The auto's are mostly around 18- 25 days old gonna post pic's shortly started under 2 xml 650. The strains are G.O.G cookie monster, Dr. Undergrounds Melon Gum, White labels white diesal haze, M.O.C. cheese northern lights, and northern lights. This is a soil grow using fox farms happy frog/ocean forest blend with medium perlite. The nutes am using are advanced nutrients connoisseur as my base.
Here are the 3 types of lights from advanced led. Extra shoutout to "ADVANCED" for giving me the opportunity to try out the arc series panel. Love there panels I've managed to obtain 2 of there xte300, 2 xml 650, 2 xml 650 2.0 and hopefully bringing the arc series fully onboard.
Swapped out the xml 650 for the arc 600 and the xml 2.0. Will be adding the other 2 panels very soon will be using 1 xml 650, 2 xml 2.0and the arc series for this grow
ordered some more yoyo's for the last panel. Still waiting on the last xml 2.0 about to start an 18/6 schedule.... most of the girls already throwing pistols and debating on switching to flowering spectrum for the xml and xml 2.0. Anxious to see what the arc series will do being there's no way to change spectrum only intensity there some presets you can set 2 quick settings very nice design but we shall see how she produces
Switched light schedule from 24 to 20/4.... haven't switched spectrum yet decided to wait til day 30 and after looking back through my journal day 1 was the 8th some are slight younger maybe a week or so difference will note feed tonight 8ml connoisseur a+b 15ml b52, voodoo juice, and 5ml calmag
Alot of new growth... raised the lights a few inches and had to turn up the a.c. will be hanging the last light tomorrow and switching out with the xml 2.0 that should arrive thursday
These are the 4 am gonna use to test the arc series. Temps are up a bit with the 4 panel's but working that out now added another oscillating fan and decided to add another exhaust.
Watered today 1/2 gallon each to wet the pots down some were very dry... 12 ml of grow a+b, 8ml voodoo juice, 8ml b-52, and 5ml of cal mag will do 1/2 gallon of water in 2 days then another 2 days after let the pots dry some then switch to bloom nutes