
  1. C

    Any preparations in advance for kush harvest!

    As kush flowering, usually, As harvest, any preparations I should make for harvest in advance?
  2. C

    the cannabis grow, Trimming the canopy get the bigger yield?

    Now I grow it with grow lights, by talking with some growers, they suggest me to trim the canopy for getting bigger yields. Is it necessary? when begin to cut them?
  3. C

    any good tips for cannabis cultivation indoor?

    I am plan to grow home, any good tips for selecting the cultivated facilities? such as grow tent, lamps, etc. thank you!
  4. C

    the indoor savita growth, is it necessary for use grow grid?

    recently, when I select the strains as well as facilities, my friends suggest me to add the grid for sativa growing, can let the cannabis better receiving the light photons as cultivation. Any opinions from you?
  5. Alitolla

    ♤-<=Pazza Idea=>-♤&♤-<=OutDoor Estivo=>-♤

    Ciao a tutti. Torno dopo un po di tempo a postare qualche cosa ma son sempre qua a sbirciare.. Parto con il "Kit del cultivo"cosi magari sappiamo di che parlare: Tenda 80x80x160. Estrazione d'aria,min.21W - 145 m3/h, mass.33W - 187 m3/h.Sempre On. Ventilatore 2 da 15CM / 5W oscillanti. Ingresso...