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Is morrocan hash being cut?



Recently i've been playing about with hash and after turning some into rosin i have a feeling they could be adding something to the hash. i've made rosin from homemade kief before and its produced pure shatter, everytime i press moroccan hash into rosin even at low heat it comes out very very sticky so much so its not practial to work with!
The moroccans know spanish like soft hash and all the best stuff that stays in morroco isnt soft like the export its much harder...has me thinking.
Plus when i work the hash rosin between my fingers i get a kind of alcohol/acetone/fuely smell nothing hashy about it!?


Of course it is being cut.

Like you said, the best stuff is hardly even leaving the farm. And then you got like three more Qualitys from sieving the hash that are all being exported....

It´s probably not cut by the producers themselves but whoever export/imports it.

One way to cut it and make it appear like 1st Quality would be plain old shoe polish i´ve been told....

I guess your hash is a dark brown/almost black hash and a bit harder then playdoo? Then, afaik, it´s been cut with dark brown/black shoe polish.

mack 10

Resin Herder
I've heard of them using seed oil to make the hash bubble.
Would also make it too sticky.


Well-known member
Years ago in the UK I used to put 4oz of leb or marroc and dissolve it in iso to get the oil
I allways got a multi layered jar after it settled, black oil/iso mix and a yellow or brown powder in the bottom of the jar, but there was allways a milky layer in between it varied in thickness from 1 to 2 inches.
i syphoned off the oil mix and left that crap out. i was told it was probably gee, all I know is it never came from A plus grade I got myself in Morroco, only in hash from Europe.


Well-known member
If i use the hash i make to make rosin it is very sticky, it will almost dissolve into your skin. Needless to say it is hard to work with, i usually just stick some in my pen and try not to touch it. The rosin from the raw kief is not like that it is shatter, glass...


Chasing the orange grapefruit rabbit
ICMag Donor
I've heard of them using seed oil to make the hash bubble.
Would also make it too sticky.

I wish it could be just seed oil... usually it' s motor oil or paraffin wax. It helps the product to stay soft and pliable when handled and 'fries' when lit like best bubble... perfect adulterant for the smart drug trafficker.
Turpentine is a favorite one too, it adds that typical maroccan breeze to the smell....
I heard also motor oil was used in nepal to help the charas resin to stick off better from hands...:comfort:

Do you need color?
Normally henne hair tint is used, when lucky...:biggrin:
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Paraffin wax sounds like what i could smell coming off the rosin..yuk! No more soft hash for me then! I only ever thought the old "soap bar" was the only hash that was cut with crap, never gave much thought that all this "00" "caramello" and "king hassan" was full of adulterants too.


Most commercial (Euro) hash is more terrible than most commercial bud,......most or all hash is cut with fillers, colors and binders and most bought bud has been handled so poorly that by the time you get it's devoid of trichomes.

Cannabis should be handled the same way as cut flowers from the time it begins flowering until it is handed to the retail smoker and if a couple of match heads worth of hash is not enough to get high, then it's crap and was made for profit and not to get high off.

thank goodness I grow and make my own....I'd rather do without than smoke low grade hash, no wonder just about every smoker in Europe mixes a whole cigarette in a large paper with about half a gram of Maroc just to catch a light boring buzz, lol, they get higher off the unfiltered tobacco and the ritual than they do off the low THC hash.

Jon 54

The best Moroccan Hash rarely leaves the country,but some of the hash they make is soft but not really oily to the touch. Some middle men in the business add different fillers to up there profit but the original farmers don't!! As a rule no one goes out to poison anybody in the hash trade and it is rare to become sick over Moroccan product. You have a much better chance of getting ill say from some hash you buy say in Mumbai. I would say that this hash is very rarely being cut if you deal with reputable people.

Jon 54 :tiphat::tiphat:


Wash it in hot water and see if it brings anything out, evaporate the water and see if you can identify the cut...of course oil based cuts will stay but any dies/solvents will come out...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I prefer my own made too although I'm struggling to get drying water extract right so far... my dry sift is usually pretty melty though :)

Have to say some of the imported Moroccan hash using "Dutch" genetics is pretty soft yet seems clean...I havent rosined any or anything like that but just going by the smell and feel..

(hey Jah, doing good mate, cant reply on your page but it's good to see you about :) )

Amnesia Pollen Hash from 1e hulp (rocky import, 12 euro p/g) - shame my camera is so rubbish, its a lot of amber heads to look at close up...



Well-known member
In the "recent" years, the overall quality has actually raised, but the purity has changed, so there is "far and behold" between single source sifts, but rather a mixture of genetics in the whole, both mainstream and high-end.

By that, luggage wonders / connoisseurs choice has taken a hit (qty and price)

Futhermore, resin properties varies from and with strain, area, cultivating, processing and curing.

Baron Greenback

I remember being given, at Uni., 2 or 3 kilos of Moroccan hash. We knew a guy who'd bring it over with his boat, stashed in the diesel tanks.
The packaging had leaked and completely fucked all this hash. He came in, dropped a huge lump on the table, much to our excitement, when he said we could have it - chrimble had come early :)
It was unsmokeable, we ended up carving it into things like light pulls, loo flush handles - we were obviously very generous with it with people we didn't like :)


New member
Most commercial (Euro) hash is more terrible than most commercial bud,......most or all hash is cut with fillers, colors and binders and most bought bud has been handled so poorly that by the time you get it's devoid of trichomes.

Cannabis should be handled the same way as cut flowers from the time it begins flowering until it is handed to the retail smoker and if a couple of match heads worth of hash is not enough to get high, then it's crap and was made for profit and not to get high off.

thank goodness I grow and make my own....I'd rather do without than smoke low grade hash, no wonder just about every smoker in Europe mixes a whole cigarette in a large paper
I've never see uncut pressed hash anywhere, even in Holland its a bit shit,,, still not as good as homemade.
And your comment about European smokers mixing with tobacco is a bit off imo. Higher quality buds were the reason, from what I remember reading years back. The US had nothing but mexican brick for years, whereas Europeans were starting to see skunk hybrids pop up. This caused people to start mixing with tobacco to make their high a bit more manageable? Not sure of anything I just said, but it makes more sense than cutting a weak product with tobacco to make it stronger.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Europeans use tobacco out of habit because in the 1960's almost everyone smoked cigarettes and so mixing hash in became normal, even the Jamaicans did it

Our weed was a lot stronger, Durban Poison and some of the Congolese strains used to leave an oily residue in the baggies

Our hash was always much stronger too, it only took a couple of weeks from manufacture to hitting the streets with Lebanese for example, less if it was Moroccan.....most was brought back and distributed though networks of friends, Howard Marks being an exception

During the early 70's there was a roaring trade with US forces personnel passing through trading acid for bricks of real Thai sticks, the ones tied up with red silk, even that was different people through word of mouth, we never had anything organised for selling hash or weed, it was something hippies and black guys did

If you think using regular Virginia tobacco is unpleasant, you can imagine what using the black tobacco from Gauloise, etc tastes like.....in Israel it's common to mix weed and black tobacco, then fill up a bong:moon: