is rapid rooter to 20 oz drink cup for about a week.from the drink cup i transplant into 6 inch pots for about 2 weeks. from there i sometimes even go into a 3 gallon pot but in your case i'd go from 6 inch to the 20 gallon. i think plants in a GH out grow their containers (rootwise)faster than if they're in direct sun because of the milder temps with less extremes to freak them out. im broke too you so you only get my $.01worth. good luck and post a pic or two


was wondering just how many plants i need to grow 10# of widow bud if i do veg for 4.5 months and flower for 2.5 months
i have plenty enough clones growing right now if i need as many as 24 no problem
was hoping for a pound a plant but that may not be practical so i figured maybe 8 ounces a plant so maybe ill need 20 plants instead of 10