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best or favourite LED ratios and wavelengths?

sticky pipez

New member
As the title says what ratios and wavelengths are your led lights made of? Have you used different setups and got different results? Is there an ideal spectrum? How many 'bands' is best? 3?4?5?6?7?8?9?more?

here is what my latest led light consists of, its a custom ratio I made up to try. Will be starting a new grow very soon.

630nm 60pcs - RED
660nm 30pcs - FAR RED
470nm 10pcs - BLUE
450nm 10pcs - DEEP BLUE
610nm 6pcs - ORANGE
380nm 2pcs - ULTRA VIOLET
850nm 2pcs - INFRA RED

Let me know what you think of this ratio of 7 bands.

Peace, pipez


Organic LED Grower
This subject has been discussed multiple times here on ICMAG, but at this moment there is nothing like a 'magic combination' .
Very good results can be achieved with a full white spectrum, eventually enhanced on the blue and red region :
- enhanced blue with some red for seedlings and all vegetation cycle;
- enhanced red over the veg combination for flowering;

Narrow band leds are not suitable for all plants (what can be excellent for a strain could be a disaster for other).

When you speak about multiple band leds, not the number of each wavelength chip is important, but the total output power (light intensity) emitted by this leds. The same blue chip will produce more usable light for the plants when it's covered with phosphorous coating to emit white light.
In the same way, a red chip running at the same current as a blue one will produce less light.

In my humble opinion, you can keep the RED and FAR RED together with BLUE and DEEP BLUE leds, and change the rest of them with white leds. Your plants will love it and it will be much easier for you to work in the garden when the lights are ON.


sticky pipez

New member
Thanks for the input hempfield, I always thought it was best to stay away from white leds as they are bright to the eye but not so good on the plants, alot of cheap chinese manufacturers put a load of white leds in just to up the "lumen output" but maybe I was wrong. I think the ultraviolet should be in there though as its been proven to increase thc levels, is there much UV from a white led?. Regardless I shall try this ratio to see the results.

Again thanks for the input.

Peace, pipez


Organic LED Grower
I believe the white leds do not emit UV light at all. The UV emitting LEDs are far more expensive than ordinary LEDs, as they require special materials for housing (UV transparent and UV proof).

But as far as I know, there is no real fact (experimental grows) to sustain the theory that UV light has a beneficial effect on THC production and how this can be enhanced on a controlled environment. Maybe some side by side grows, with and without UV led supplement, followed by a laboratory analysis can demonstrate this. If the gain on THC levels is high enough , the UV supplement could be consider useful, but if the gain is low, the benefits will be shadowed by the disadvantages and side effects of UV light (on plants and human health also).

sticky pipez

New member
Thanks hempfield for clearing that up :) I have ordered 16x3w white leds so I can replace some orange,infrared and UV leds to do a comparison, although I use seeds instead of clones (as im from n.ireland and I can't get a decent source and don't have the space for a mother plant) it may show some differences but clones would be ideal. I will try 3 dutch passion think different seeds and 2 trans Siberian (white widow x white russian) under the light with my current spectrum then do the same but with the white leds installed.
My lamp arrived today and I am very impressed with the build quality ( better than penetrators or black dog lamps) aluminium shell with almost silent fans and its waterproof too. I checked how much power it was drawing and it was 307w so not too bad. Hopefully itl kick my 400w hps' ass. Il start a diary when things get going.

Peace, pipez


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
best is likely a combo of cree XM
like 5:4 ww to nw ~maybe 3:2 nw to cw for veg

trem0lo lamp is prob a fav
i see something like 10 660s 6 ww 3w & 2 430s
as a real cool micro-gro lamp

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