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Race Card Pulled in Congressional Committee to End Federal Prohibition


Autistic Diplomat in Training
What a farce, and shame on those who're doing it. Yes, there is definite racial disparity in law enforcement. Making cannabis illegal to control non-whites is NOT the issue in today's society. After cannabis is deregulated, I'm sure everyone will continue to receive the same treatment they did during prohibition. Just not for cannabis.

After so many years of knowing the truth, it makes me wince every time a cannabis-ignorant legislator opens their mouth on the subject.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Kinda makes you want to grab them by the collar and shake the shit outta them, don't it?


Autistic Diplomat in Training
What I get from the reading I've done, is the main event was sidetracking the session into a racial disparity issue.

Look, if YOUR law enforcement has poorly enforced cannabis laws then YOUR law enforcement should be looking at reparations to the people involved. Racially biased law enforcement is **NOT** a federal issue. No federal legislation has any racial differences within it, so asking for federal legislation to repair individual enforcement is a waste.

St. Phatty

Active member

"Florida Sheriff Deputy Arrested After Planting Drugs on Innocent People"

"The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) announced yesterday that, following a months-long investigation, former Jackson County sheriff's deputy Zach Wester had been arrested and charged with 52 felony crimes, including racketeering, false imprisonment, fabricating evidence, and drug possession."

If anybody deserved the worst prison has to offer, it's Mr. Wester.


Well-known member
Everything is the 'Race Card' in this country, any more. Mainstream media has convinced everyone that it's OK to kill someone as long as you don't call them a nigger, first.

I am an adopted white with black parents, brought up in the hood as the only white kid.

It saddens me to see the way a 'word' has become more important than the way you treat your fellow man. I was brought up using that word every day and more often than not, it was a term of endearment more than a slur. I was 9 before I realized my name was not, "The White Boy". LOL

It saddens me even more to see racial tones being used to further adjacent agendas. It's like people who claim their agenda is 'For The Children'. Those people are simply exploiting the natural feeling humans have for children to further their own selfish wants. It's the same thing when they use the race card. It really is just exploiting the feeling we have all developed about racial differences in recent decades. When I grew up, we all knew I was different. But, they didn't hate me because of it. That came later, in the 60's and 70's.

There are TWO kinds of people in the world..... GOOD and EVIL. Period. And, neither are selective of color or gender. Until we ALL realize this, the world is doomed to continue with it's forever conflict.

What a shame.

Betcha 5 bux I'm censored.


Active member
There are TWO kinds of people in the world..... GOOD and EVIL. Period

Id add a third kind—most of us. Some smart old dudes put it this way. Most of us are neither good nor evil. We simply follow something/someone, sometimes our whole lives without ever knowing which.

In the simplest terms, “there is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” —Socrates

Many people will commit evil acts every single day with good intentions. It has always been. I do believe most people want to do “good.” The problem is that what defines good often gets manipulated and/or...complicated. What may be “good” for me may be “evil” for another.


Well-known member
Id add a third kind—most of us. Some smart old dudes put it this way. Most of us are neither good nor evil. We simply follow something/someone, sometimes our whole lives without ever knowing which.

In the simplest terms, “there is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” —Socrates

Many people will commit evil acts every single day with good intentions. It has always been. I do believe most people want to do “good.” The problem is that what defines good often gets manipulated and/or...complicated. What may be “good” for me may be “evil” for another.

By that rational, the third group, the ones who go through life without ever knowing are ignorant, and therefore, according to Socrates, evil. So, we are back to 2 kinds. LMAO

Just kidding bud. In real life, your statement is oh so true. Most people have good in their hearts but greed, peer pressure and other human factors often lead them astray.

Then, there are people who are just plain evil. Those are they who I pray to destroy.



Well-known member
Seems like everyone and his aunt are using that word - and like other words is probably used more often than makes sense -

That's because the media has in recent decades made a big deal out of it. When I was growing up, I often referred to my own brothers as niggers. And, believe me, there was nothing but pure and unconditional love that went with that word. I loved my black family (in many ways) more than my white family.

To explain (briefly) I was adopted into two families. My early years were spent with a poor black family in the hood and my teen years were with a wealthy white family in the Heights. It was a little confusing to say the least but my life had what few people's lives have had..... a chance to see it from both sides. Not just what the TV news tells you. But to actually live it and know it. It fucked me up most of my life but I still look at it as a gift.

Steve Martin has nothing on me..... I was born a poor black child. LOL (Actually, we all believed I was born Italian).


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
so long as you were born human - and maintain that humanity - I guess that matters most -


Well-known member
Actually, I have believed most of my life that I was absolutely NOT human. I have been all over the world and I don't fit ANYWHERE. LOL

Even when I was a child, I knew it. When I was 7 or 8 years old I used to go out late at night and look up at the stars and pray for my real family to come down from the sky in a spaceship and take me home to the people I belong with.

I still firmly believe that I am not from this world. I don't usually talk about it because people's minds are too small and they just laugh (or get scared). So, I keep it to myself, mostly. Still, I'll never admit to being human. I just don't have what the rest of you have. Not sure exactly what that is but... you got it and I don't.. LOL

I have always kept my life story pretty much to myself but as I get older and I have not a single relative and only 2 friends, I think about writing it down, sometimes. Not for someone to read. Just for me to write.

Born, who knows when or where (Italian papers were with me (supposedly)) and abandoned, lost or stolen. Found by a black family in New York and brought to Ohio. Never legally adopted or anything. Raised by my Manny until the fucking white asshole mutherfuckers came and said home schooling was not good for me and no legal papers and a white kid living with a black family when white parents want white kids....

I was taken away from the only family I ever knew by white people. Why? I was told it was because my family was black and I was white. For YEARS I fucking HATED white people.

Especially rich, white people.

Vietnam. Killed a lot of people. Captured. Camped for 14 months. Beat tortured.



Done some fucking shit in my days.

Now, I play drums in a rock and roll band and I train dogs. Talk about full fucking circle. LOL



Well-known member
Oh shit, sorry Doug. I thought we were talking shit in the "Why is this forum here. Are we at war" thread. Totally derailed your thread. I'm a fucking troll even when I don't intend to be.

Let me make it up to ya. Here is the hearing in it's entirety. I listened to part of it and it made me throw up.


