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feel free to link my post from the other thread shaggy - for some reason i can't respond to your message - perhaps too few posts?

sirius haze

hello fellows, do you think its possible to find a tutorial to produce etephon at home ? i cant buy this product in europe and i would like to reverse some males...:comfort:

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Me too!
And no, it can't be synthesized easily (and I'm not that bad in organic chemistry) and certainly not at home ;( .
An alternative would also be nice... maybe test apples as last resort?

All I found out was that approved farmers can get it (e.g. Florel) litre-wise. Find one and ask if you could get some millilitres. Where I live, no one uses it (or at least nobody admits using it).
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New member
i just bought ethrel in liquid form by bayer.
i want to apply on my 4 week herms. what should be the concentration?


Me too!
And no, it can't be synthesized easily (and I'm not that bad in organic chemistry) and certainly not at home ;( .
An alternative would also be nice... maybe test apples as last resort?

All I found out was that approved farmers can get it (e.g. Florel) litre-wise. Find one and ask if you could get some millilitres. Where I live, no one uses it (or at least nobody admits using it).

Where I live, Florel brand ethephon 3.9% concentrate ("Fruit Eliminator") is available off the shelf at the local farmers feed store (as well as nurseries/garden centers) @ about $10 for 8 fl oz (236 ml)... just picked up some more just the other week...

I'm no farmer, per se, and I sure as heck ain't 'approved' by anyone...

[Sorry if this came across dick-ish... just now realized we're in diff countries/regulatory regimes] :eek::
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New member
the concentration in the bottle is 480g\liter ethephon so it is much more concentrated then the florel. i will try 1ml\L with some prayers and hope it will reverse my trancesexual ladies.


Registered Med User
I was thinking bout getting some of this, then i read the labels! Stuff sounds a little too dangerous to spray on my medicine.... guess I'll have to be old fashioned and execute the hermi plants...


It's the same chemical sealed fruits, mainly bananas give off. I've used it a time or two when I had a plant(s) go hermie on me. I've even been thinking about using it on seed runs with funny style plants like the Chems and OGs, etc.


This is a hormone that has really proven itself many times for me, much more obvious effect than the other PGRs and safer as well!

I usually only use it if I see any balls in early flower, some strains are prone to it. I use 400pm florel ph'd to 4.0-4.5 and foliar sprayed once at day ~15 if I see any balls/brown pistils and then again a week later at day ~21 to make sure.

Ethephon has the following very obvious and significant effects:

- reduced internode space and shorter plants after flip (plants stop stretching around day ~17 instead of day ~22). This is perhaps to most significant effects since it leads to much denser bud structures. I'll be able to report a rough yield impact soon.
- earlier bud maturation. The buds start more dense and solid. Instead of being airy and then "filling in," they start dense and expand out.
- Earlier terpene production. My room smells like day 50 at day 20.
- Some premature leaf yellowing (on older shade leaves). This is a side affect of the hormonal ripening response.
- Early and strong coloration
- Suppression of any seeds and nanners. Lifesaver if using an unstable strain.

Overall this is a powerful hormone that I feel is an indispensable tool for an indoor cultivator.

I'll do my best to update with thread with any concrete data as I collect it.


Active member
Here's a little breeding trick. Everyone knows STS or colloidal silver for feminizing seeds. Guess what works for masculinizing seeds?