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What are thse spots guys?


I got this my last grow too, no big deal but I'm wondering. At about day 45 of flower I start seeing these spots. I have 8 plants LST'd under 650 watt HPS. I fert with Big Bloom, Molasses, and every other watering or two a light dose of Grow Big. Sometimes I spill on the leaves, wondering if its some sort of stain from the fert. But anyway, this pic is day 56, so I'll be chopping real soon anyway and sample bud is great. Are these spots just the plant getting close to its end of grow? Spots are only on lower fan leaves mostly. Temp is an average 82 degrees. Using Pro Mix soil
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yikes... looks like spider mites to me, but I might be wrong


I can't find one pic of a sick MJ plant that looks the same as this. I'm lost... Anyway, tonight I flushed good with filtered water, I'll do it again in a few days, then a few days later I'll chop


Active member
Im getting the same thing talos but didnt see any spidermites so im thinking it might be either a potassium or calcium def...


I guess if i'm on day 56 of flower i won't worry about it, just not sure what causes it, and both times I got this the last 3 weeks of flower, and its barely there on most plants, others don't have it at all, and the plant in the pic has it the worst


sandman..please elaborate....what do you mean pH spotting...from locking out nutrients or something? or just a rapid change in pH?


sandman....wtf...cmon man...answer the question please...."my plants are dyin' ova' heah" :)


Start by checking soil ph.

AFter watering and ferting well till runoff, wait 30 minutes. Apply a small amount of distilled water to the pot surface till 1 ounce of runoff occurs. Catch this on a saucer. Test ph. If you can tilt the pot after watering and waiting and get some liquid out, you can test that instead. Good ph for promix (soilless) is 5.6 to 6.2

Constantly adding high phosphorus fertilizers is not good. P builds up in the soil mix and suprisingly plants don't require too much.

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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea MTF...Plz elaborate a little....got a few that show this 2 and i ph my water all the time :chin:.....i hate it 2 spider mites or something...othwise i'm losing them now!


OG Refugee
Sorry, I've been away for a few days...

In a nutshell, it's the phase where the PH is off enough to start locking out nutes...in a short period of time nute defs will start showing, but it's not from a lack of the nutes - it's from the PH being off enough to not allow the nutes to be taken up by the plant.

Some strains are more sensitive to this than others...I've seen it in my setup a few times when the PH was getting too low, but it'll stop spreading if you get your PH in check. Sometimes the PH can even be within range, but if the PH shifted too rapidly it can cause this.

MNS's sticky in this forum has a pic of it as well...

'Leaf rust' (non basidiomycete induced) is a common symptom that is indicative of different imbalances dependant on medium.

In hydroponics it is usually the result of improper Potassium assimilation.
Common causes:
1) Potassium uptake restricted by Calcium or Sodium uptake.
2) pH less than 5.5; pH greater than 6.2.
3) Incomplete/inadequate micronutrient profiles
(Organic based fertilizers).

In soil-less mixes it is usually the result of micronutrient lockout or deficiency, particularly Iron and Manganese.
Common causes:
1) Incomplete/inadequate micronutrient profiles.
2) pH greater than 6.5 (drift).
3) Inadequate aeration and drainage of the medium.

In soil it is usually indicative of the over application of Phosphorus or the over application of Dolomitic lime.
Common causes:
1) Iron uptake restricted due to an over availability of Phosphorous.
2) pH greater than 6.8
3) Inadequate drainage.

It is significant to recognize that the unavailability of one nutrient affects the assimilation and utilization of the rest; it is therefore possible to observe similar symptoms from disparate causes.


p.s. This post is intended to be a slight elaboration; I concur with MTF-Sandman...pH fluctuation beyond range parameters is probably the most common catalyst for the manifestation of non pathogenic leaf rust.

Greetings MTF-Sandman

It appears that while I was crafting my above post...you had already responded to the call for clarification. I earnestly hope that my response will not be interpreted as an attempt to supersede or undermine the content of your post...afterall, I made my response without prior knowledge of yours.

That being said, it was not my intent to 'speak for you'. If offence is caused, please be assured that the apology has already been offered.


p.s. Thank you for being one of the pillars that this strong community is built upon.


Active member
hey all,

heres my take,

doesnt look like mite damage but possibly a bug or folia spary causing the small yellow dots, look from below the leaf upwards towards the light if the spots are actually holes likely a bug problem if its just decaying leaf could be the foliar or PH/ec issues...

The slight Curl tells me your Ec and or PH is out of the ideal range or has been inconsistant.. If pots start to dry out too much in the early stages few spots can be seen but would normally lead to yellowing of lower leaves not to long after.

Root damage ie steaking and damaging the Tap root can cause a few rusty marks in NEW growth much like after a repot where root ball fell to peices...

There seems to be alot of salt on the leaves more than id like to see in my garden, I dont get the salt rings with Dutch master folia when i use Penetrator. But easily fixed with a wash off with plain water10min after folia sprays.. Also if you foliar when lights are off you see less salt build up..
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
well thanks for the repley guys....i'll check my soils ph this evening and i'll see if thats the problem....should be weird coz imma hawk regarding ph and such...:chin:...and i''l take some pics of the leaves while am at it...


OG Refugee
No worries Charles...I always appreciate your input :wave:

If it matters core - I've only seen this while using FF nutes as well...except I was using BB & TB for flowering. Kinda looks like a slight N tox as well in that pic.