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5,000 Kilos of legal Indian Ganja


Legend ⭐
20 years ago.........
First of all I did not grow it or own it. The Ganja was grown in Bihar and sold to the West Bengal Government (State Tax Excise Dept.) to supply the legal West Bengal Govt shops. It is cheap, less then $.10 cents a gram from the shops. There were more then 100 shops in Calcutta alone.
The Govenment sells it for less then $50 a kilo to the shops. They paid less then $10 a kilo. As an individual you can possess upto 50 grams of Government Ganja. Bhang was legal too, and opium, but not hashish.
This warehouse was in Calcutta.

Check out my Gallery


Active member
looks crazy skunkman. i wish i could get ganja that cheap nowadays.

one day soon my growing yileds will surpass the money i spent to set them up. then shortly after that it may surpass the money i've spent on weed my entire life. that will be nice.


Active member
As an individual you can possess upto 50 grams of Government Ganja.

As of today, I believe the legal possession is 120 grams...in the states which till have Bhang shops...

There were more then 100 shops in Calcutta alone.

There still are but not as much as before 1989. But still, unfortunately many states in the country still didn't legalise it fully yet...to pre '89 levels.
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Hold up..

Weed is totally legal in india? All of india?

AND they have fly indian women too...


Active member
Hold up..

Weed is totally legal in india? All of india?

Some states legalised it, many still didn't. Because those states won't qualify for World Bank/ IMF loans. Rajestan legalised it. It's almost legal in Himachal. Madia Pradesh too. And commercial growing for govt. warehouses is legal in Punjab and Orissa. But pretty much u canget weed nationwide as easy as u can buy a pack of ciggies in the USA.

AND they have fly indian women too...

Neh, WAY too many gold diggers nowadays. The last thing u need to cure a headache is a pill which will give u brain hemmorage, if u get my meaning. The "better quality" ones tend to be a tad bit xenophobic and you need to go thru their families first to meet them. And most will lay a precondition that u have to stay back and get integrated into local culture.

Of course there are lotsa ones who dig tourists and rich folks (rich here is diff. from rich in the US). But- they're only doing it as a financial txn and won't hesitate to fuck u over when doing so will give them more returns.

I knew an English guy who was dating this chic from Bombay (Mumbai). The guy worked as a manager in an MNC and the girl had a pretty respectable job too. They were dating for over a year. He was to settle down here and start an imported automobiles spare parts store jointly w/ her. In the last minute, just when everything was alright and merry, she called the po-po (polise) that he was running a prostitution den involving human trafikking (shipping underage gals to UK) and that he was "forcing" her to do all kindsa strange shit. In the end of the day, the police as well as the chic were a good 1000 dollars richer. And the guy had his life shattered and ruined. Over 1000 fucking dollars!!! He had the stamp "Human Traffiker" stamped on the front page of his passport. Bad shit. And ppl won't hesitate to fuck u over very menial amounts. This alone makes the chic proposition very deadly. Used to be ok back in the day but not now...it sux. And t othink that the hoe woulda made that 1000 dollars in just 4-5 months tops if she just chilled the fuck down and lived w/ him.

I guess u can't have everything u want...u have one u don't have another. And many chics nowadays tend to act as if they dig u and will approach u hardcore. And once u take them to the hotel room, in about 10-20 minutes, the polise shows up. Fucked up shit. The gals strike deals w/ cops. The cops extract a backsheesh from u and it's split bet. the cops and the gal. Sucks donkey arse!!!!!!!!

The weed scene is good but the whole chic thang is simply not worth it. Places like Los Angeles are much better places for that, esp. if u wanna party w/ chics and shit. If u want good quality people here, you'll have to forget your home country forever. And they dont' exactly "party." ... .. .
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one in the chamber
Sadu, every time you post something, I realize India is where I need to be. Lots of weed and the promise of a completely trustworthy and supportive woman...I'm just so used to my lifestyle outside India I guess...


Active member
Sadu, every time you post something, I realize India is where I need to be.

It's your ancestral home, it's bound to call u back sooner or later :D

Lots of weed and the promise of a completely trustworthy and supportive woman...I'm just so used to my lifestyle outside India I guess...

Lots of weed? Very easy!!!

Supportive woman? Can be done but not very easy. India is still a traditional society outside the metros. The ones in the metros...vo jeans walli "Hi" / shahar saliyan tera gand ek hathi se zyada marenge aur tuje ithna bejar karenge ki tu ek din hijra ban jayega :yoinks:

You can for the most part forget about cities for this. Mainly another tricky point is u need ur ma + pops to go thru her ma + pops. And they ask guarantees that you will be communally bound. It will be a culture shock for sure, tho. Some can take it, some can't. Just make sure u can handle it before committing.


one in the chamber
My mom and dad are already talking about hooking something up for me...lol. I've already had a couple of proposals, and both of the girls have good degrees from UK universities. I have no idea what they've been doing in their personal lives though...


amazing how gunja and opium were legal , but not hashish , whats the story there >???


Active member
amazing how gunja and opium were legal , but not hashish , whats the story there >???

If your looking @ a logical or scientific reason there are none. It's political. In the country's first psychotropics control laws after '47, charas was not illegal. The govt didn't have a quota system (i.e. bhang shops) then. That came along in the 60s and 70s as a part of the land/ resource redist programmes which went on vigorously back then.

Anyways during the 70s, tourism was thriving in spots such as Manali. Even before that, most of the countrys charas supply was getting pushed from Himachal in particular the Paravati valley. The charas pushers from there would eventually be known as the "charas mafia." If u wanna know more about them, and how they worked and what kind of influence they wielded, just look at the profile of Zeljko "Arkan" Raznatovic in Serbia. It's something like that except alot less public. With tourism thriving, the charas mafia became very influencial and very powerful nationwide to he point they could control bureaucracy. Even before the advent of tourism the charas mafia were pretty entrenched but the influx of tourism and $$$ made 'em powerful as a rock.

Indian bureaucracy was never void of corruption and backsheesh in any point in history. So, when the quota system came about, the charas mafia would lose plenty of clout if charas became legal + they manupulated local and state bureaucracy who pressured the central govt in turn to illegalise charas and exclude it from the quota system in the GDSs (goods distribution systems).

The charas mafia still exists today. And now, they simply use their clout to provide protection to the pushers, who in turn give 'em fees. If u don't pay up the fees the charas mafia will manupulate the bureaucracy to get the polise after the pusher who didn't pay and fuck him over.

Either ways if u wanna know the official explanation for weed and opium it was that weed was an integral part of Indian culture and a medium of religion. As the "official song" went, Opium because banning it would cause too much inhuman suffering to people who use it regularly because of its addictive properties.

But, mmj and charas were never processed by the govt. Opium was a diff story. The government was involved in cultivation as well as final sales. Every opium farm was a public/ private farm. The govt. had a large hand in production, that's why it remained legal till Uncle goat fucks came alone in 1989...

that must a been nice. What was the quality like there. whats bhang?

Bhang is the local lingo for cannabis. The overall quality is good, but mmj here tends to be a bit seeded. U can only find indoor grows in citys. In the rest of the country it's all outdoor but quality is still very...VERY good. The best bhang in India is from Kerela and the best charas is from Himachal and Orissa.

My mom and dad are already talking about hooking something up for me...lol. I've already had a couple of proposals, and both of the girls have good degrees from UK universities. I have no idea what they've been doing in their personal lives though...

Arre yaar, ye videshi shahar valiyo ko kyon mangta??? ?? ? Teri ammi aur abba ko aaram se ek achi se ghar vali ko ek ghao se pakadne kaliye bolo na...ghao valiyan hai zabardast. Shahar valiyan tuje ek gandu banayenge yaar!


Legend ⭐
I have posted a few of my 250 Marijuana Brand Labels in my Photo Gallery. If anyone has any Marijuana Brand Labels please post them or send to me via PM, I am always looking for labels I do not have.
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Active member
Fantastic historical cannabis images Sam.

Thank you for all of your wonderful threads.

:ying: kind regards from your perpetual pal the guineapig :ying:


Joint Date: Today.
naga_sadu said:
Bhang is the local lingo for cannabis.

true that, but isnt it also the name of the religious indian drink.. made with ganja and milk?
im pretty sure it is..


Active member
true that, but isnt it also the name of the religious indian drink.. made with ganja and milk?
im pretty sure it is..

The drink is called bhang lassi. Or whatever name individual shopkeepers call it...bhang = weed, tho.



Mmm brings back memories for me. Travelled across India up to Nepal then back to India and over to Thailand. Smoked much fine Hash in India and Nepal and super sticky buds in Thailand. Would sooner forget the dysentry though.


Active member
Mmm brings back memories for me. Travelled across India up to Nepal then back to India and over to Thailand. Smoked much fine Hash in India and Nepal and super sticky buds in Thailand. Would sooner forget the dysentry though.

Yup. Dysentery and diarrea is a bitch. Still is. But our local stomachs are prolly mutated to a point that all disease causing virii and bacteria prolly die on contact :D


Legend ⭐
I posted some LEO patches from my 500+ collection. If you want to know how I got them I belong to a collectors club and the only rule is that you have to rip the patch off a drug cop's uniform while he is has it on.
Just joking....
Check out my Photo Gallery.


Legend ⭐
I posted some Marijuana Tax Stamps from the USA states, I have them from 24 of the 26 states that made them. I like having the #00001 stamp sold if I can get them. I have quite a few of them #00001 from each state, in each denomination sold, as well as the plant tax stamps some states sell. States have them for 1, 5, 10, 100, 1,000 grams, each state is different. I am looking for the MAINE tax stamp if anyone knows where to get one I will give anything for it. They stopped selling the MAINE stamps before I could get one. Anyone have any of these, or any others? The Arizona stamps were the most distributed.
I posted mine in my Photo Gallery. ENJOY!



I'd like to go to india some time.. how stable is it there right now? you say its as easy as buyin a pack of smokes, is that true for tourists too? what are penalties for possession? can a foreigner buy from a govt regulated shop?

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