purple kush

  1. L


    Hello, was going to start some of these on monday and was hoping to get some more info on the chilliwack hashplant as well as any info on the vgc itself as I couldn't find anyone growing it out. thanks for your time.:tiphat:
  2. S

    PPK Cut, and 3 New Seeds

    Got a cut of this PPK on a joint project, still waiting a month or so for the finished product, but what a great plant!! Was also gifted the 3 babies, sooooo hopefully we got a gem amongst them.... few pics to start Heres the CUT getting sooo strong... BABIES
  3. X

    purple rock star kush

    Is the purple kush side just the purple pain killer? Is this the purple kush used to make purple rock star kush ?:tiphat:
  4. G

    BC Special Kush

    Looks like a killer cross, with NL5/purp Kush and OG Kush its gotta be something special!...anyone have experience with the Spec. Kush? Yield, potency and high? Any info would be greatly appreciated! Gws "special kush aka silver kush - purple kush x northern lights #5. i used an og kush male...
  5. med-man

    the pain killer

    this clone was a random gift from a friend i got it becuase the clone shop was ending her stint in langley bc they didnt like the yield or "look" color. wierd i recieved her as "og kush", just as 75% of all the biker kush is named lol she was very unique. short, small, lower yield, but resin...