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#1 Toker in US say, No I won't.

jump /injack

The head of the "Shoom Gang" says no I won't when asked if he would sign an Executive Order to legalize Cannabis and according to the new book [#1 at Amazon] out about Hillary hitting Bill in the head with a lamp that caused a shiner sez she won't sign anything either.


Obama Punts on Cannabis Reform

By Ben Adlin — 1/29/2016

Really putting the lame in “lame duck,” the Obama administration on Friday suggested the president has no plans to push for cannabis reform during his remaining time in office.

As far as President Obama is concerned, any effort to loosen federal restrictions on cannabis would need to come through Congress, White House press secretary John Earnest told reporters.
Obama expressed a similar position a day earlier to Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., one of a number of federal lawmakers pushing for legal reform. Cohen related the exchange to Chris Ingraham at the Washington Post:
Obama's answer on the rescheduling was "disappointing," Cohen said in an interview. "On marijuana, he gave the same answer as when I asked him seven years ago: 'If you get me a bill, and get it on my desk, I'll probably sign it,' " Cohen said (emphasis his).
After Friday’s briefing, Earnest sounded almost dismissive when he responded to a reporter’s question about rescheduling:
“There are some in the Democratic party who have urged the president to take this kind of action, and the president’s response was, if you feel so strongly about it and you believe there’s so much public support for what it is that you’re advocating, then why don’t you pass legislation about it and we’ll see what happens.’”
The president’s past offers to work with Congress on rescheduling have always been coy. I’m on board, he seemed to say, but don’t expect me to stick my neck out.

Obama, remember, was the presidential candidate who told us he “inhaled frequently. That was the point.” Early on he seemed willing, even eager, to challenge the kinds of stereotypes and misinformation that have perpetuated the war on drugs. But since taking office he’s sent mixed messages on where he stands.
The White House website says the president “steadfastly opposes legalization,” but he told the New Yorker’s David Remnick, “I don’t think it is more dangerous than alcohol.” The Justice Department under his watch has zigged and zagged. Prosecutors first announced a hands-off approach in states where cannabis was legal. Then they shuttered hundreds of dispensaries in California. Not exactly stewardship of a cause.
With one hand Obama giveth, commuting the sentences of 46 drug offenders. With the other he taketh away.
Unhappy with Obama’s weak stance cannabis? Expect more of the same from Hillary Clinton.

[Sounds like both Obama and Clinton found out how much money the pharmaceuticals, Guards Unions and the legal profession were willing to pay via their lobbyist friends into speaking fee's and political contributions to the DNC to stop such foolishness. Hope there isn't anyone out there thinking this isn't about big money payoffs.]
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Well-known member
Congress should present legislation to the President to enact legalization. Don't hold the hit you just inhaled waiting for it though.


Active member


Most Loved
fuck politrickcians they all just say whatever you need to hear. bernie and hillary and donald are no exception.

weed's been legalized forever here with me. wherever i go it's legal to me so i grow and smoke it as i see fit.

fuck the government from polices all the way up to the top reptilian or whatever. fuck em all. free yourself. the matrix has you.

jump /injack

After a 80 year fight to get cannabis legalized against both political parties, now both parties can see what is in the future and they are trying to take the money that will be derived from taxation and give it to friends who work for the state. The Prison Guards associations are very much against any legalization, the Lawyers and Legal associations are against any legalization's; who do you think they vote for? Over 50% of those being adjudicated are Cannabis arrests, think of the process those arrested go through. First the bust by Unionize Police, then the defense attorneys are needed, then its goes to trial where there are Judges and Attorneys making money off of your sorry ass. Then if your incarcerated, its the the bailiffs and transportation hacks hauling you off to the slammer, all unionized. Then to the jail house where you meet more Union Members as jailers, everyone belongs to a union that squeezes you and everyone you can borrow from money to get out. The biggest recipient of money from the Unions is the Democrat Party, they are the end user of your incarcerated self. The more people doing time for Cannabis, the more money the Unions will give. Prison guards make $75,000-+ per year, you will make .17 cents an hour with a prison job. All money from cannabis should go to medical research, ALL TAX MONEY for medical research and it shouldn't be over a 2% state surcharge.
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jump /injack

I agree with the tenor of the post, jump /injack, but your prison guard salary is not accurate.

Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2015
33-3012 Correctional Officers and Jailers

Carry on.

You're right, checked your site and then California Corrections, $75K-+ and thats probably after 10 years employment. They have to have those prisoners to pay the bill, like fodder to the cows, slops to the pigs a lot of the penitentiaries have went private and their stock holders want incarceration rate to go up, legalize cannabis and the prisons would empty. If the ones voting for the Union stay in office it will never change [for the good], you can only vote for those that do away with criminal penalties, do it for your own good.
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Active member
ICMag Donor
Obama has always been against legalizing weed. Since he started his political career, at least. We will elect a pro cannabis president someday.

Clinton and Trump both seem open to legalization, at least. They both say they won't stop states who vote to legalize it.