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Dry Dry Dry thats the only way to describe the month of june, I had less than 1/10 th inch of rain in the past 34 days. Sitting here around 90degrees X 31 degrees, I'm fortunate to have a creek to haul water from to my grow. Everyone knows that when you are watering for this length of time you are only keeping your plants alive... OOO yea there is new growth but if you let it grow and grow the more water it demands and the greater chance your plants will wilt and die if they dont get plenty of water.. Large plants, mine were approaching 5', now I have cut them back to under 3, but I am cutting back every 2 weeks. With my growing season lasting till october or early november I know they will grow out and make plenty of bud. Hauling nearly 50 gallons every 3 days is killer work for us in the geriatric group.. I had a pump system but all the ponds near my grow have gone dry. Generally speaking dry weather, or having to deal with drought is, I personally think, the worst scenario for us outdoor growers... I always say, lest we forget this is just a weed we are dealing with, but when I see all the wild weeds, bushes and underbrush dying out, I know its just not good for my "wild wood weed"