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GD AngelDust & Cindy Williams Grow Log


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Growdate: Day 1...Soaking in shot glass

:wave: Well I'm back online...and have started the wheels turning on the new grow..
Dropped 4 of Growdoc's Angel Dust beans & 6 Cindy Williams beans in some shot glasses with a tad of Superthrive.
Please no more comments about ST...It has worked great for bustin beans in the past..
I like it for germ and 1st potting..
Growdoc's AD info can be found here at IC, so I'm not going into all that..What is Cindy Williams you ask?..
Well these beans should be interesting..They are a cross of Brothers Grimm Williams Wonder & BG Cinderella 99..
These beans are not stabilized and were not engineered...Pretty much the two plants got it on and this is the offspring..
I have a good number of them..so I thought what the hell..let's see what happens.. :chin:
Their parents were outstanding..so I'm gettin a good vib..I think the WW is the daddy...
was trying out a Volcano vap when I was told..so the details are a bit foggy at this point... :kos:
My objective is to get 4 girly's out of the 10 beans to grow to maturity in soilless potting soil..more on that as I go
I plan to do another somewhat detailed grow log with lots-o-pics..Sorry folks, loss of job did not allow for a new camera...
so the old Olympus will have to do.. :pointlaug

Sorry but I am not takin pics of beans floating in shot glasses...just picture it..
but in the meantime here is an over-posted shot of BubbleDust, daughter of AngelDust, from the last grow... :nanana:
GD BubbleDust


hello packn2 :joint:
hey bro i two am growing AD there sevral days old now, looking good but the stem's seem to be quite frail and skinny not sure if thats normal just though i would give you a heads up......ummm two seeds poped pretty quick the other two still have not poped an d at this time i'm expecting them two, however i did go ahead and put them to soil sooooo who knows maybe............
good luck bro :wave:

P.S. that cross you have sounds very interresting :chin: :chin: .....


Active member


Aye Cap'n...growdate day 1...locked in...all ahead full...warp factor 8...

set phasers for 'baked'! :pointlaug

glad to see you posting, packn!! :woohoo:

i hope all is well...

rock the house (again)!!! :sasmokin:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Floating Beans

Floating Beans

jaws... Yeah the BubbleDust had tails in less than 24hrs last grow..I hope the AD's are that quick..
as of now they have only been soaking for about 9hrs none have dropped so far.. :wave:

Sleepy... What's up Sleepster..Yeah I kinda miss my east coast bird garden I had going on..
I'm back in the mountains where I want to be..and I don't have to worry about maintenance dudes showing up every week..
I was getting paranoid about doing a grow there anyway..My place is kinda small and I don't have A/C installed..
So this grow is going to be interesting, as the grow room is gonna be a work in progress.. :chin:

Well not much has happened yet..10 beans floating on water :woohoo:

The first pics will be when I get tails...not sure of the CW beans viability..but Growdoc's beans are usually like jaws said..quick.. :yoinks:


hello packn2 :joint:
ya bro i talked to grow awhile back and he put me on the list for the BD, so when its ready hopefuly i will get a few of them..i had planed to get some anubis from him but the money thing did not go as planed at that time so that never happened.......the mummia sounds interesting as well :chin: :chin: ......well bro i will be checking in to see how things go here for you.....
peace bro :wave:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Sunk Beans

Sunk Beans

Growdate: Day 2 Beans Dropped

Real quick like, gotta go to a job interview...

All beans dropped except one CW..so they are on paper towels now..come on tails..
Maybe I'll take a pic of them on paper T's but does anyone really want to see that..we'll see..
Just paper T's this time...no soil volcanos this time
More when I have more time later... :wave:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Got Tails

Got Tails

Growdate: Day 3 Tails, Seeds in soil

jaws... These AD's, like all of Growdoc's beans, cracked faster than a meth user being interrogated by Leo... :angrymod:
If I don't have tails in 24 hrs, I start to think something is wrong...

GMT... What's up mate, glad you stopped by, time to get back to some cheerful growin..
No more whining about my job...It's time to make big buds.. :woohoo:

The fun has begun..4/4 AngelDust beans germed..3/6 Cindy Williams busted open..
This time I'm using Scotts seed starter soil in the beginning (Sphag peat, perlite & 0.01% phosphate)..
I also added a decent amount of vermiculite & extra perlite..just 7.0 Pur filtered water until first re-pot..
I'll add a little SuperThrive the first re-pot..and will be using Scotts potting soil this time..
Had trouble finding Promix this time..Hemp Depot doesn't sell it here and I got a lot of gnats last time with Promix..
Was gonna use Supersoil, they guarantee no pests..but it had a lot of fert in it, so we'll give the Scotts a go..
We'll I haven't taken a pic since the last grow..a little rusty..and I don't like messing around with'um too much at this stage
So here is a quick pic of the AD's...I'm using my little seed/clone chamber to start'um off..more pic's to follow.. :nanana:
GD AngelDust 4/7/06


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Feet in Terra Firma

Feet in Terra Firma

Growdate: Day 4 In The Dirt

So I ended up with 4/4 AD's and 4/6 CW's that cracked...for now they are in my Seed/Clone chamber..
I made this last year...it's a shipping container with 2 - 2ft T8 4100k fluoros, lined with Lightning 97 reflect medium..
It's cheap and works well for this task and clones...I wasn't going to use peat cups this time..but I had them, so whatever..
Nothing popping out of the soil yet..but all the seed in the pots have cracked..
My optimistic goal is to end up with 4 girls in the end..time will tell
OK here's the pics..one I took today..others just to show the chamber.. :nanana:
NEW 4AD's & 4CW's





hello packn :joint:
hey bro congrats on the 4 for 4 on the AD, i only got two for 4 but thats ok i will work with that for now......weird dude very weird i have been thinking about making that exact clone box, so much so i just bought a rubber maid tub today....i was just going to fasted the two 2foot floros to the under side of the lid but now i see i will have to go with what you have done there....or maybe i will take this one back and get one that is long enough to just fasted to the under side of the lid.....

hey whats the film strip thing for? in the fourth pic.......
thank you :wave:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Young Giver.. You must have posted while I was preparing the last post..Thanks man...lurk away..always welcome. :wave:

jaws.. What's up brotha...If you notice, this way the fluro ballast vents are on the outside of the box...
The purple box was back when I used grow lights...I just use 4100k's now..
That strip is actually an aquarium thermometer strip..now I have an electronic and a basic temp/RH meters in there..
Also I have reflectors that fit over the lights made out of L97 seen in the 4th pic..
Shipping containers are cheap...like $3 at Hemp Depot, Lowes, Menards, etc...
I could use more lights..but for germ and clones weaker light is desired...I used a Dremmel Tool to cut the holes.. :wave:


hello packn :joint:
thank you for the info my friend, ummm tell me do you know if the sell tubs like that, that are not so see through?.......ahhhh reason i'm asking is i only have one closit to grow in and when i keep clones to root i will need to keep them in the same area as my plants in flower....i have done cloning before and have dad excellent results but i don't do it very often, mainly because i have no where to keep them while the mothers are put into flower......i have built an upper shelf in my closit so i can store a tub with clones BUT it will still need to be light proff ya know....and help would be great.....i have been growing for 4 years and would really really like to start keeping some clones, so as soon as i harvest i can drop the clones and go right back in with a quick veg and then right back into flower.....i think what your doing there would be perfect for me if i can get some light proff tubs........
thank's bro :wave:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
jaws.. I've seen them before...Best Buy ships a lot of their products to the stores in dark blue ones...but I don't know where to buy them..
Now I lined mine with Lightning 97 which does the trick for the walls and I used to through a black blanket over it when it was in the flower room..
You could wrap it with duct tape or rattle can paint, etc..
You could also consider a tub again like you were thinking about before...
Food for thought..


hello packn :joint:
thank you my friend thats something to think about, i must get something ready soooon......i was told if you kepted rooted clones under low wattage floros like say two 20w floros that this would keep them heathy ang growing but still keep them some what small untill its time to drop them into veg does this sound right to you.....like i said i'm fairly new at keeping clone and i'm bran new at keeping them for any amount of real time...when i take clones i just usualy take the cut root it then veg it with the mother and then simply flower with the rest of the crop, i'm trying to take a cut and hold it untill after the mothers have been harvested and the do a full on clone grow.....this way i can use a 40gallon rubber maid tube and just put my clones in there and get with ya know, all females with no worries of males screwing things up.........
thank you :wave:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
jaws... I learned a lot about clones from a guru here that has now recinded his membership..
that the key to clones is to only provide enough light to keep them in stasis...
Too much light and the clone will try to grow...this is undesirable because the clone cannot uptake nutes until it has roots...
The clone will begin to consume itself trying to grow..that is..it will destroy it's own leaves to supply energy to build new ones..
So you are spot on using those 20W fluros..that will keep them in stasis for a long long time...
I learned that the hard way...now I just do water clones (old school) and bubble air from a fish tank air pump..
Here's a BubbleDust clone done that way...see how the leaves still look good :wave:



hello packn :joint:
ya bro the last set of clones i took i did the water method it worked great but it did take a few days longer but thats no biggy to me.......never seen it done in a small bubbler like that one, i guess that keeps the oxygen up to par huhhh.how often do you change that water or do you?.is that just plain water or does it have stemulent in it like SThrive....also thank's for taking the time to talk with me bro.......
peace :wave:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
jaws..Not a problem man..I'll help any way I can..I'm not the most experienced grower here either..
but I've paid attention to what others I know have told me and have hopefully weeded out the
bullshit from the good info..that with my own observations...I'm a much better grower now...
Come to think of it I think it..I think I did use a little ST the first cup full...but from there on..
just tap water from my Pur water filter..some use RO water (labeled Purified Water) if you get it from the store..
Change water every couple of days...some say every day..whatever..as long as slime doesn't form on the roots..
You'll see a lot of folks killing their plants with kindness(too much nutes, over-watering, etc.)..
I found the more I stopped fucking with um the better they grew..
The air pump keeps the roots oxygenated..but is not totally necessary...I used it because I had it...I bubble my nute water for the plants..
I cut the clone at a 45 degree angle and toss it in..some like to cut rings around the stem to promote root growth...
and sure an aeroponic cloner and dipping the clone in root hormone probably is a better way to go..
but this didn't cost me anything, a coffee mug and a yogurt lid with some aluminum tape just to keep the roots in the dark..
This is that clone all grown up... :wave:



hello packn :joint:
ok bro i gotcha i will be trying some of the ideas i found in that link you left me in my box, i thank you again for the link......soooooo thats the outcome of that clone huhhh, well i must say you most difinitly learned something from that dude by the looks of those pic's.....to bad he is no longer here there was a couple Question that were ask that i would have liked the anser two :badday: ........beautiful bubbledust my friend..............
peace :wave:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Wake Up Little Ones...Time To Grow

Wake Up Little Ones...Time To Grow

Growdate: Day 5 Some Are Poppin

Well some have begun to peek out and see the world..Surprise to me is the CW's are poppin first..
The AD's are being a little stubborn..not panicking yet..hopefully the plumules are just getting a good foothold to jack the seed..
I am a little worried cause the top soil is drying faster than expected..and I hope I didn't hurt um taking the seed pic..
Germ count is now 4/4 AD's & 5/6 CW's...I think the only seed that didn't drop in the shot glass, is the one that isn't germing either..
So 9 in pots total now..I did wash a little soil away with a spray bottle on the AD's just till I could barely see the seed..
That's the most I'm gonna mess with them for now...Also trying to get this thread moved to the Grow Diaries..so if you don't see it later..well..
I have to leave for a party real quick..but I took some quick pic's to show the new babes..not my best..no time now to make it better..
So here is CW1 & CW2...first 2 CW's to germ..1st to rise :nanana:

CW1 & CW2
