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NLX & Chronic grow / 1200W / Coco

Hi fellow farmers, I am going to show you how I grow ;) I am not in the forums too often but i will try to update my grow report frequently!


The plants:

NLX: A Dutch elite clone that was very popular about a decade ago. Nowadays it is hard to find, but I was lucky enough to get this strain from a local clone shop some time ago. The exact origin of the plant is unknown, but it is supposed that it is a cross of Northern Lights and White Widow. I like to grow this strain as it produces very resinous buds of high quality and a good yield. 9 weeks of flowering. I planted 25 cuts (~17 per m²)

Chronic: This one needs no introduction I guess ;) With this strain I scored my highest harvests and because the flowers are not very dense the head buds look enormous. Can be harvested after 9 weeks (Serious Seeds recommends that time for highest THC content) but will produce heavier buds if kept for an extra week or two. Quality-wise in my opinion the Chronic is much better than her reputation here on these forums but I have to admit one gets bored by the smoke more quickly than with other strains. Chronic plants are medium-sized but take much horizontal space, so I grow 20 (~14 per m²).

The equipment:

Tent: A grow tent which measures 2,4 x 1,2 x 2 m. I like grow tents as they are easy to set up and demount. Also they provide an extra layer of security concerning water leakage or perfidious light rays.

Lighting: Two dimmable 600W electronic ballasts, equipped with adjustable Gavita Hortistar reflectors and Philips SON-T Greenpower bulbs. I am very happy with my lighting setup, especially the dimming function turned out to be very useful for starting clones with a lower intensity of light. Ballasts and reflectors are neatly processed, nd the reflecting parts are exchangeable.

Growing medium: Coco Slabs from Bio Nova. Coco slabs are the medium of my choice as they are economic and easy to work with once they are expanded and flushed. I reuse them up to three times and I did not notice a negative effect on the harvest over time. The condition for reusing your medium is of course a pest-free grow.

Watering: I have a recirculating system with a small 45 liter reservoir. Each plant gets fed by a spaghetti tube and a dripper. Recirculating coco systems seem to be not the common practice, but for me they work petty well. Of course it is necessary to use a filter and I also found that smaller pumps with less power result in less clogged tubes. Of course occasionally a tube gets clogged, but then it is easily spotted because I use drippers and quickly changed.

Fertilizers etc: I use Canna Coco A+B, Canna PK13/14 and Cannazyme that is supposed to keep the medium clean by flushing excessing salts from the medium. I stick closely to the Canna scheme with normal fertilization dose (can be found on their website), but I usually lower the EC -0,1 or -0,2 during the weeks 3-6 of flowering depending on the strain.
I stopped using other products like to rooting stimulants and bud boosters because I don't think they are worth their money and I have my reasons to doubt they are working.

Air & filtration: A S&P TD-1000 Silent Ventilator with 200mm silenced air tubes provides fresh air and a Presh carbon filter keeps me and my plants safe.

power puff

Active member
Cool LBP,

I thought nobody had saved any NLX cuttings from years ago, very interested.
It was a great producer for sure.....

I am guessing you run gavita dimmable ballasts because you also use their hoods.
Be careful using philips son-t bulbs as the arctube bends (sometimes touching the glass) when using these in a gavita ballasts. I have seen this first hand with philips son-t agro bulbs. I would replace the bulbs with either gavita bulbs or GE lucalox bulbs if I was you.....

Good luck,

I have never been so happy about a clouded, cool and rainy day! Finally the temperatures in my tent are under 30°C. The weather was atypically hot and dry this summer and all the farmers were moaning under the heat, especially indoor farmers like me who have double heat of the sun and their lamps. Even with the lamps dimmed to 300W and the ventilator at its maximum speed the temperature in my tent was never lower than 31° and up to 36° at times.

So my little plants had a slow start unluckily. Those last 10 days of heat resulted in symptoms like curled leaves or burn mark spots and the clones that were smaller from the beginning on are now behind in their development, hope they catch up to the others.

Stressed little Chronic with curled leaves:

I will give my plants about another week of vegetation until they are stronger and a little taller.
Be careful using philips son-t bulbs as the arctube bends (sometimes touching the glass) when using these in a gavita ballasts.

Thanks for your interest in my grow! I have not noticed the problem you mention with any of the Gavita ballasts I own. Even though the lamps are old and will be replaced after this grow, their arctubes are not bent at all. As I said in my first post I am very happy with my lightning setup!
2 1/2 weeks, switched to a 12 hour light cyclus today. A lot of vegetative growth in the last few days, especially the Chronic plants in the front of the picture, in the back are the NLX with a growth pattern of a more lanky nature.

Curled leaf on the NLX, happens occasionally on the clones and is a typical sign of this cut as I know it:



ICMag Donor

I am so sad to lost my NLX cut few years ago...one of my favorite white strain...good yield of premium quality buds...

i grab a seat here....

keep up the good work!!
Day 9 of flowering. Switched the lamps from 400 to 600 Watts today and installed a plant net because I am expecting heavy buds ;)

Little jungle in my tent now. NLX to the left and Chronic to the right:

Plants showing sex. NLX plant with her first pistils:

These rooted NLX clones I took 10 days ago will be used as rejuvenated mothers:
Day 27 of flowering. Buds getting bigger and stickier. Chronic plants starts to shape nice headbuds, the NLX are a little slower in growing their buds.


Day 42 of flowering. A lot of bud development in the last week :)
Have a dehumidifier running now to keep those pretty buds free of mold. Lowered the EC of the nutrient solution today.



Little update from flowering day 47. Getting closer to harvest, brown pistils on a NLX bud:

And here is my climate graph for the last couple of days. The red Line is the temperature (in °C), the blue line the relative humidity. One can see the on-off light cycles in the variation of the red temperature line very obviously. Always wondering though why there is a significant temperature rise in the last two hours before the lights are switched off:

And as you can see, the average humidity is between 60 and 65 percent. I am not too happy about that and I installed an extra ventilator for improved air ventilation and will get an additional dehumidifier in the next few days. Especially with the big buds of the Chronic one needs to keep a sharp eye on air humidity in the final weeks.
Day 62 - Harvest!



Harvest drying:

Unuckily there was some loss due to bud rot in the massive Chronic headbuds. It hurt my grower's heart to put a part of those beautiful big buds to the garbage. Anyways it seems to be a good yield, even with the loss of approximately 3%. However, in the end the scale will tell.

Good work!!

Can't wait to see your smoke report!!

best vibes

Thanks! Will follow later ;)
Thanks guys! Buds are dried and curing now. Big suprise was that the NLX outperformed the Chronic in yield! And certainly in quality too, but that was no surprise. The total harvest is 1320g of buds and 5g Iceloator hash. A little less than I expected but still ok, what do you think?


Yield was 475g / m²
Dense and sticky buds of great quality! Did I already mention I really like to grow the NLX? :biggrin:


Yield was 450g / m²
Not really a high- yielding pheno. However, quality is taste- and highwise better than another Chronic cut I grew in the past. Still, considering that I had a substantial mold problem with this plant and given the mediocre yield I can't say this is my favourite Chronic selection.
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Great results, 1gpw is the bench mark of a good grower and you've exceeded that :tiphat:
What do you usually pull from that space?

Thanks for the dry pics