Here's the scoop so far...
Azamax and Azatrol are organic neem extract products and they're used extensively in growing cannabis... I use them myself, have for a few years now. This problem is probably not limited to azamax and azatrol.
They are NOT safe to spray "Up till the day of harvest." They're NOT safe to spray even 2 weeks into flower.
They are NOT safe to use systemically when the harvest date is less than 50 days away.
Cannabis is NOT one of the plants that Azamax and Azatrol are 'labled' for.
Over the past several years now, certain sources of cannabis have caused me gut and back pain. It isn't until years later that I've finally been able to piece things together and get a grip on what's going on.
After research online, several threads and personal testing... it turns out that Azamax and/or Azatrol are responsible.
As a medicinal grower, I have pushed the "clean harvest" philosophy and don't normally spray anything in my gardens during flower... maybe plain water a couple times for pollen control but usually nothing, ever. I use azamax or azatrol at 3-5ml/gallon in the root zone systemically.
Just recently, a local perpetual grow I consult on had a minor mite outbreak. The plants were treated systemically and sprayed.
A - Plants at 2 weeks in were sprayed and treated systemically. 5ml/gal Azamax + wetter + iso (No iso or wetter in the systemic portion).
B - Plants at day 45 of a 75 day strain were treated systemically with 5ml/gal Azamax
C - One plant at day 45 accidentally recieved a TINY... almost non-existent, vapor-like overspray. No, really. I almost didn't see it.
Plants A tasted like oil and Azamax. Brought on pain after a few bowls.
Plant group B Tasted faintly of azamax and took several hours of medicating to finally cause pain.
The plant from Group C was the most disgusting of the three (at least the buds that got direct spray) and caused pain with only a toke or two... even though clean meds had been used for a few days.
So... If you're supplying meds to people... please only use systemically at the time you throw your girls into flower, your meds might end up on my table.
No more pain, no more cramping, no more dirty meds. Can't wait till this information seeps out into the general grower population and I can go back to sampling other's wares.
Stay Safe!
Azamax and Azatrol are organic neem extract products and they're used extensively in growing cannabis... I use them myself, have for a few years now. This problem is probably not limited to azamax and azatrol.
They are NOT safe to spray "Up till the day of harvest." They're NOT safe to spray even 2 weeks into flower.
They are NOT safe to use systemically when the harvest date is less than 50 days away.
Cannabis is NOT one of the plants that Azamax and Azatrol are 'labled' for.
Over the past several years now, certain sources of cannabis have caused me gut and back pain. It isn't until years later that I've finally been able to piece things together and get a grip on what's going on.
After research online, several threads and personal testing... it turns out that Azamax and/or Azatrol are responsible.
As a medicinal grower, I have pushed the "clean harvest" philosophy and don't normally spray anything in my gardens during flower... maybe plain water a couple times for pollen control but usually nothing, ever. I use azamax or azatrol at 3-5ml/gallon in the root zone systemically.
Just recently, a local perpetual grow I consult on had a minor mite outbreak. The plants were treated systemically and sprayed.
A - Plants at 2 weeks in were sprayed and treated systemically. 5ml/gal Azamax + wetter + iso (No iso or wetter in the systemic portion).
B - Plants at day 45 of a 75 day strain were treated systemically with 5ml/gal Azamax
C - One plant at day 45 accidentally recieved a TINY... almost non-existent, vapor-like overspray. No, really. I almost didn't see it.
Plants A tasted like oil and Azamax. Brought on pain after a few bowls.
Plant group B Tasted faintly of azamax and took several hours of medicating to finally cause pain.
The plant from Group C was the most disgusting of the three (at least the buds that got direct spray) and caused pain with only a toke or two... even though clean meds had been used for a few days.
So... If you're supplying meds to people... please only use systemically at the time you throw your girls into flower, your meds might end up on my table.
No more pain, no more cramping, no more dirty meds. Can't wait till this information seeps out into the general grower population and I can go back to sampling other's wares.
Stay Safe!