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H2O2 to prevent root rot in DWC -Bunch of questions


New member
I am running a recirculating DWC with airstones in a 10 gallon rubbermaid (net pots w/ hydroton hanging through the top). Water temp. seems to hold steady around 70 degrees even with my lights on 24/7 but I have heard so many horror stories about root rot in DWCs (and how quickly it can kill your plants/infect the resevoir) that I want to take all possible precautions. For reasons of space, individual buckets were not feasible but it's my understanding that if root rot gets started it can rapidly infect every (and in my case all) the plants that share the reservoir; a huge calculated risk and quite worrisome for me.

-Can I add the suggested 30ml per gallon of H2O2 to my resevoir as a preventative measure?
-Are there any negatives to doing this when the temps. are good and no signs of any rot? If it won't harm and can only help it seems to make sense to add this as a precaution.
-Does the effect wear off and if so, how often do I need to add additional H2O2 and in what quantity? Can you add to much?
-Would I be better off using some other additive and if so what? Or should I not worry about any of this unless I see signs of problems.

I have read alot of posts but still am quite confused by the varying responses. Perhaps some of the "experts" here can help me out with a "straight foreward" answer to these nagging questions. Thanx!


Hey there. I use 3% at 5ml (one tsp) per gallon every change out as prevention. I am running individual DWC and not recirc. I would say that if your res return is exposed to ambient air (i.e. water falling) or you are using tap water, you may need more, but I am out of my realm. For stand alones, I have safely used as much as 5ml/g per day to reverse initial algae and root rot. But this was unnecessary once I swithtced to bottled RO drinking water.
I have read that the 35% H2O2 is heavy shit and is normally used dilluted in soil grows.


Active member
I just lost one plant to root rot in my Eurogrower (Blue Mystic clone). When I water too much (more than 3 times in 18/6) I have the problem. Also, if I water when the lights are off. I am growing in hydroton under 400 watts of Son T Agro HPS. In 12/12 I will switch to 1000 watts Hortilux HPS.

Did not know about the hydrogen peroxide. I appreciate the information.
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Don't use to much h202 imho it may killl benificial bacteria but allitle goes along way.


New member
i had root rot problems in the beginning before i knew anything about h202 or other additives. It's always been in rubber maids with multiple plants. Have never had the problem in individual buckets.

Nowadays i use hygrozyme as a preventatvie measure and sm-90 if i even get an inkling that a problem is developing. Haven't had any problems since.


35% h2o2 is called food grade meaning it doesn,t have any bad additives whereas store bought 3% h2o2 does have perhaps harmful additives..so IMHO go with the 35% and dilute it down to 3% if that is what you,re after ..or dilute it less to achieve higher levels.
So there is a lot of different strengths that you can achieve by using 35%.
I buy it by the gallon which lasts a long time.($75 gal).
Be careful if using organic ferts as h2o2 does not mix well with it.Hygrozyme is one of the additives that can be used in conjunction with h2o2.
I am fairly new to this stuff so perhaps I can be corrected on some stuff I stated ,but I have been using 35% for a year now and it has saved my grow on more then one show.I have had some roots in bad shape that I doctored back to health with the h2o2 and came outta it with a fair result and yield.
"If clues were shoes a lot of ppl would be bare-footed"


Mystic - rather than spending the cash on H2O2, which I believe begins to break down the moment you add it to the rez, since it's got that unstable o2..... why not look into either Hydroguard or Sub Culture?

Pick up a little vermiculite and some panty hose. Clip the feet off, put a handfull of vermiculite in it and tie it off. This will be your culture's new home and will allow a speedy return of the bacteria after a rez change.

I've run DWC with h2o2, with only water and with sub cultures.... the best results I got were using the sub cultures. Add em once and they last as long as the rez does - being that I dont change my rez very often it saves me plenty of cash and still gives me fantastic roots.

Personally I try to avoid anything I have to add every 1-2 days...too much maintenance.


Yeah, I would avoid using H2O2 and use something specifically for growing. I personally like having a sterile growth environment so I dont use bacteria usually. I instead use Hygrozyme which is an enzyme and really helps keep things clean and helps further break down nutrients. However my current grows I decided to start with Organics Alive to help the roots kickstart and then moved over to a sterile environment with enzymes after the first few weeks of veg. I saw the normal explosion of healthy growth I always see with DWC.

I have used H2O2 in the past and ended up with just fine results (I doubt because of the H2O2), however I think H2O2 should be reserved for cleaning your reservoirs or used to oxygenate plants that have been overwatered, and not to be added to your reservoirs regularly. You are much better off (IMO) getting a larger air pump or better air stones and beneficial bacteria or Hygrozyme or hygroguard rather then adding H2O2.


I wouldn't recommend H2O2 unless there are problems....

I wouldn't recommend H2O2 unless there are problems....

Best to prevent problems is Hydrozyme or Hydroguard. Best treatment is prevention.

Will Hydrogaurd protect against root rot better than H202? I can't afford Hydrozyme at the moment but should be able to shortly... I'm doing 9 individual DWC buckets. I'm worried because my rez temps are like 66-76 depending on light. I have some Hydrogaurd left from my last grow, won't this be fine for my first weeks of veg?


New member
vermiculite in DWC

vermiculite in DWC

Klutter said:
Pick up a little vermiculite and some panty hose. Clip the feet off, put a handfull of vermiculite in it and tie it off. This will be your culture's new home and will allow a speedy return of the bacteria after a rez change.

Can you tell me more about this? Are you saying you can put one of these in and not have to change out at all?
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gets some
I am finishing up a 5 plant/4 container stand alone 10gal DWC (chopping in a couple days). The water temps are always around 72, not even close to lightproof and no pythium or algae issues. Why? Because I use both Hydroguard and Hygrozyme. Other than a little bit of stuff sitting on the bottom of the tub the water is clear and the roots are great. I didnt even change the reservoirs once during this entire grow.

Seems like with a good bubbling and the Hydro/Hygo combo root rot should be a thing of the past. H2O2 not necessary.


SaintBebo said:
Can you tell me more about this? Are you saying you can put one of these in and not have to change out at all?

Right... the vermiculite creates a perfect home for the bacteria. The main reason for this is to allow you to use way less Hydroguard when changing out rez.

Example: Fill rez and drop in vermiculite ball. Add 15ml/gal hydroguard.
When time to refill, dump rez, clean, drop ball back in (must keep it moist while changing rez) and refill. Add 5ml/gal hydroguard.

Depending on your sub culture and how long you let it go I sometimes will only add 2ml/gal hydroguard (especially for sativa's in which the ball has been 'in play' for months).

Then, when that plant is done, drop the ball in another rez and same applies.


Active member
I use peace of mind starter in a sock with my hydroponic setups.It's got lots of beneficials and it's cheaper than hydroguard. I use the sock filled with perlite/vermic as well.

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