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Crystal Candy®

Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:

Crystal Candy®

This strain was developed within a special programme of the Sweet Seeds R&D Department that was focused in the search for curious, exquisite and subtle sweet aromas that evoke aromatic sensations of candy shop. The aroma of this variety is sweet and fruity, with tones of chewing gum and fruit jellies, mixed with hints of acid strawberry and mature melon.

This variety is a big producer of aromatic resin crystals that completely cover the flowers and their surrounding leaves with a very high density of long, large-headed trichomes.

The plants look like indica-sativa polyhybrids, very vigorous and productive, with big buds and long side branches.

Data Sheet

Variety SWS58
Indoor Yield: 500-650 g/m2
Outdoor Yield: 500-700 g/plant
Indoor Blooming: 9 weeks
Outdoor Harvest: mid to late September


1er Premio – Mejor indica – Spannabis Champions Cup - Barcelona - 2017

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Active member
Now this! has deff grabbed my attention. Mellon, gum, strawberrys and Jellies. Couldn't get any sweeter.

Any THC/CBD ratings from this plant Tommy?


Great announcement! Do you happen to know the genetics behind this strain?

Thank you Tommy and Sweet Seeds for all that you do!


New strains????

Nom nom nom

So tommy please tell me is this a photoperiod or a fv or an auto?

Eitherway put me down for some of them mate

Looks like il be flipping to 12/12 soon anyway mate

Sweet smokes!!

Anything else in the pipeline?


Just looked it's a photoperiod expect an inbox tommy lol it'll soon be July again my friend!!

Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:
Cheers mates! ;)

THC: 15-21%
CBD: 0,3%
CBN: 0,1%

The genetics (parentals) for now are "secret". It's the second strain from the Sweet Seeds catalog that at present time has no information about the parentals. It's a great strain but if you find it very important to know about the parentals maybe you should choose one of the other strains from the catalog ;)

Thanks for the visits and comments. Sweet smokes!


Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:


[Soon I'll share more pics, this time from the harvest day... more mature and with more trichome pics]


Active member
Amazing Tommy!
My mouth was watering watching your pictures, I can't wait until September!!

Thanks for sharing, hope you enjoy it!

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Being that it is 2016, keeping the lineage a secret is pointless. To each their own, but I would not spend money on unknown genetics. The likely hood of someone recreating your strain is slim and if they were so inclined to do that, why not just by a pack and make F2's? So I don't see the point of secrets anymore.

Looks nice though!

Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:
Being that it is 2016, keeping the lineage a secret is pointless. To each their own, but I would not spend money on unknown genetics. The likely hood of someone recreating your strain is slim and if they were so inclined to do that, why not just by a pack and make F2's? So I don't see the point of secrets anymore.

Looks nice though!

Hi Lester!

Thanks for your visit. I agree with you. It was better if the lineage was not a secret. But I disagree when you say it is pointless because there is a point which I'm going to try to explain as follows:

First of all at this time the Sweet Seeds catalog features 48 strains, from which 45 have the lineage identified and 3 doesn't. There are 45 strains for growers who only want to grow strains from which they know the lineage. And 3 strains for growers that doesn't mind not knowing about the parentals. But that's not the point I wanted to talk about, it's just an introduction.

What I want to talk about is a real life example. Our Green Poison is one of the 3 strains from which there is no info about the parentals in the catalog.

It was released in 2009 and the reason why the parentals were not revealed in the first time was not because someone could recreate our strain as you say. We don't mind if others use the same genetics (or exactly our genetics) to make new strains. We even like when it happens, as long as they choose a different commercial name for the strains. But they can even mention the Sweet Seeds strain name in the catalog description, it's a pleasure to us and both parts can benefit from it. So no problem at all...

The reason why the parentals were not revealed was the opposite reason. It was because if we shared info about the parentals everybody would have known since the first day that Green Poison is a selection of Skunk. Productive, very aromatic and with a very fast flowering, but it was a selection of Skunk. And maybe few people would be interested in giving it a try if they knew about it. Maybe they would get a Skunk strain from other companies or maybe they already had a lot of experience with that genetic and wouldn't feel like trying it.

But it was a different Skunk and we wanted people to give it a try without any prejudice or previously formed ideas. So we named it Green Poison. And with that name it built its own "personality". Now there are Skunk lines and there is Green Poison. Most people now know that it is a Skunk line, because we made it public last year when we published this article, but they still call it Green Poison because they already tried it and know it is a Skunk selection that is different from any other Skunk selection and features characteristics that are very unique and interesting.

So, with Crystal Candy, we expect the same to happen. Maybe in a few years we will also share info about the parentals. We don't share it now but it's not because we don't want others to "copy" it. Or else we wouldn't have 45 strains that are identified and 3 that are not (well, only 2 now since we shared info about Green Poison). The reason why we don't share info about the parentals it's just because lots of growers could think they could buy the same strain from other companies, but that wouldn't be right because ours is a different selection with its particular traits.

When people realize it, like they realized with Green Poison, then Crystal Candy will have a name built and we will probably share more information.

In the meanwhile every grower like you that wants to know everything about the lineage of the plants they grow (and which I so much respect), should keep with the other 45 strains that we have in our collection.

I hope you understand our point now, even if you don't agree with it. It's totally a different point that trying to avoid copies, it's just the opposite. We're happy that other companies use our strains for their own breeding. We've been doing the same with most of our strains, so we are not senseless to that point.

All the best and sweet smokes :tiphat:

Tommy I get what your saying I think. With the case of green poison if the skunk lineage was initially revealed most growers probably might of passed on her due thinking skunk is out dated and every breeder offers a skunk cross. Without knowing the lineage of green poison growers were giving unadulterated feedback on it without preconceived thoughts of what a typical skunk should be. I myself grown green poison and was very happy with her and to be honest It never crossed my mind it had skunk in it lol

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
First of all, thank you for taking the time to share your point of view. It was not what I was thinking at all. I can understand your point and it makes sense. I wish you the best with your new strain! It sounds delightful!

Thanks for being professional and engaging the community. It says a lot about Sweet Seeds, you care what people think. Very cool!

Cheers Tommy!



Hi everybody!
Just found this thread, lookin for some info on Crystal Candy and experiences with her by other growers.
I've got 3 of them along with Sweet Tai and Sad S1 at day 49 of flower. I have to say that I'm very impressed so far. Easy to grow, very vigorous growth, very uniform. Stretched a good bit after switching to 12/12 and seems to be a good yielder with great crystal production, very resinous. But what is really special is the smell. Doesn't smell to much in my tent but when rubbed it's sensational. Watermelon Jelly Bean flavor. I can't wait to smoke the buds. They should be ready within the next 2 weeks. Flowering time of 9 weeks seems spot on.
So, give her a try. I didn't mind not knowing the genetic background.
I also liked the green poison and big foot.
I have some beans left and definately run her again.
I'll take some pics before harvest, so you all can get an impression.


Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:
Nice one BUDBOY!

Thanks for the report, very interesting to know your opinions. Keep us updated and would be great to see these pre-harvest pics that you mention :D

All the best and sweet smokes!



Crystal Candy

Crystal Candy

Hey Tommy G,

here some impressions of my Crystal Candys...


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