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Opinions, suggestions & general input wanted


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Hey folks, as some of you may be aware i am soon gonna be startin a new grow and am hoping to get as many opinions and suggestions as possible as to the best plan of action.
The space is 2m(w) 1.35(d) 2m(h), i am gonna be using 2x 600w digital balasts possibly adding another 400w later in flower, i am also using an 8 inch fan and carbon filter on a controler and a dehumidifier when needed.
I am hoping to have a 12 week turn around on the 1st harvest, i.e 4 weeks veg and 8 weeks flower. For the 2nd harvest i am hoping to have all plants vegged and ready to go straight into flower and then harvest every 8/9 weeks.
I currently have 2 mother plants i plan on working with in the new grow, they are my G13/Widow keeper and Cheese which are both currently infested with thirps but about to be hit with a large dose of thrip predators....i have an aero cloner which i am gonna load with 12 clones (probably 6 of each) so i have 12 rooted clones ready to be vegged when the new grow is ready in 2 weeks......i have always grown in coco but am open to all suggestions for this grow, i may even grow with 2 mediums (1 under each lamp) or a mix of some sort or just keep to one, i am also debating getting some female seeds for this 1st crop.....all others will be clone only and i will have 8/9 weeks to get the next batch ready to flower so i will be able to get more than 12 clones ready.
Ok peeps i think i've babbled on enough and probably repeated myself enough too so i'll leave it to you all to come forth and add some input to help me make the most of my space.....if there are any questions please ask and i'll answer a.s.a.p.

Dr. D

Active member
12 Bubbler buckets for starters..i cant think of much more now cause this MKUltra is soo fuckin good and its late...peace


Stick with coco or peat the mobility ofg mixed plants is the most importain. This way to can tailor both strains needs as you go. Have you tried silica stones?? I have yet to use them but i have heard they do wonders in reducung water stress in plants.

link to sunleaves silica stone


Maybe try adding it to your coco mix??

This is my newest test. :confused: :sasmokin:

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
I would make ebb&flood tables, and of course use cooltubes to chill things up hehe :D I have never grown in coco, just soil and hydroton, so my choice would be a couple nft or e&f tables, hydroton as medium. Eww thrips, those fuckers once killed 21 plants of mine... :(
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Hey Bliss, stopped by to put in my 2 cents. Sounds like you got a nice setup from the start. Sounds to me you got everything under controll and have just about everything you could need. I love to hear a grower that has a problem with something. Like the problem you have with the pest and jumping right on it. Show's your really good skills. First thing i would do in this grow. Get rid of the bugs. That would be my first order of business from the start. I would make sure they were gone, so they don't come back and eat away at your hard work later on. As for the setup for the grow. I would have to agree with Farmer John. I too love the Ebb&Flo setup. The only reason i say this. Is that i never had a problem with this method and had never needed a reason to search for a neew method. It's pretty much a easy and good way to grow for me and anyone else. I like the Hydroton medium also, but before my problem. I made the switch to Ready-Gro. I saw great result from it and i'm thinking about sticking with it. The only other medium i would use. Is lava rocks for larger plants in grow buckets. I really don't want to tell you how to setup your grow. I'm just expressing what works for me. If i was you and it was my grow. I would stick to what worls for you. You don't want to waste anytime and have problems with your grow. If you do, you'll be upset in the end. Try running a smaller type grow next to this one and do some testing. Try other methods and see what you like. Never used any coco, so i couldn't say about it. As for the Fem seeds. I've had super good lucky with Fet's stuff. Spice Brother's Seeds, but from the test grows here. I would give the Female seeds a run. I know i'm going to try their Skunk Special when i get back. Man, those pictures from Wags where awesome. Well, now you got me talking up a storm. I hope your grow goes well, but i know it will. I hope i didn't step on your toes. Just expressing what works for me. You take care and i'll be here watchin and helping, if i can.
Take care,


High mate... the fucking post gremlin muched my long ass reply! bAstard!

Anyway.... I am lil tired and high off the sour diesel right now so excuse any dodgy spelling and bad punctuation :p

I would also say to stick with the coco as the man above says...

you know how to use it so it wont be a learning curve that you need to cross before getting your T's crossed & I's dotted if ya know what I mean... if not basically you can concentrate on getting the environment spot on, and keeping the girls happy rather than learning a new way to grow, even though as these guys say Ebb&flow sounds easy it's still another thing to master.

So I would do....

. 12 x 11L square pots (25cmx25cm)

. @ least 1200lph pump, LDPE, drippers filter and a res. (if ya need mo info on irrigation lemme know.)

. aircooled shades, large fan & speed control intake from outside or loft and exhaust outside no carbon filter on circuit.

. seperate carbon filter & exhaust.

. Canna Coco, Canna A&B coco nutes, Rhizotonic, Cannazyme, Pk13/14

. get 3x 125w enviolights instead of the 400w to hang inbetween plants.

. Grow bushes, Lst'd aim for 3.5oz per plant and you can get 1gpw....

here's a 3.5oz plant from a friends grow, it's in a 6.5L wilma pot... single cola dominant, a week or so pre harvest.

Pics are for size reference, as each of your plant would theoretically have 33cm's (width) of space each to play with. That plant in the pic is in a 18cmx18cm pot and you can see it's prolly 30cm+ wide the lower limbs were tied down to recieve light. Strain was shiva skunk from sensi seeds (nlxskunk).... just in case your intrested. rock hard buds ZERO mould easy to grow.

BTw auto irrigation would cost you 30-45cm of headspace... hand watering is cheaper and you get to inspect your lovely ladies everyday

there's mi coupla rupees mate, hope it helps...

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Traktor driver
Sounds good so far mate, I'm jeallous :moon: :D

I've only grown in soil so far so can't help you with the hydro stuff. I dig Mampis idea with the 3 Enviolights hanging vertically though. I might look into something like that myself, it's amazing how much difference it makes. I can see with my current ladys that, given more light from the sides, they could yield double what I get at the moment :chin:


The Voice of Reason
Sounds like you've got your ducks in a row, mate... I like the advice given to stick to what you know... If you have a seperate veg. area you may want to consider a perpetual harvest scenario... Having a veg room, and always running 12/12 in the flower chamber, rotating plants from veg to flower as plants become ready for harvest... this can free you up to grow strains with very different flower times...


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
I to would say Ebb and Flow either by way of buckets or a nice big tray. Goober easy large yields no muss no fuss just the way we stoners like it. The lights will produce a lot of heat I have daystar hoods myself but as already stated the cool tubes are cool. Buy them pre made or go to E-bay and look for a (bake a round) and make your own usually around 12.00. You my friend have gotten imput from some of the finest growers this site has sorry I had to mess that up lol. Keep us posted and the rest will be easy.

Wanted to add I used Silica Stones in BOB a few years ago and they worked very well but take note if ya use it RINSE THEM VERY WELL BEFORE USING or you will have white shit everywhere.

Have A Nice Day
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TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Ok let me start by saying i jsut spent 20 minutes writting a reply and then due to severe stonedness manages to loose it all so im gonna summerise now.
Many thanks to everyone, i am feeling so confident with all of your help, inspiration and suggestions that i just know im gonna end up wuth something very special.
I am thinking to keep to doing COCO because its what i am good at and all i've ever done, only i was thing of doing it with 20 plants on one half of the space and on the other half running 6 DWC's (although have a pump that can run at least double if needed)....this way i can get the whole DWC thing tuned in with the knowledge of the COCO ones being perfect 1st time, after the 1st grow i may run just DWC's if i am impressed and all goes well with them....eventually moving into organics too.
In order to not pass on any bugs to the new flower or veg rooms i am gonna start with 6 clones from a friend for the DWC's and 20 Female seeds for the coco, then i will have 12 weeks to get my thrip probelm sorted and have new, clean and perfect mothers as well as enough vegged (gonna veg with 125w envirolites) clones to put straight into flower so i have a perpetual harvest.
The second grow will probably be 12 to 15 buckets with clones from my G13WIDOW, CHEESE & MENTAL FLOSS mothers, i will probably squeeze some COCO girls around the edges too.
Im so excited about getting things going.
Also i'm so stoned right now.
Thanks once again folks and please do link any relavent grows you think will help, can be a real struggle to find em, i encourage you to link you own grows too so i can see your prefed methods in action.


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Yeah thats what i was thinking too, better back up the new method with a tried and tested one........i may be doing female seeds in the DWC's too so looks like the 1st crop will be a all female seeds.....hopefully mrwags will chime in with his opinion but i was thinking of getting Grapefruit, White Widow and Special skunk.
The other option i will also have is to add a 400w to the 2 x 600w later on in flower, would this be too much for the space i will have, im thiking the 8 inch fan will do a good job of keeping things cool in there.
Also wondering if anyone has a link to some good air pumps?


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Ok peeps i've just ordered some 10 packs of Female seeds 1 Grapefruit and 2 Special Skunk.....by time they arrive early next week i will have my new grow all set up, i have decided on going with the 6 buckets containing Grapefruit and 20 Special skunk(mrwags pics got me real excited about these) in coco. I will start them all in root riot cubes under 2 125w envirolites and then after 2 weeks put them under a single 600w for 2 more weeks before adding another 600w and flowering them all.
A new thread will be started as soon as i begin the new grow.


truecannabliss said:
Ok peeps i've just ordered some 10 packs of Female seeds 1 Grapefruit and 2 Special Skunk.....by time they arrive early next week i will have my new grow all set up, i have decided on going with the 6 buckets containing Grapefruit and 20 Special skunk(mrwags pics got me real excited about these) in coco. I will start them all in root riot cubes under 2 125w envirolites and then after 2 weeks put them under a single 600w for 2 more weeks before adding another 600w and flowering them all.
A new thread will be started as soon as i begin the new grow.

Sounds like there's going to be a killer jungle in you place very soon. Can't wait to see some killer plants in those buckets. I'll be around and watching. Good luck and link us when the new threads start.
Take care,

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
:yoinks: TC! 6 grapefruit and 20 special skunk! It's going to look like a mini version of The Gardens of The Alhambra in there! You've done a bang up job on the design - looking forward to your maiden flight! :yes:


Well if you ask me true mate, i would say get yoursel a water proof table with a drain, and use that table to keep pots full of coco, which you'll have to handwater if you continue with multistrain and perpetual growing. if you wanted to go into Sog growing, with just a keeper strain, then i'd sugest (very humbly) my coco set up, with slabs and drippers lol. but it really all depends on how you plan to grow in this new place.

best of luck what ever you end up doing.