As long as the server re sizes pictures most people are not going to bother doing it themselves.
Skip great work, I hope it helps some. I tried for months to promote this idea and bring the uploading issue forward by posting it in my signature "please help speed up our site by posting no more than three full size pix and the rest thumbnails in your threads"
I think everyone would help if they knew more about it Skip..thanks for posting DD
how does one post thumbnails? i learned years ago how to post full size and have just always done that?
thumbnails would most definitely help...
If by thumbnails you mean the pictures you hover the mouse over and they expand...I FUCKING HATE THAT!
Yeah but when we edit them to make them better it will.delete the pics cause ther is more than 5. This is another problem. I can understand people posting 20 pictures of bullshit but you are also penalizing the informative growers. You should at least give certain growers more acess to post more pics who deserve it. If they abuse it for the wrong reasons then take it away. Just be fair to the people who come here to learn.