Spider mites..
1 plant, 1 cola. What should I do? A friend has some stuff he paid about 80$ for, he said to mix 2tsp/gallon and spray. Started with an M.
I have 29 plants, I am about 38 days in.
I cut off all leaves that I could see had any problems. Removed and visible webbing and placed the plant in the far corner.
How fast are these guys gonna spread? Are they ok to spray now? Did they come from the dry spell?
1 plant, 1 cola. What should I do? A friend has some stuff he paid about 80$ for, he said to mix 2tsp/gallon and spray. Started with an M.
I have 29 plants, I am about 38 days in.
I cut off all leaves that I could see had any problems. Removed and visible webbing and placed the plant in the far corner.
How fast are these guys gonna spread? Are they ok to spray now? Did they come from the dry spell?