Salve a tutti,
sono un nuovo utente anche se seguo da parecchio.
Ho 40 anni, da oltre 25 mi interesso di questa pianta meravigliosa anche se solo da un paio d'anni ho cominciato a coltivare in maniera continuativa.
L'agricoltura e le piante sono da sempre una grande passione , in parte...
What's Growin' On Crew!
I go by Coastal Pharmer - I'm so hype to be on the forum!
I am originally from Southern NJ. After I graduated High-School I moved to Colorado, and I've been growing cannabis since 2016. I later began my professional career in the industry in 2019.
I've spent time in...
What is in your humble opinion as of June 2023 is the most skunk flavored in taste and smell both with no fruit flavored blended in just straight Skunk Pungency and Dank Pine notes , nothing sweet fruit though just SKUNK (not garlic or gmo with the butter sweetness, just RANK FOWL SKUNK flavor...
hello everybody! my plant is two weeks old and the first little leaves that gets out of the seed (not the ones that looks like “cannabis” leaves) are getting yellow, meanwhile the “cannabis” like leaves are green and all good. i don’t know why the others are yellow, is it bad? what can i do?thanks!
When at the hydro store and asked questions, what do you say?
some examples are:
when asking if they had fans specifically around 100 cfm, the man pointed me to the wall and also asked what size room I needed to cool... I said a closet size but isn't that obvious hint for him to call his buddy...