That's a nice bunch of crosses,but maybe you should also try to reproduce the line because it looks very nice pure,and could get you much more seeds to work on in the future if you're pleased by the strain...
And welcome to the fabulous world of home made cannabis seeds! No way back now...
Nice one Canabisso.
I´m also a landrace lover and i think you might have done some very interesting crosses in here. Well done.
When the time comes, please, drop us a smoke report. I´m very curious about the Sinai.
Can you provide us with a strain description?
Thanks in advance and keep up the good work
I just finished growing some out for seed. There was a lot of different phenotypes to be found but the two i did TLC on had a THC:CBD ratio of 5:1 and 6:1. There's some good meds for sure.
Thanks for the replies.
She was more of an indica phenotype. I haven't experienced the sativa phenotype yet.
Her seeds are very small compared to other strains and they are of brown color.
The sativa phenotype looks very interesting.