
  1. T

    Seed identification

    Where would be the best place to start learning about identifying these seeds further? I'm talking region,among other things. I know there's some sort of scale/identifiers mark wise but can't find any articles,pieces on it. Any help would be appreciated. These seeds are from 2008-2016(MY mentor...
  2. Gartenheld

    A painful comeback

    Hello everyone, I am glad to start were I found a lot of helpful ressources. Today I show you some of my plants. I Just grow the seeds that i found in my batches of Weed. My Goal is too start a side hustel, my new company. Now laws in Germany give my the Chance to monetyze my knowledge...
  3. Antoine Mack

    Antoine's Eurobox-Beet

    Hallo liebe Freunde der hortikulturellen Unterhaltung. Bin gerade dabei, meinen ersten Indoor-Grow seit etwa 15 Jahren in die Wege zu leiten. Dachte, ein Report dazu wäre ganz fresh. Mein erster Grow-Report ever, wohlgemerkt. Also seid gnädig. Konstruktive Anregungen sind natürlich immer...
  4. plutiot

    Rate my bugdet stealth grow! First post

    Hi everyone! This is my first post here and i wanted to share my little winter project for those who are interested and have some knowlegde, i am only here to learn! I did a previous grow 2019/20 during corona, where there was total cannabis drougth during this time, i was happy with the result...