I been growing since year 2000 and begin with Hydro (DWC) in 2010, never have a problem until this year when slime come into my buckets and it was a bummer, couldn't get my babys grow anymore (root rot). So I start to get deeper and deeper searching for a solution to the MF (sorry for my french) slime or Cyanobacteria.
I use to use H2o2, but it seems that Slime was laughing and happy with it. So then I change to bleach (chlorine) with good results, but I found that the grow was not that good when using Chorine (0.5 ppm). Never try antibiotics but I know they work (IMO I believe is a bit too much using atibiotics for plants)
Then I read about EWC tea. And I found that ewc tea is just a grow of benefical bacteria, and I remember my years when I use to have aquariums, since with filters you need to do the same. And I figure, this benefical bacteria grow is probably what I need for DWC or RDWC, and BINGO 2 months already with the same aquarium principle for DWC and plant are growing nice and no sign of slime at all. Also you can add nitrogen like urea, and the bacteria will make it good fast for our plants.
So what is the secret?
You just need benefical bacteria in your buckets. How? Like in aquariums you have 2 easy ways to get benefical bacteria, you just need to give the bacteria a good place to stay there (biofilter media), wish you can find it very easy in any aquarium shop or homedepot. Basically is media where the benefical bacteria can survive wish includes (but not only) lava stones, ceramic biofilter media, bioballs, hydroton, etc. (just search for biofilter aquarium media on google). Basically media that will sink and have lots of room for bacteria grow.
So you got the media, and the bacteria?
Method 1: Add the biofilter media to the buckets (just enough to cover the buttom of the bucket 1 o 2 cm), add nutriens (like in flo), airstone + air pump, and leave it there for 30 days. And presto you will have bacteria, and never slime again.
Method 2: same than method 1, but instead of 30 days, you just need to add benefical bacteria culture (you can find it in aquarium stores easy) wait for 3 days and you are ready to go.
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I am not sayin is the only method, but it works for me (and eco friendly). Hope you can try it, and you can post the results here. Best of luck! At least on my side plants are greener and growing faster, is a very easy and cheap method, no ppm, ec or dangerous chemicals and water is crystal clear. Good for cloners too!
Healty roots = Amazing Buds!
PS: sorry for my english, let me know if you do not understand something.
I use to use H2o2, but it seems that Slime was laughing and happy with it. So then I change to bleach (chlorine) with good results, but I found that the grow was not that good when using Chorine (0.5 ppm). Never try antibiotics but I know they work (IMO I believe is a bit too much using atibiotics for plants)
Then I read about EWC tea. And I found that ewc tea is just a grow of benefical bacteria, and I remember my years when I use to have aquariums, since with filters you need to do the same. And I figure, this benefical bacteria grow is probably what I need for DWC or RDWC, and BINGO 2 months already with the same aquarium principle for DWC and plant are growing nice and no sign of slime at all. Also you can add nitrogen like urea, and the bacteria will make it good fast for our plants.
So what is the secret?
You just need benefical bacteria in your buckets. How? Like in aquariums you have 2 easy ways to get benefical bacteria, you just need to give the bacteria a good place to stay there (biofilter media), wish you can find it very easy in any aquarium shop or homedepot. Basically is media where the benefical bacteria can survive wish includes (but not only) lava stones, ceramic biofilter media, bioballs, hydroton, etc. (just search for biofilter aquarium media on google). Basically media that will sink and have lots of room for bacteria grow.
So you got the media, and the bacteria?
Method 1: Add the biofilter media to the buckets (just enough to cover the buttom of the bucket 1 o 2 cm), add nutriens (like in flo), airstone + air pump, and leave it there for 30 days. And presto you will have bacteria, and never slime again.
Method 2: same than method 1, but instead of 30 days, you just need to add benefical bacteria culture (you can find it in aquarium stores easy) wait for 3 days and you are ready to go.
Or check this link
I am not sayin is the only method, but it works for me (and eco friendly). Hope you can try it, and you can post the results here. Best of luck! At least on my side plants are greener and growing faster, is a very easy and cheap method, no ppm, ec or dangerous chemicals and water is crystal clear. Good for cloners too!
Healty roots = Amazing Buds!
PS: sorry for my english, let me know if you do not understand something.