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The Benefits Of Oral Cannabis By Marion P. Fry M.D.



This is a paper that we had been given , a number of years ago written by Dr. Marion Fry M.D. Many patients have come to me asking what strains I recommend for ultimate relief , and though they are out there , oral consumption of cannabis is far more of greater value . I hope this helps alleviate some of tha pain that you folks suffer from . (This paper has been re-typed and graphs re-done (wish I had a proper graph program) by myself . Nothing has been edited or omitted .)

In tha first graph , Dr. Fry is illustrating tha duration of effect of effect smoked (represented by a backslash , \)
as apposed to oral consumption (represented by tha asterisk)

Graph 2 is in regards to tha 24 hr cycle that patients use to control pain . There is a "loading dose" and a "Maintenance dose" . Tha loading dose is represented at tha beginning of tha bandwidth , signified by tha backslash \ , and is taken 1 hr before bed The maintenance phase begins at waking hrs , signified by tha period (.) Tha maintenance dose is approximately 1/8 of tha loading dose .

Graph 3 shows tha effects of smoked cannabis in comparison to ingested cannabis . Notice tha duration of relief from orally consuming .....

I sincerely hope this helps alotta you folks out there , Dr. Fry has helped MANY folks manage their pain . Unfortunately , tha feds had her locked up , earlier this year fer doing what she was sworn to do , help tha patients .....

The Benefits Of Oral Cannabis
By Marion P. Fry M.D.

Classically , when when a drug is ingested , the stomach sends it to the liver for processing . For many years it has been known that the effectivness of all drugs consumed orally must be evaluated in terms of this affect . This is called the first pass effect . Using this information have applied the theories to the use of oral cannabis . In the use of cannabis , the liveer converts 90%of the cannais to one form , eliminating the differences between strains . This form (Hydroxy Eleven) has many advantages including the duration of action being eight hours .

Through my research in the last seven years , it has become apparent that there are two fundamentally different groups . The first group is in the minority group , representing approximatly 15% , and requires immediate and short-term relief from the drug . These patients are primarily medicating what we would consider more psychiatric issues i.e. depression , panic , anxiety ,
and anger .

The second , and much larger percentage of my patients , are primarily interested in long term relief of serious physiological problems . These patients suffer from conditions such as chronic pain , glaucoma , diabetes , and all the autoimmune disorders including lupus , rheimatoid arthritus , multiple scleroses , and chronic fatigue syndrom . I have found in my several years of research that the oral rout of administration utilizing the first pass effect of the liver is of great benefit . A many of us are aware , a tremendous percentage of the cannabinoids are converted by the liver into Hydroxy Eleven , a far more powerful and effective drug .

At the recent cannabis conference it was mentioned that Hydroxy Eleven was four times more powerful in relieving symptoms and had an effective half-life of approximatly eight hours . Utlizing the model of a loading dose combined with a maintenance dose one can afford this second group of patients a greater degree of relief .

| This graph (Graph 1) represents the larger group - chronic pain
| Negative side effects such as heavy sedation and inability to concentrate
Level |
of |
Cannabinoids |
| \ \ * * * * * * * * * * * * \ \ \ \ \ \ \
| * \ \ * \
| * \ \ * \
* \ \ * \
| | | |
0 Hr 3 Hr 6 Hr 9 Hr

Looking at the graph we can see the side effects . What may be percieved as negative side effects during waking hours , are precisely the positive effects that chronic pain patients require during the hours of sleep . Super imposing graph 1 with two ( PM loading dose , we get graph two) shows us how a patient can maintain the positive benefits of pain relief , muscle relaxation , and anti-inflammatory aspects of the drug during the day and then through a loading dose , heighten these effects during hours of sleep (See Graph 2)
Maitenance Dose
Graph 2 Evening Dose
Daytime side effects
| \ | \ \ | \ \ | \
| \ \ \ \ \ \
----------------------------------------- \---------------\------------------------------\----------------\-------------------------------\------------- \-------------------------
Level | \ \ \ \ \ \
Of | \ \ \ \ \ \
Cannabinoids |_________\ \..................\ \..................\ \...................
| _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

As the graph (Graph 3) demonstrates , patients in chronic pain never reach an unmedicated level of marijuana in the system , yet they are not plagued by over sedation . During the night however , when sleep and pain control are crucial , their levels are substantially above those obtainable by smoked marijuana . In addition the effect of the cannabinoids is extended to a full eight hours , henceforth , eliminating the need for nighttime dose . In my experience this has been disruptive to their sleep and pain control . It has been my clinical experience that many of my patients awake between 2 and 4 in the morning to reuse the smoked marijuana .

Smoked Dosage Levels Oral Dosage Levels

\ | \ * * * * * * * * * *
\ \ * *
\ * \ *
\ * \ *
\ * \ *
\ * \ *
____*\______________________ \________________________________________________*_______________________
| | | | |
9 PM 12 PM 3 AM 6 AM 9 AM

The patients who have adopted my loading and maitenance strategy no longer require dosing in the middle of the night . This greatly increases the therapeutic effect of both anti - inflammatory aspect of marijauna and it's excellent sedative qualitites . In summary , I am suggesting that both higher blood level and longer , more effective doses may be achieved by using aral cannabis in chronically ill patients . Unfortunatly , the research has never been completed and these are only relative representations of previously determined pharmacological models .


I apologize fer tha graphs , looks like it's formatting differently when pasted over here . I'll be workin on getting this together . Holler at me if you have a good graphing program ... thanks


Active member
8 hours of pain relief WITHOUT liver damage? Niiiiiiice!

8 hours of pain relief WITHOUT liver damage? Niiiiiiice!

Steele Savage said:
Tha loading dose is taken 1 hr before bed. The maintenance phase begins at waking hrs. The maintenance dose is approximately 1/8 of tha loading dose.

Makes perfect sense...

It has been my clinical experience that many of my patients awake between 2 and 4 in the morning to reuse the smoked marijuana

Oh how intimately familiar I am with waking up once or twice a night to re-medicate. *sigh*

I'll definitely be looking into tinctures and whatnot to make this easier on me in the future.

Besides... eating a gram or two of hash before bed may have a similar effect but is just NASTY!


I'm very interested in oral medicating on behalf of my g/f who has intermittant, but very serious pain....related to her past cancer and chemotherapy.

Ironically, I just tried a tincture I made this past 2 weeks. I have NO CLUE how much to take. So I took 2cc. The tincture was made with 190 proof Everclear. I soaked some very nice trim and 10-12g of good SSH bud for a yield after filtering of 500ml of very dark green liquid...and thats what I drank 2cc's of about an hour ago from this post time.

Any links to making cannabis tinctures?

Thanks Steele for posting that info.


Green leaves rule :rasta:
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Care Free 1

Active member
There are some reasons the governments of the world see the use of cannabis as bad for society. One is the potential for its abuse, and another is the smoking of the product is seen as bad for your health. Religious leaders also condemn it due to the fact that many people abuse it for the trip effect, and psuedo religious experience you can have.

I am not a preacher, but I do believe in God and dont think he's a liar, so if his word says something about this subject, then it should be true.

Genesis 1-29 says clearly (right after he created man):
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Now does that not clearly imply that he gave us cannabis, which is an herb bearing seed to be consumed. That would also indicate oral consumption.

Now if the God that created us says that oral consumption of this type of plant is alright, then I believe it, and more studies should be conducted on this based on that IMO.

After God says he gave it to the animals also, he says:
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.

Much more research needs to be done in the oral consumption of cannabis, so I hope there are more pioneers in the medical community willing to conduct it, cuz we know the answer is there waiting to be found.

And the laws keeping us from obtaining this gift from God need to be changed so the medical community can conduct the proper research.
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ICMag Donor
I do think that there is a lot of things that need to be determined about oral consumption of cannabis. I have heard that a persons body builds more tolerance and faster, thus requiring more of the substance, if taken oral vs. smoked.

Is there any evidence that supports this?
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No doubt tha body builds tolerance , whether smoked or orally taken ; however tha issue is how to alleviate some of these ailments that are so detrimental to tha human spirit .

There are some excellent recipes fer butter on tha site and encourage folks to take advantage of these offerings . Hell , I love to just spread some ganj butter on my favorite pastries in tha mornin' ....

Stay healthy folks ,


This is absolutley what I needed to show my wife, shes down for me using cannabis but has been looking for information on oral cannabis, so thank you very much!


Again , new users please use caution . It is possible to use too much. It's all 'bout goin slow and steady, workin' up to yer new found tolerance . I sincerely hope it helps you and or yer family .

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Green, as such a new member, I'm very happy to see you found yer way here, to tha Grindhouse. Oral canna is so much more effective, not only in it's effects but also, mad duration. Stick around.... I'm sure you'll fit right in with our lil click.

Be well,


There were a couple fellas that had offered to work on tha graphs, if you would please PM me.....



breathe deep
Thanks for posting Steele. I have been lurking on your forum for a bit, and this excellent article forced my fingers to say hello.

I am a huge advocate of Oral consumption. I find it medicates for so long that often i will forget i even had a dose. The sedative property is undeniable, but i find that butter in the mornings can be energizing all day. I also don't have the burned out feel i often get from a smoke. All this AND the benefit of not pulling smoke into the lungs.

Dr. Fry is BadAss. She has helped countless people and its a shame what happened to her. Of all the Dr.'s prescribing the herb in CA, she took it as or more seriously than the others. I know a patient of hers with IBS that was put through the ringer before getting a recommendation from her. She did not just hand them out, like some Dr's i know.

Much respect Steele for sharing the potent medicine you do.
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inreplyavalon, happy to have ya with us.

This study/article Dr Fry put out has not only helped myself but to many others to count. Oral cannabis imho is so overlooked that I hope this will help spread tha word in how to alleviate these debilitating conditions.

Having been a patient of Dr. Fry for yrs, I too was put through tha ringer just to git my recommendation. Not making it easy but protecting and issuing truly valid recs.

My current Dr. recently diagnosed me with high blood pressure; somethang that scares tha shit outta me, beings as I have experience with other patients with high blood pressure but also because I'm only in my mid/late 30's and always thought I was healthier than most.

Hoping to git those worked graphs up here pretty soon (thanks fer tha help bru)
Be well folks,


Active member
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the article, man. Your efforts are appreciated as I am older and have a few people I look after.
I am looking forward to talking more with you in the near future.