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65 Galon Smart Pot soil mix


looking for a bit of help first timer using smart pots im a bit worried on my soil mix will this work, i dont want it too be hot, im in Australi@ and some amendments you folks in the usa and europe get yours hands on isnt as easy for us example: azomite , kelp meal , guano
20%worm castings( high quality) :blowbubbles:
15%organic compost/mushroomcompost
15%chicken manure
50%organic potting soil+perlite*coco+peatmoss
blood and bone
rock phosphate

i have guano in liquid its hard to source in powder in oz

any help would be great ! :thank you:


Well-known member
Hi man.

Sounds already pretty good.

Try using a bunch of Mycorrhizal fungi. They really help a lot. Also some beneficial bacteria to start up your living soil would be nice to see.

You can save money by not adding liquid fertz. Just make sure you check your pH range of the soil, and your EC values before you start. Also check with different pH's of the water you tend to give those ladies.

Check for absorption capacity and air capacity of your soil. You don't want to get it to hold a lot of water in all places. That way you can get bugs a lot faster and root/stem rot etc.
Perhaps you can find some clay or loam to mix in? Clay is very good for producing big plants and big nugs.

Ow yeah, almost forgot (that's the thing when medicating...) : use some lime (Ca 2+) to make sure the pH is buffered.

Or check some recipes here at ICmag :)

Hope it helps!

Cheers from BE (I've relatives Down Under ;) )


Hi man.

Sounds already pretty good.

Try using a bunch of Mycorrhizal fungi. They really help a lot. Also some beneficial bacteria to start up your living soil would be nice to see.

You can save money by not adding liquid fertz. Just make sure you check your pH range of the soil, and your EC values before you start. Also check with different pH's of the water you tend to give those ladies.

Check for absorption capacity and air capacity of your soil. You don't want to get it to hold a lot of water in all places. That way you can get bugs a lot faster and root/stem rot etc.
Perhaps you can find some clay or loam to mix in? Clay is very good for producing big plants and big nugs.

Ow yeah, almost forgot (that's the thing when medicating...) : use some lime (Ca 2+) to make sure the pH is buffered.

Or check some recipes here at ICmag :)

Hope it helps!

Cheers from BE (I've relatives Down Under ;) )
I'm going to get onto the
Mycorrhizal fungi. My mate was going on about it the other day I have dolomite lime that does the same thing as the lime tho I almost forgot about it your grow is looking great what's your soil mix consist of all the best