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Greek Kalamata red IBL


Well-known member
Hi to everybody,i'm going to show here a few phenotypes of Greek Kalamata red strain indoors,most of the plants are from the last outdoor open pollination project.
I m also now testing second generation seeds of kalamata's indoors inbred line reproduction and i just trying to see if i could fix the adaption of these old school heirloom genes on artificial lights and at the same time to pass as most stable quality of the high and yummy terpenes.
A percentage of 5-6% from First generation plants express Intersex traits indoors.this also is a target for me to eliminate this percentage below 3%.
i d like also to share a little search for her history and a few special characteristics..:)
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Well-known member
Some infos about Kalamata

Some infos about Kalamata

kalamata red was very popular in the circles of underground artists and peoples from 70's and 80s and until 2000-2002 was widely known to the whole country and in some circles of coffeshops on Amsterdam as the best quality heirloom strain of greece.

The Severe laws of the governments around 1995-2000 results many families and kalamata's growers in the prison and a huge genetic lost of the local heirloom treasures.
Until 2004 were Olympic games took place on Greece,police with the help of helicopters detect every field and locals were arrested and suffered strict punishments.

Most of these cannabis fields were on mountainous villages(taygetos mountain) up to 500 meters altitude and just a few of them closer to the sea.the herb that they were cultivating on altitudes was very high quality and very soon became famous everywhere.
Farmers were growing the herb for top quality flowers and most of them exported under different names on dutch coffeshops and black market.They were using only organic methods and were cultivating hundreds of plants for decades.

Kalamata red from taygetos mountain on 90s was so powerfull, that users reports hallucinations and cinematic vision with just a few puffs.
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Well-known member
The search for her history and genetic roots is really complex but a really fascinating work.
On the phylos galaxy genotype analysis database there is no other strain appearing as an immediate relative with Greek kalamata red
from the decade 1900-1910 southern greece and more specific Peloponnese region(37N latitude) was a major Hash producer of worldwide high quality product.
Some thoughts for the possible ancestors of kalamata red strain,based on historical facts, on the results of phylos galaxy genotype report and
on the strain features lead me to suspect that these genes could be a mixture of east Asian or African landrace sativas and neighboring or local hashplants that were similar to the middle eastern landraces.
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Well-known member
Kalamata red is far more close to NLD cannabis plants.
i've seen at least 5 phenotypes in the first generation seeds all with the same plant structure(sativa dominancy),stable abundance of trichomes and extremely penetrating hashy terpenes.
that strain could be so trippy and unforgettable thanks to the unique laugh attacking high that some phenos provide.
They are plants with long internodal spacing which in optimal condition they can reach up to 5-6 meters high,they show very high resistance on insects,molds and very hot/drought climates.
Kalamata red is a sativa looking plant with oldschool hashpant characteristics,yummy earthy terpenes, loads of trichomes and a gorgeous,motivating,energetic high.
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Well-known member
Given the fact that the Hemp plants were also growing wild in a few Northern regions of the country and the Greek artisanship (kannavourgeia) was cultivating hemp for fiber from 1915 until 1957, these strains could also be part of Greek heirlooms genetic profile.
Other possible ancestors of kalamata red strain could be Lebanese hash plants, which may be associated with most Greek and Turkish heirlooms.
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Well-known member

Lebanon and Egypt seem to have the oldest hash history in the wider east Mediterranean region. Some saved old-valid writings of local farmers were talking about neighboring eastern immigrants mainly from Egypt who teached them how to grow cannabis for hash production around ‪1870-1880‬."Kannavi" was the name of a known hash plant strain that farmers were growing extensively in northern Peloponnese, Argos and Tripoli (37Ν latitude) until 1930.‬‬‬‬‬‬
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African waterbuffalos are called so because they drink a lot of water.They salivate stupid amounts during the day, they have to constantly be near a water source
Salivating like one


I do not understand it that dnm1..:)
Exactly the opposite for kalamata Plants,low needs in water and nutrients and high resistance in hot /drought climates/conditions.

Μου τρέχουν τα σάλια :)
Τι ομορφιές


Do you feel the law's "attitude" towards Greek Landraces,has changed since the 90s D.?


Well-known member
hello mate!:tiphat:
first of all imo is more accurate to classify 70's,80's and 90's pure/uncontaminated
seedstocks as Greek heirlooms ,not landraces..
after 2003-2004 and until 2015 there was almost nowhere cultivating huge outdoor fields of greek heirlooms..
kalamata and Crete were for sure until nowdays the last bastion of greek cannabis heirlooms.
On Greece the last 20 years goverments and police never stopped chasing outdoor fields..
Of course penalties are soften than the remote past but the last 10 years i can't see much differences at the law's 'attitude'' towards outdoor growing fields..altough it's a good thing that now they are not beating you for 1 gram possesion and they don't jail you a decade for growing 5-10 plants.


Well-known member
Unfortunately growers here the last two decades move "forward" to more fast flowering and high yielding strains(most Dutch strains),so nowadays is extremely difficult to find uncontaminated greek heirloom seeds.
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New member
Very cool, dad's from there and I've spent many Summers in Alagonia, will this ever be available as seeds anywhere? Thanks for all the work you've put in and all the information!


Very cool, dad's from there and I've spent many Summers in Alagonia, will this ever be available as seeds anywhere? Thanks for all the work you've put in and all the information!

I have just picked a pack of these up from the landrace team. I'll be running them after this current run. Can't wait :whee:

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