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whats with sandy bud in the uk?


Its realy starting to get on my nerves, almost every time i get some bud from any of my dealers they always have sandy bud. This is where as the plant is growing, people put very fine sand all over their buds and it all gets stuck into the bud as it grows. alot of people will mistake it from chrystals because thats what it looks like, but if u touc it and put it in your mouth all u can feel in your teeth is grit.

i just find it so upsetting that people feel the need to ruin perfectly good herb just for some extra money. the sad thing is the bud usualy smells pretty damn good, so without the sand it would be some top grade shit. the sand makes the bud extra harsh and it is supposed to be incredibly un healthy for you. plus when take a rip of a bong it makes a realy unhealthy sounding fizzing noise which makes me feel realy bad about smoking it.

i realy cant wait untill i get my perpetual harvest up and running now.

who else gets sandy bud? i hope uk is the only place people do it because it will be sad if its happening all over the world.



^^^ yeah what he said dude,my advice for u page is the next time you get bud,try water curing it,it might be a longer wait but i think it would knock off atleast some of the sand.If it does knock it all off and you get impatient,you could always zap it in the microwave or something.OR never go to the dude again


The worst thing about it is that its not just 1 dealer, its all of them except on occasions. and they usualy dont know that there is sand on it. they just dont care about the herb :(


Seems these things are popping up daily now, specially in the UK?
Wether it's hair spray or glass or sand in the weed..
All the more reason to stop supporting dealers and grow yer own :joint:


I swore I thought Europe had way more herb, tolerant laws, and straight up plantations (Switzerland?) to support the demand for good herb. Why the hell is this crap everywhere. Is it the long winters? What's going on?
God bless Cali


Smokin on that serious...
are you sure it isnt brix? you know, the carcinogen sprayed on weed to look like thc crystals? if the powder tastes sweet, its more than likely brix


Active member
I would just wait for your own harvest.. why waste money on some harmful weed... And your dealers do know about it, dont be fooled.. If they smoke any of their own weed then they should know something is up..
why is the stuff in europe always being tainted like the soap bar and now buds.. the worst i have to worry about is gettin some chemmy BC buds or skimped a sack...


yeh i just carry on getting bud with the hope to get some nice stuff, the sandy bud still gets me as high as normal bud, just weighs alot more and cant be good for the health. some people just dont give a shit about anything or anyone anymore as long as they are making some money. this world is realy starting to get depressing :(


lol. sandy herb. dude, that sucks. i feel really bad for you. nothing long a good bong full of SAND!!!!!


i got sandy buds once... it was dissapointing... but like your they were good herb..
in my case i assumed they were some outdoors that just got sand blown onto them


yeh its annoying because if it was bad cannabis covered in sand then i wouldnt bother smoking it, but because it still get me nice a high i feel like it would be a waste if thrown away. the buds realy look like they are covered with chrystals, but its mostly fine sand:( what will they think of next


free your SELF
Yea I've had half decent bud covered in that white powdery shit before. Only off the asian dealers though.

I know what thc crystals look like and these aint em.

I don't think it's sand though...mopre like finely crushed glass or icing sugar.

I remember lighting a spliff and halfway through the cherry would go out and solidify into a hard black thing and it would stop toking until you break it off and light it up again.

Thankfully I haven't had to buy that crap in a while. I just harvested my ladies :D

Do your body a favour and don't smoke that shite.


Or if u really have no choice to smoke it at least tap the bud several times on a hard surface to remove alot of it. it may make it weaker but less toxic aswell. there was a phase of this stuff for a while round my area but people complained and now it's just normal weed that they don't dry out. there's alot of money to be made on water!


Active member
I found this article while cruisin around the net:

Beware "glass grass"
Submitted by Adam on December 19, 2006 - 07:33.
Regular readers of the Poorhouse, and anyone with a grasp of contemporary reality, will already be aware of the several obvious arguments (or more accurately "truth") for legalisation of illegal drugs, starting with cannabis. The UK Government has of course neglected to act on this matter, creating ever more death and destruction in its wake.

A few months ago the cannabis trade in the UK was running relatively dry. This was largely blamed on some major busts both of imported cannabis and several dedicated cannabis-growing houses and warehouses in the UK. Amazingly, it seemed to actually have some effect on reducing availability, for a while anyway. What it certainly did not do was fit surely the only sensible rationale behind drugs policy - reducing the harm caused by drugs usage. Here again we see the Government creating specific and serious dangers where they need not otherwise exist.

With cannabis scarce, supplies were hard to get and prices were high. Naturally black-market dealers began offering high-profit alternatives to their clients, including that now-pretty-much-cheaper-than-ever drug, heroin. Sure enough there was some takeup. The BBC reports that teenagers in Swansea are amongst those who have fallen into the politically-engineered trap. Says one such teenager:

You either know a dealer or you know someone who knows a dealer... some drugs are drying out and people are turning to harder things.

Now, with the exception of irresponsible - even if well-meaning - commentators such as Julie Lynn-Evans, a child psychotherapist whom the awful Daily Mail quoted as saying "Skunk is one of the most serious things on our streets today. I would rather my daughter took heroin.", most people are fully aware that heroin really can be a nasty drug for many (but not all) people, leading to extreme dependency, health problems (even death) and is strongly associated with starting a criminal career affecting both the user and society at large. Admittedly this last point - and death - is largely massively multiplied in seriousness as a result of Government policy, but hey, even working within the boundaries that now exist to end up forcing people away from cannabis to heroin is the exact opposite of sanity.

The other effect of the scarcity of cannabis was - as always happens - purity went down. There were already severe concerns about the purity of cannabis resin in the UK, and there have been for years. But now the general alternative to risking boot-polish animal-turd filled non-cannabis was also beginning to get tainted. Herbal, often-described as "skunk", cannabis started being diluted with something crystalline. This was doubly evil, because sparkly cannabis is often sought-after, under the premise that the crystals are made of THC - the active ingredient in cannabis. Unfortunately in this instance they weren’t. Various guesses, some more educated than others, have been made that sand, grit, glass, salt, a yield-enhanced called Brix or fibreglass shards had been added. Below is an photograph demonstrating what one such sample looks like.

Glass Grass:

The problem quickly became of national significance, and is still going on in many places. A responsible Government (don't laugh) would be out there alerting the millions of cannabis users to this new danger and advising them on the best course of action to minimise the added danger here. They would be getting the steps in order to ensure a repeat of this doesn't happen. They would show some sort of care and compassion for the well-being of the people they represent, however foolish they considered their life choices. However, it hasn't even made the mainstream news. Most users will almost certainly not even know the seriousness of the problem they are potentially being exposed to.

Much as cannabis is not at all harmless to use, it can only be being made more dangerous by introducing this largely unknown substance into it. Smoking anything is usually bad for you to some extent, so smoking more of it is worse. Smoking something you have no idea what is could be extremely dangerous. There have even been (anecdotal at this stage) reports of acute and potentially deadly lung problems requiring hospitalisation after smoking this "glass grass".

A committed user's only sensible solution? Well, don't buy it. Go elsewhere, try and find a decent source. You'll need some good luck to do this in some areas though to say the least. Ideally then, and also because this is far from the only contamination around, you need to grow your own plant. Only of course you're not allowed to. How could it be advisable as such when you stand the chance of going to prison for 14 years if you take that risk-reducing action?

A mere two years is what's available if you just accept it and smoke whatever the stuff sold as cannabis actually is - and don't get your lungs cut up so much breathing becomes a serious challenge.
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very nice read, now i am going to just give myself a 1-2 month break untill my plants finish. im sure it will be hard getting to sleep for the first 3-5 nights but after that it should be fine. i just always feel like my life is missing something when i dont have any bud, like cannabis makes my life whole again. i cant be truly happy unless i have cannabis to relieve the pressures of everyday life.


I was about to say make some BHO, but who knows what would happen with unknown chemicals mixed in there. Shit, what a nightmare man..
Real glad I don't have that problem in Michigan....I don't even get wet bud here.

Now if only people here would stop trying to sell under-weighted bags of super expensive purps. Don't worry, I don't buy those...

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