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DIY Flying Skull Nuke Em Project (citric acid )


Active member
Flying Skull Nuke Em:hate em or Love em . It’s still good defense stuff for as a addition since no one should use same spray every time .

well I was thinking ... $400 for 2.5 gal for citric acid pesticide (nuke em ) ? Fuck them! ( so many of the companies use such same brews , close enough eh

* So If we could figure out the ratios and just buy the bulk and just buy it our self it will save all of us a million . Won’t even prolly be hard .

LETS FIGURE IT OUT ( I suck at measurements , that’s why I’m here )

Active Ingredients
Citric acid 0.05%

Inert Ingredients
Water, Yeast (Enzymes), Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids,
Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate
Total: 100.00%

* question is what kind of yeast do I need to use and what percentage% (everything in Inert Ingredients besides water lol)

any Suggestions (brewing it , what specific brands/grades help , links to the products for this project are all welcome !

I think if as members we could figure this we could make a killing and actually use citric acid as a preventive ( not willing to pay $400 for 2.5 gal) biggest promo for me = i like the non inpact it does growroom and plants and non toxic

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Active member
Well the fatty acids are just soap. The last 2 are preserveritives. Some use an oil sesame,canola. I use neem as a silo drench in veg as soil drench with lecithin and soap.

Drop That Sound

Well-known member
Sounds like its time to build a DIY dremel centrifuge.. maybe you could separate all of the ingredients and have the samples tested?

I haven't looked in awhile but there was a thread here on cloning green cleaner.. The new blue stuff smells like its 50% ISO with food coloring. The older green stuff was dank I actually liked using it. Loved the smell too. The new stuff does seem to work too though.

Nukem didn't do much for me last summer, could be my sample bottle was 3-4 years old, and passed the shelf life by the time I used it though (and it was outdoors).

Whatever yeast it is doesn't seem to work well after a few years...

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
I bought 5 lbs of food grade citric acid on Amazon for under $20 if memory serves me.

Somebody check my math, but I think a .05% solution works out to about 1.8875 grams of citric acid powder in a gallon of water.

Has anybody got actual knowledge that this product really works on all the listed species?

This shit sounds like most of the stuff at the hydro store - you're really just paying for expensive water.

Those enzymes must be SPECIAL!!!

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
0.05% citric acid sounds like a preservativce (chelation) rather than an active ingredient (it's likely not even enough for proper pH adjustment) whereas yeast isn't usually regarded an inert ingredient...
Snake oil or undeclared chemicals inside?

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
It's good to know other alternatives to products like Nuke 'Em, Green Cleaner, Mattbho, so thanks for telling me about Method 1 PPS. However, I think the idea here is to reverse engineer what works so that we only have to pay the cost of ingredients, which are pennies on the dollar compared to what the companies producing those products are charging.

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
Having battled every pest that can be imagined - including those dreaded microscopic mites - I've been using a relatively cheap mix that approximates Green Cleaner. Since spraying this every three days, I've had no bug problems: 1 gallon of RO water, 30 ml cold pressed neem oil, 30 ml Sal Suds and 36 ml 70% isopropyl alcohol.


Active member
Yea the stuff works when applied as directed. Knocks down broad mites, which is the best part. I believe the citric acid actually is for killing eggs of pests, the oil is to smother live pests, and the yeast is to help prevent fungus. Use a surfactant for best results


Hello, I was doing some “research” yesterday and I am “shocked” a) about the price for Nuke ‘Em, and the extremely simple ingredients and how simple it is to make yourself. Here is my DIY Nuke ‘Em recipe. (You can get these ingredients very cheap in stores which carry soap making stuff and on ebay)

Screw’Em - Insecticide and Fungicide

(Against aphids such as spider mites, broad- and russet mites, thrips, whitefly etc. Also prevents mould, fungus and powdery mildew. Safe, non-toxic, can also be used on buds and can also prevent mould on buds after harvest)


  • Insecticidal Soap (also called Potassium Soap) (10-20ml)
  • Distilled Water (1L)
  • Yeast (fresh brewery yeast or dry yeast) (1g)
  • Lemon Juice (0.4-0.5ml)
  • Potassium Sorbate (500mg)
  • Sodium Benzoate (500mg)
I am using Insecticidal Soap for a long time for spraying , I assume the added ingredients in Nuke ‘Em are to give the spray more oomph. The Lemon Juice, the Potassium Sorbate and the Sodium Benzoate are preservatives for the solution but they also prevent mold, fungus, powdery mildew etc. which IMO insecticidal soap alone can’t do. There may also be other insecticidal effects from these ingredients. The Yeast is possibly added so that bugs which are not instantly killed are eating the stuff so that the spray has a double-effect, which may be needed for some more difficult critters like broad mites.

I established the percentages based on the label for Nuke’Em and other info I found on the web, eg. what a typical percentage for Potassium Sorbate etc. is…so this may not be 100% accurate like in the original, but it should do.


  • Make 1L of insecticidal soap solution according to instructions for your insecticidal soap. (Typical is 10-20ml insecticidal soap for 1L water). (I use distilled water since with water from the tap the soap can be flaking)
  • Add 0.4-0.5ml (8-10 drops) of Lemon Juice. You could also use citric acid directly, but why bother as everyone really has lemon juice.
  • Dissolve yeast in the solution. I have no information about the exact amount of yeast to use, but I would add about 1g. Reason being that the yeast comes before the “soap” (ie. “potassium salts of fatty acids”) in the ingredient list for Nuke’Em. We know the undiluted Nuke 'Em needs 10-20g of soap, so I calculated this accordingly.
  • Add 500mg of Sodium Benzoate
  • Add 500mg of Potassium Sorbate


If you want to make larger batches: Above is for 1L. 1 gal = 3.785L.

As this contains preservatives, it should be possible to make this spray and store for some time.

Use a good garden sprayer for spraying. A manual garden pressure sprayer is much better than these dinky hand sprayers. If you don’t have a pressure sprayer, trust me the $15 or whatever they cost is well worth it.

Use the usual precautions, like not spraying in direct sun, spray either at night before lights off or even better early in the morning. Spray your plants well, also the underside of the leaves. I am using insecticidal soap against aphids etc. for a long time and it has never in any way, harmed the plants. The list of ingredients for this DIY looks safe to me, and should also be safe on buds, unlike eg. Neem which would give your buds an awful taste. This DIY spray should also be good not only for aphids but also for mould, fungus, powdery mildew etc.

Try it!
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Crazy Chester

Well-known member
Thank you for this, flexy123 - there's no reason anyone should pay crazy prices to have a healthy garden. As you point out at the end, it makes a good alternative to neem at the end of flower. Also, I was worried that the DIY mix I made with 36 ml isopropyl alcohol would damage the trics late in flower. Now I don't have to worry, I'll just switch to your mix when the time comes.


I made a mistake in my OP as silly me I didn't consider that Nuke'Em needs to be diluted!
So use only 1g of yeast and 0.4ml of lemon juice for making 1L of "ready to spray" solution! Sorry!!
(I changed the post in the meantime)
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Active member
Insecticidal soap dries and stresses out my plants. Make sure to use this stuff on a day that you feed/water.

Adjusting the potassium salts of fatty acids to the lower range should also prevent chlorosis.


Active member
Here is my DIY Nuke ‘Em recipe.

Screw’Em - Insecticide and fungicide

This DIY spray should also be good not only for aphids but also for mould, fungus, powdery mildew etc.

Try it!

I'm confused is this something you've made and used on your plants or am I just really high reading like you want someone else to scorch thier crop :asskick: