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best way to beat a drug test?


me and my friend are planning on getting high later today not off much maybe .5 to a g and im on prob and idk if ill be tested so what would be a way to beat the test if said test was to occur


Active member
go to your local glass tobacco pipe store, get pee cleaning drink, follow the instructions.

I've done this 3 times.


ICMag Donor
If you're on probation AND house arrest, and even thinking about smoking pot, you better get your head cleaned....


Active member
ICMag Donor
Take it from the voice of experience folks...masking agents that use sucrose, dextrose, etc..will NOT work unless the testing facility is a bunch of clowns.

Masking agents are actually looked for at many labs.

Drinking massive amounts of coffee (or gatorade for that matter) and pissing lots before the test will pass, but many labs will not accept a clear sample. It will be labeled "low specific gravity" and requires retest.

Most Co prosecutors are smarter than they may appear, and they for sure know all the tricks that don't work...like the ones being suggested here. Invitations for completed sentences is all that is really being learned here.


Active member
Read through the link I posted, or better yet the thread I started in this section.

Gatoraid mixed at double strength
aspirin (optional)

These things will take care of specific gravity, electrolytes, color, and pass the creatinine test.

Beat the system.