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New Outdoor Strain Guide !!!


Elite Growers Club
Ok guys it's obvious it's time for a new outdoor strain guide. The old one was a huge success but it's old and kinda outdated . Some of the strains in the old guide you can't find anymore. We just need a new fresh outdoor strain guide. A member by the name BACKCOUNTRY made the first Outdoor Strain guide back in 2007.....so I think it's a must to carry on what he started and keep it in the boundaries somewhat as he started but add more if we can. Let's try to keep it to commercial strains or available member strains like BACKCOUNTRY started. If there's any medical strains that's fine and welcome. This is the New Outdoor Strain guide but this idea is great only if the members contribute to it.

Country/Area and a near latitude

Year of grow

Let's keep it kinda like the older version.
We need to list country/area your growing. A close latitude to were your growing(you don't have to risk security) just a near around lat.

Breeders name and Strain/Seeds....basically a seed strain guide but if you wanna list a clone it's ok.

Mold resistent or not/ strain prone to pest or disease. 1 the least/ 10 the most/worst(1-10)

Outdoor finishing time for the strains your listing. (Mounth)date if avalible

Final harvest weight....oz or grams.

Some info on how your strain grows. Indica/sativa ....the structure if your plants tall, bushy, compact. Just a little info about your plant and how it grow.

Info about if you grew in containers or in the ground....guerilla style or plants that are tended to daily outdoors.

A smoke report on the strains you have grew.

ADD PICs if you got some of your plants: or harvest buds!!!

So basically guys anything somebody would wanna know about some outdoor strains that you've grew. WE GOTTA KEEP A LIST OF ALL THESE TOPICs first
Need to list/answer as much as you can
LOCATION : Country: LATITUDE (eur 52n)

Year grown(2014)

BREEDER/STRAIN(serious seeds/ Ak 47)

MOLD/Disease/PEST issues(1-10)

OUTDOOR finish time(Oct 15/mid Oct)

Final HARVEST weight: oz, grams, lb(PER Each Plant). (8oz one plant/ or largest plant grown 12oz)

Plant structure/Growth info: Indica/Sativa how your plant grew.(70:30 indica/sat

CONTAINER/GUERILLA : what method you grew the strain. Was it a plant you could tend to daily and give TLC / or a guerilla plant you can only visit occasionally.

Potency (1-10)
SMOKE REPORT: everybody wants to know couchlock/ racy .....how the taste and buzz was

PICS of your plants or grow plot/field: also any pics of buds

Curing method(optional) how your curing your harvest method (optional)

Ok guys as members of icmag and this community we need to list as much about our past grows as possible. It's a tremendous help knowing about strains and how they grow in certain areas. Everything about this is helping other guys:gals with as much info about your grows/strains/harvests. As much as we can help another member in there next outdoor grow is what I'd like to see the New Outdoor Strainguide become. Just as the old one has tons of info.....We can all start a new one and have all the new UPDATED info !!!

There definatly some members with tons of strains they've grew so you can list as many as you want.

The only rules I'd like to keep is try to go by the guidelines that listed. Kinda like the older Strainguide but we'll all have some updated info. Ok #1 and most important rule is NO ARGUEMENTS, NO TROLLS, NO FLAMES or whatever the younger guys say...just no BULLSHIT guys ok? .. Let's do a new strain guide we can look back on yrs from now.

A brief summary of your grow and experience, thoughts, ideas to help others. Any info you feel you'd like to add or talk about from the grow/strain you listed would be great.!!

If there's anything you guys feel needs added to this New Outdoor Strain guide you can message me. And I'll add what's needed

There may be some things I've left out but we'll get the rough edges fixed if needed.

Let's have a productive Outdoor Strain Guide !!!! This is for everybody in the cannabis community so hopefully it will be of help.:tiphat:


Elite Growers Club
Heck I forgot....Add some pics of your plants you add to the strain guide!!! Sorry if I forget some things I'll edit it,
This great idea to help the community was originally BACKCOUNTRYs..,.he started the original thread in 2007.....so it's time for some new contributions!!! The old thread is one of the best if not the best outdoor threads we have. Let's pick back up were the old contributors like my old friend Silverback left us along with many more guys who added to the old outdoor strain guide. Thanks for all the contributes and things you guys have to add.


Elite Growers Club
Yes the old one was a classic to go through and read. I'm sure everybody can appriciate what BACKCOUNTRY started and let's continue with some updated contributes. I personally love the outdoor strain guide. It's gonna be exciting to see.

These grows can be past grows. It doesn't have to be this yr. Just list the year you grew and add your strain. This is for everybody to enjoy.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes, GOOD IDEA man.......you have my best wishes for this new OUTDOOR STRAIN-GUIDE to commence.
KC Brains KC33

KC Brains KC33

When it comes to commercial strains, this is the one I am most experienced in.

You can take my experience with the strain however you want to im just going to lay down the facts on just that.. my experience..

Growing here In KY, Appalachian mountains. I have grown somewhere over 200 but under 300 KC33 plants. Let’s call it 250.

Some of these plants grow into absolute monsters as in 10-14 ft bushy plants full on guerilla style (seeing them “roughly” every 14 days) producing 1 to 1.5 pounds HOWEVER other phenos will do a lot different.

Right beside a 10ft monster you may have a 5 foot pheno of kc33 that produces a long rock hard bud with side branch compact nuggets. These plants you have to treat differently during drying because they are rock hard compact and will mold if not dried fully.

During the growing season the plants TOUGH. It’s a true blue guerilla plant. It’s resistant to mold, disease, insects anything you throw at it it will self overcome.. just don’t be mad when you have 5 plants huge and 5 plants small.. I’ve seen it time after time I PROMISE.

The dried weight you get from these plants are pretty impressive the big plants speak for them self but even the 5 foot plants with the main cola and small side branch compact nugs you can’t be mad at because it will put off 4-6 ounces..

Harvest for me has always started September 20th- first week of October. I like my buds a little more mature then a lot of ppl do. I like 80% orange hairs.

KC33 is on the sativa side but in my opinion letting it go until 80% orange/red hairs gives it the perfect amount of “heavy high” mixed.

It flys off the shelf let’s say.. people really like it.

This year I had a bad problem with the “female” kc33 seeds I ordered turning male.. it was a huge problem for me and I don’t think I will continue with the company or the strain any more.. I may make og kush or the original mawie wowie my primary plant next year.. possible a good skunk if I can get my hands on it. I’m behind on times with all the hybrids and crosses but we seen great results from skunks AK47 mawie wowie chronic and oj kush strains over the years.. never feminized seeds of course but we have had the genetics here for along time non the less.

This post hasn’t scratched the surface on what I can share about the strain so ANYBODY who is truly interested I can go into much more detail and I can make a point to take pictures of the 3 or 4 different phenos I have of kc33 right now..

I have 10- 15 other strains of which I can give my guerilla report on but I can not say I have been thru hundreds of those strains like I can kc33 I’ve only been thru 5 plants max of all the others strains.


Elite Growers Club
Great job the first entry
Breeder KC Brains
Strain KC 33
Lat...mid 30s ?? Roughly

Mold:disease... Very resistent

Harvest large pheno up to 1-1.5 lb, smaller ones much less 6oz ???

Harvest times Sept 20-first wks Oct

And a great detailed summary of the different phenos. And kinda what to expect in the mid 30s lat in the KY region in the USA. Great detail from a guy who ran hundreds of KC33



ICMag Donor
Great idea! Thank you so much for thinking of this! Cannabis is getting more legal now. Things are changing. Hopefully we get some skilled breeders working the lines over the next few years. Get ready to see cannabis breeding show what the plant is capable of! Once the numbers can be grown out in a proper breeding program, the lines will really start to show their potential! The way God made them!

It will be a great place to compare cannabis crops! Thanks! I'll post up a strain report after harvest. Will try to get some feedback from other folks for the report!

How about a couple views to start this thing off!

Pipeline's Chunky Mix: Moderately stable line produced from open pollination of these hybrids. Original open pollination was in 2010 and line has been preserved since then. Recently separated a couple phenotypes 'House Indica' and 'Sativa Candy Spice"

(SFV OG Kush x Jamaican Jam F1 '07) x Deep Chunk)) x Deep Chunk
(Bubba Kush x Deep Chunk F2 '07) x Deep Chunk
(Sour Bubble bx3 x Sour Bubble bx4) x Deep chunk

(Bubba Kush x Bubblegum) x Deep Chunk







Elite Growers Club
Well I'm not taking credit. This idea is BACKCOUNTRYs .... I'm only trying to get everybody to pick back up from the old outdoor strain guide. We can all benefit from some updated/new strain info. Those are amazing Pipeline, that cola is awesome. Can't wait to see the entry to the New Outdoor Strain Guide.

Also guys we need to try to use this thread for the entries to the strain guide. Basically try to keep it were guys can look at the outdoor strain guide entries. I know were just getting started but let's try to keep the thread mainly for entries. I kinda wanna keep things loosely along the lines of BACKCOUNTRYs thread. Maybe once we get some entries in the Strain Guide. We can start a sub-thread discussion of all the Outdoor Strain guide entries. I'm working the forums asking guys to make contributes to get this thread started. I'd appriciate anything you guys can do to get the word out letting members know. That were starting back up a " New Outdoor Strain guide" !!!! Any new guys unsure just take a look at the original Outdoor Strain guide.....that's what were looking for. Don't be afraid to make entries KY started with a great KC Brains KC 33 entry also.
hello i live at lat 47N in the south of europe about an hour from the mediterranean sea; here the climate is meild winters with about a month of freezing. the summers are usuall drought like and with hot temps. the region is exeptionally sunny with average 300 days a year of cloudless blue sky.

i have done about ten indoor harvests and this year is my third geurilla grow. i got some lemon skunk from DNA and leda uno from KC brains, which is claimed to be a good outdoor strain. for me indoor the leda finished in max 50 DAYS with full indica type growth and structure. outdoor the ledas are growing way slower then indoors; they seem they will finish in early november, so not so quick as claimed by breeder.

lemon skunk indoors took 90 days average to be done with typycal sativa dom traits, like lots of stretch in early flower, later onsetn of flowering. she didnt make any pistils till day 15 of bloom. but the lemon skunk yielded very well for me. 100 gr per plant in a ten litre bucket of coco, which usually gives me more in the 50-60 gr range for the same bucket with other strains, the ledas for example.

out door the lemon skunks are growing huuge compared to the leda unos which is funny cuz this seems to contradict both breeders descrption, the leda being claimed as a tall sativa dom and the lemon skunk claimed to be more stout and typical skunk/indica type growth.

the lemon skunks will definately be done before the first week of november.

all my outdoor plant this year are clones taken from the plants that i mentioned above being grown indoors

this is a leda uno about one meter tall, in a ten gallon swamp tube in the mud no standing water
at my dry land plot the lemon skunks are not doing as well as the leda unos. there has been no rain and the weekly five liters they each recieve seems not enough.but the leda unos dont get even slightly effected by llack of water. on the indoor run i clearly remarked that the leda uno has great rooting capacity, so i thinks thats why they can handle drought more then the lemon skunk .......

so yes i would recomend leda uno for geurilla growing for sure

the phenos of leda i got are quick. the taste is sweet hash and berry, with a STRONG STENCH OF SKUNK, with classic indica effect. the lemon skunk i got dont really smell like skunk at all, actually quite good for indoor stealth grows where odor is a problem,


Elite Growers Club
Thanks for your contribution. Please keep it as a entry

Lat of grow
Strain) and breeder name
Yield/ weight
Date of harvest
Mold) disease resistant
Pics if available
Ease of grow 1-10....1 easy, 10 the hardest
Potency 1-10
Any other relative info you feel or wanna share
And brief summary if you like.....that's the guidelines guys

We want these entries to be final/finished grow. Basically enter the strains on a post.

Basically please keep the entries similar to the original strain guide. These are the guidelines we need to keep to get this new strain guide started.

Please follow the guidelines.....we want to follow the old strainguide. If the guidelines are followed we should have a new entry/strain on each post. It's very simple guys for everybody's convenience just make entries following the BASIC guidelines. It's ok to add a lil summary after you post your entry

I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear what the guidelines and jist of the strainguide is.

For everybody's convenience please follow the GUIDELINES GIVEN AND OR the GUIDELINES from the OLD STRAIN GUIDE BACKCOUNTRY started.

Thanks guys and the entries already posted are GREATLY appreciated.

This is for the icmag community and cannabis world to have for reference of outdoor growing of certain strains. A convenient reference to outdoor cannabis growing, and the strains that's grown.

Thanks guys
We're looking for your entries!!!
Word kindbud- props to Backcountry and you for keeping this thread rolling. Theres gold in the previous thread, was a blessing learning about all those solid strains that ive come to rely on to keep me and mine in quality medicine. But a buddy and i were just saying the other day how do the favourites compare with a lot of the new stuff these days. So much variation... Anyway seeing this is enough to get me out of the cupboard and make some contributions to the guerilla bank. SO first up im right there with Kangarooky on KC33. Still a solid provider, tough tasty and a big girl.
but also

Year grown(2016)

BREEDER/STRAIN(Ace Seeds/ Bangi Haze)

MOLD/Disease/PEST issues(8/10) Shes got some vigour here i tell you.

OUTDOOR finish time(Oct)

Final HARVEST weight: 1/4-1lb depending on conditions and attention in hard guerilla conditions.

Plant structure/Growth info: Medium stretching sativa style growth, with good holes and sunlight she can easily reach 12 feet, but not the crazy heights of longer season sativas, solid branches for a sat dom that rarely needs heavy supports to carry her good size nugs.

CONTAINER/GUERILLA : Bangi is a tough girl. She can handle the cold and the heat like a champ. Has an awesome resistance and has done wonders to improve the resistance of over lines she has got with in the field or cupboard. Ive seen her solid buds come in through searing dry autumns and under an inch of snow.
Potency (7)
SMOKE REPORT: Wild streaming thoughts and racing heart creative buzz. Not for the fainthearted when grown well and cured right. Stunningly electric and cerebral. If there is anything else i think i should be dooing this is not my smoke of choice, but when the time is right nothing can give me that kind of energy but this girl. Is lovely in indica crosses too to knock off the sleepy edge.

Year grown(2013 onwards)

BREEDER/STRAIN(Dinafem/ Sweet Deep Grapefruit)

MOLD/Disease/PEST issues(7/10) Under tough conditions i've had the top colas in very large plants mold out but most of the plants stayed mint. Not bad for a multi pound plant under tough gorilla conditions.

OUTDOOR finish time(Early Oct)

Final HARVEST weight: Good yeilder in tough conditions these girls have topped out at 10 ft and a couple of lb. A reliable several ounces from smaller guerrilla ladies in poorer spots.

Plant structure/Growth info: well structured sat/ind hybrid with lovely bud development across much of the plant. Can get tall but nothing crazy.

CONTAINER/GUERILLA : I first fell in love with this plant after reading the description of the tasty buds and thinking lets give this a crack.Plants were large leaved and vigorous. Ladies went out early and a freek snow drop came down three days later. Plants were four and five sets of leaves. Came to check and they were under six inches of snow. A week of frosts and id given up on the girls. Too early lesson learned. End of the season i thought something might have made it-came back... and everyone was 9ft plus and stunning. One of the best patches ever. This girl has vigour and can pretty much look after herself.
Potency (7)
SMOKE REPORT: The buds of this girl are just as described. A sweet savoury citrus, at best its like a ruby red grapefruit. Delicious- most favourite extracts. Nice racing sativa with enough body buzz to keep you calm.

Year grown(2015-2018)


MOLD/Disease/PEST issues(7/10)

OUTDOOR finish time(Oct Mid)

Final HARVEST weight: 1/4-2lb depending on conditions and attention in hard guerrilla conditions.

Plant structure/Growth info: Pleasingly squat and branchy indica. Ive heard BD is a sat dom clone only and ive never seen a HSO come out anything but Indica heavy. But shes a solid yeilder and has good looking chuncky nugs. There is nothing i can complain about except the seeds are a bit exy.

CONTAINER/GUERILLA :Guerilla style in a good big hole and a bit of extra water this girl can deliver. Plants aren't massive 8-9 ft max for me but they have been a reliable yeild and a surprisingly tough plant.
Potency (9)
SMOKE REPORT: This plant can get really damn strong. The buds have superb bag appeal and the blueing from her blueberry parent makes for a very attractive colour if temps get down towards harvest.
Hello i am from western europe the netherlands
i havent grown any traditional outdoor strains yet , except for 1 autocheese if that counts.
All my outdoor grows were 20litre bucks unless stated otherwise

my first outdoor year i grew a Herijuana ibl by ******/woodhorse ! after being intrigued by its name and description lol
turned out the description was totally right and i couldnt finish 3 joints ( dutch joints with tabbacco lolz ) without falling asleep !!
all my friends were WELL impressed , and honored me as some type of outdoorweed god lolz:tiphat:
Yield 7/10 , Product 9/10 , Smell 7/10
Bud smelled like bandaids and coughsyrup

next year it was some chemdog crosses and they all died , at some point they just starting molding all over the place , and i mean WEIRD mold .

3rd year i did a Sweet cheese by sweet seeds , after having smoked a friends outdoor cheese a year earlier ! it was killer and yielded a bunch so i decided to give it a try .
You could smell the cheese 50yards away from my house , which isnt good if there is 6 peoples backyards within that area lolz !!!!
After the harvest my neighbour rang my doorbell saying her entire attic smelled like weed , i was drying my shit in my attic so it mustve gotten tru the walls somewhere .
Had to dry it in my bedroom , so all my clothes reeked all the time
i was still living with my parents at that time lolz
Yield 8/10 , Product 9/10 , Smell 10/10

Year after that i did a Auto Cheese , which i thought because of it being autofflower it wouldnt turn out to be much.
BOY WAS I WRONG , ran into the exact same problems as the year before ! neighbour was REALLY pissed that time ! xD
Yield 7/10 , Product 8/10 , Smell 10/10

Didnt grow outdoor for a few years , until growing herijuana inside under a LED , and my tent was getting a bit too crowded .
Because the neighbours didnt complain when i grw herijuana
i figured i try it again outdoor , and just harvested it last week without any problems .
Hardly any smell coming off the plant while growing or budding !!!
Yield was also allot better this time , but thats just due to me being a far more experienced grower now , plus being able to afford quality nutes !
still drying

After growing the herijuana for a few months without any smells in my backyard , i decided to just add a small caramello in a small pot to my backyard late summer . It turned out fucking pretty with orange and red colors , smelling like apple caramel .
Yielded maybe like 15grams or so from a 1.5 litre pot
Still drying

Except for the 1 grow gone bad , i have never experienced any rot or anything , but i grow below a roof .
All the grows did have a acceptable amount of mildew on them !!
EXCEPT herijuana , maybe 2 or 3 leaves very small spot by harvest time !!! also they didnt seem affected by colder nights or anything , didnt show any pretty harvest colors , just straight greenery.


Well-known member
Mandala #1, Mandala Seeds, Sativa dominant hybrid, South African Sativa x New Zealand Purple Indica

US, Massachusetts, 42N, Humid Coastal Climate, Atlantic White Cedar Bog

2018 June to September

A few spots of mold and pm at harvest time, not enough to care about.

Harvest eight weeks, Mid-September.

1.5 ounces from tops and upper branches, per 5 gallon swamp tube under 6 hours of direct sun, tended once per week.

Potent, clear, energetic high for daytime use. Strong raspberry mint flavor. Open structure. Grows like indica, wide leaves and thick chunky buds. Smokes like a Sativa.

Dry trim, cure in one quart mason jars.


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