Thai Sticks - S̄̀ng xxk kạỵchā 1960 - 1980s
Interested in imports & exports from 1960s - 1980s from South East Asia please share info
Current landrace Sativa status in SE Asia would be interesting to hear about
Old news paper clippings and photos :thinking:
เชิญ - Welcome :huggg:
These were planted a few hours before the solar eclipse on 8 April. The medium in which they grew was coco coir/perlite. Plants grew under a full spectrum LED (Home Depot 400-watt high bay replacement) with 18-hour photoperiod until 1 May after which they grew under 600-watt HPS, with an...
***a note from your author***
There's been some recent rumors going around that nevil didn't work with any south or central American and south Asian import cannabis, people have gone so far as to say he didn't work with any landraces at all lol
Well. The lie/rumors always takes the elevator and...