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Making Bubble Hash with Bubbleator


after many years of making my bubble hash with my 8 bag kit of 20 gallon bubble bags, i finally decided to get a bubbleator to save on labor and time.

i realized that it should make things easier and even improve the quality of the end product a bit if done right. so this made me decide to get one from a local store. the one they sold was the pollinator company version. i have to say that it has a slight leak some where at the run off hose connection under the unit. it's a very slight leak, but still kinda annoying.

anyway it did make some very nice looking hash, i did notice some traces of crap in the macros, and realized that i forgot to let the trim re hydrate in the water before turning the machine on. this cased all the dry brittle trim to get battered into small bits letting out chlorophyll in to the water and tinny bits of leaf in the bubble. still this was just a trail run, i have a bunch of trim i need to run.

what i did like is the color, due to the short conntact time with the water the trichomes are not green at all, even the third run has a nice color and texture. it also looks to have yielded quite well all things considered.







73 bag, best way to get rid of the bubbles...


starting dry frozen weight of the trim for the record, will be weighing the yield too out of interest. just as soon as it's dry.

first run at 9 minutes of washing

my trusty old set of bubblebags ready and waiting to do their magic. OH YEAH! nearly forgot to mention, these machines come with a 220 net bag, plus a small 220 and 70 set of 1gallon bbags. so that means if i was using their bags only not my own 8 bag set, i would have lost all that hash down the drain that you see under 45 and 25 in the pics, quite a pile!. now that's irresponsible. the leak is one thing but letting people throw away all the 45 and 25? ok the 25 maybe, but the 45, really? fucking really? i can't believe it myself. i hope bubblemans bubblenow is better thought through. with outdoor or small trichomed material you can get some superb stuff from the 45, even the 25 can be used for some thing.


Album link: https://www.icmag.com/ic/album.php?albumid=30699


looks great, been after one for ages too. saves all that arm work..

Hey mack 10, yeah it sure does save all that sitting there and mixing. and it really allows you to save time over all too. i did 4 runs in the end in the time i usually do 2. and both the 3rd and 4th run were worth doing and still didnt look green at all. although i am disapointed in the leak and the missing 25 or 45 bag with the machine. but if you have your own bags it's an awesome help, although to be really i regret not getting the xl version. have another old batch of trim to do before i can star using the real dank trim from my more recent grows, with cheese and sour diesely genetics.

looking great man

thank ya kindly. starting a new run today, but before that i wanted to post up some dry shots. i went for an experiment with the drying process, leaving the 73 from the second run in it's original patty, looks really nice i think you'll agree, hehe. but it's clear that it's taking longer to dry then the other samples which i broke up while they were still soft. despite that though even the small bits are still bendy, lol, so either there is still some moisture, or it's actually pretty damn clean. anyway check out the dry shots....






mack 10

Well-known member
i'm coming to yours, bubble bubble.lol now i gotta get one.
also like the bubble removing trick on the 70 bag.

i've actually got to get a new set of bags, i finally wore out my original's:)
dam, made like 10year's of bubble,,,lmao.

mack 10

Well-known member
And what's the white sheet? some type of dring/pressing screen? looks like kitchen roll, but that would just end up a sticky mess.


i'm coming to yours, bubble bubble.lol now i gotta get one.
also like the bubble removing trick on the 70 bag.

i've actually got to get a new set of bags, i finally wore out my original's:)
dam, made like 10year's of bubble,,,lmao.

yeah the sprayer is essential also for centering the pile of bubble. you can use the sprayer like a trichome broom to sweep everything into a nice pile in the center of the screen.

after lending my bags out without much instruction i noticed that some people use the actual screen in the bag to get the moisture out by pressing. this is a big mistake and will gum up your bags in short order. one should collect the resin while it's still soaking wet with a spoon. this way the screen stays clean and the bags will last much longer without having to use nail polish remover to clean the screens.

did another batch yesterday, must have been better trim, as it' smells nicer. i just love the way you can just keep running the same material 4 times and still get nice looking results. of course i use less and less bags every consecutive run i did, till the 4th run all i used was the 25 bag and the 220 to catch the crap that escapes the pillow bag inside the bubbleator.

And what's the white sheet? some type of dring/pressing screen? looks like kitchen roll, but that would just end up a sticky mess.

thats a sheet of baking paper folded in half. i love using that stuff as all the hash comes off easily once it's dry. since i realized that any pressing while wet is bad for quality i started using this paper to let the hash dry on. specially the first run i will not do any pressing on, with the lesser qualities i will use the small pressing screens to dab the water out from the bottom with kitchen roll.


Stellar product by the looks of it. Great work.

cheers man, it looks pretty good after all eh?

Had a chance to sample the goods yet?

it's pretty damn nice if i do say so myself. now that it's nearly dry it looks much better then when it was wet. it's even developed some good flavor. at this stage it's already smokeable and the first and second run of the 73 is fmcd. mind you the domes are small at this stage, but it has a great bubble action, just making small bubbles not those big dome like bubbles you some times get from really clean bubblehash.

quite a strong hit, still a bit damp i think, as there is a definite sizzling of water getting vaped when you are hitting it. so i will leave it to dry in the open a few more days. last thing you want is any kind of mold, hence the small pieces also if you pack it air tight before it's fully dry you will have something like a puddle of oil in the bag after a while, specially if you put it in a warm place like your pocket, hehe.

i wonder does anyone have experience in how much trim can be put in the pillow net bag that comes with the bubbleator, before efficiency gets reduced? so far the 248g trim was the biggest load i did, but i feel it might be ok to add more and still get that trim washed spotlessly clean. :)


for the first run i only did 9 minutes, second run i went to 12 then 3rd run and 4th at 15 minutes which is the maximum amount of time you can set it for. i only did the 4th run because it was just so easy to do it once more with just the 25 bag to catch everything and the 220 which you always need as the 220 net pillow bags zipper isn't 100% particle proof, some pistil hairs for example make it through and end up looking like it was something to collect on the 220, but as soon as you get a proper look you see it's just pistil hairs and small leaf fragments.


I suggest using a microplane like rize and nikka t does. It allows the hash to be broken up into an almost individual resin head consistency to allow for even drying before the resin starts to melt and trap moisture causing it to darken quickly during and after drying.

Here is a video matt rize just released letting out some of his secrets. Drying in cool room with low humidity in this very fine consistency spread thin over parchment allows the resins to stay in their natural color, retain the most flavor and allows it to dry properly because of all the surface area compared to big clumps.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xh30XXXC3A rize hash class video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNiSy9JBnbY rize fullmelt dabs and melt shots

Check it out!


I suggest using a microplane like rize and nikka t does. It allows the hash to be broken up into an almost individual resin head consistency to allow for even drying before the resin starts to melt and trap moisture causing it to darken quickly during and after drying.

Here is a video matt rize just released letting out some of his secrets. Drying in cool room with low humidity in this very fine consistency spread thin over parchment allows the resins to stay in their natural color, retain the most flavor and allows it to dry properly because of all the surface area compared to big clumps.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xh30XXXC3A rize hash class video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNiSy9JBnbY rize fullmelt dabs and melt shots

Check it out!

yeah the bubbleator actually comes with a big strainer with legs, this is supposed to be for breaking the bubble up into fine crumbs to dry, have heard this before about drying. i do know that pressing it to get the water out is a big no no, so i never like to mess with it too much till it's fully dry. but in the end i like the idea of being able to dry it over nite, so will use the strainer next time to crumble up the resin as finely as possible, should have the same effect as a micro plane, without the friction generated on a micro plane.

anyway thanks for the link, he knows all the tricks. can't wait to make my next batch, it's gonna be a small batch of rreally tasty trim, from cheese x sour amnesia and afghan diesel x sour amnesia. it actually smells good when you open the bag it's so full of trichomes. this should be my tastiest batch so far when i get to it. mean while some pics from the second batch of trim...

and between each run, how much differnce in yeild did you see?

the next pics will show you a good yield comparison of the different runs. you will notice that the 3rd and 4th run i used less and less bags.

speaking of temp, it's winter here with a foot and a half of snow everywhere, so all i had to do was turn the radiator off in the kitchen and open the balcony door and the kitchen got cold just like that making the home smashed ice last longer and allowing me to add a bucket of snow to the whole lot lol.


can you tell this is my favorite bag? first run 73

here we have the results from the second round of bubbleator fun, as you can see it's quite worth doing 4 runs, even if the 4th is all collected with a 25 bag it's still won't be scoffed at, you can make some killer brownies, i bet it would even smoke ok in a joint. for the extra few minutes of work it's well worth it. so the top row is the first run, the second row the second run and so on.

and the 73 sitting there to make a nice thin slab, lol. it just looks too cool, even if it will take longer to get fully dry.

till the next time with the cheesehaze and afghanhaze trim. btw i will share the dry yields with you guys as soon as they are fully dry. will be interesting to see what kind of yield one gets from 248g of trim as well as how much from 232 which was the second batch.


did my freshest trim today, the cheese x souramnesia and afgd x souramnesia trim, now this will be a tasty batch, the whole kitchen is stinking just from the trim, lol. also seems to be yielding really well. will be breaking the bubble up as fine as possible with a blunt knife, camera batteries reloading so i'll only get pics at the end of this batch, but no worries have 2 more to do till i finally caught up with my trim.

peace out



Holly crap, that bubbleator is pretty damn impressive for all it's minor faults. the last batch i made with some really clean and trich covered trim and the results are quite amazing, i don't think i ever made such clean bubble before, trichomefarmer agreed 100%, that stuff just puddles and bubbles away for ages, if the pipe is not held flat the puddle of bubbling hash will run to the side, lol. i bet this stuff could be dabbed np, gonna try and get some of this to Amsterdam to share with the 420 crew, hehe.... will try get some good pics next time i have someone here to help out, hard to catch it in action on your own. even though i spread this stuff out really thin and broke id down very small, it all just melted into it's self, lol. it really make a lot of difference having the bubble in the water for only a short time, but also the way the machine works the trim seems to be gentle enough for top quality, but still thorough enough to get everything you can out of your material. just make sure to get a 25 and a 45 and ideally a 120 and 160 on top of the220 and 70 that comes with it and you'll be making incredible hash in no time with this thing. or of course if you have a lot of trim and space, getting a real washing machine would be the best option in the end. you'd need to find one that allows you to set the time the washing cycle should take. as you only need 10 mins or 15 mins max per cycle. the washing machine has more space and it will spin the trim to get most of the water out and through the bubble bags. i still have to do this by hand with the bubbleator and freeze my hands off wringing the bag of trim so the water can run off through the bags. i only do this on the last cycle just to get the last bits of everything. i also add more water to rinse the bag of trim, this helps the yield.