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grow box


    Announcement VGrow is Now Available in Canada!

    Now our Canadian friends can enjoy the convenience and innovation of VGrow, bringing their indoor gardening to the next level. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, VGrow makes it easy to cultivate a thriving garden right at home. :witch: Explore VGrow in Canada and start...
  2. A

    Hello u all !!! i want show u my first grow and ask about it

    I have pot 11 L x 16 HPS 600 w 3 x air fans tube Humiditer 5 l Max 75% hydration To be honest, this is my first box and I would like to ask you what I can improve. I have 8 autoflowering and 8 indorsors, I know I have to split them into two boxes, some plants have leaves falling off, I...
  3. L

    Shopping tips for getting started

    Hi everyone, I am new to cultivation and reading online I am getting quite confused. What I want to do is to buy a grow box to grow two autoflowerings and I would like some advice: 1. Minimum size of the grow box 2. What kind of light to use and with how much power 3. In general, all the...
  4. solcanario

    Indoor noob ( dubbi su grow box & led)

    Ciao a tutti! Passo da queste parti dopo moltissimi anni di assenza Per la prima volta nella mia vita sto pensando seriamemente di crearmi un piccolo set up di indoor. Avendo coltivato per anni, ma solamente outdoor, ora mi trovo alle prese con problemi e dubbi su che attrezzature comprare...