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Highland Ganja Auto Sativa Breeding Stramash


Aye, well the plan is to cross these wee things,


Some of ACE's finest,

So that they might then grow here,

I'll post more once I gather my thoughts.


(By the way, this is all new territory for me so it should be interesting)


Active member
dopeness man! do you plan on just going f1, f2, f3 to nail down the autoflowering, or will you be doing some back crossing with your f1s to the lowryder parents?

i'm doing something very similar with some thai and lowryder #2 as well as some bagseed acapulco gold and lowryder #2, afghan x lowryder#2 and a few others even haha, most i am just going to cross with each generation but i did do some where it was backcrossed back to the original lowryder dad....fun experimenting, man i hope your project kicks ass and delivers some serious sativa goodness at your latitude!


In The Garden
Excellent choice of parents bro! what ACE strain is that exactly??? LR#2 will give you enough Sativa heritage to keep them sativa dominant later down the line. Looking forward to your progress.


La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
looks like a great project i used some Ace genetics too in my autoflowering Haze/Sativa's
keep us updated and good luck



Well I think the first thing I need to do is to thank the man above me here, La Buena Hierba:laughing: for his auto haze thread that inspired me in this direction and through that all the other growers and breeders who are pushing the Autoflower boundaries.

:thank you:

I live in the North of Scotland and our weather is shit. Hadn't realised just how shit untill comparing outside grows at similiar lattitudes and even further north in Scandanvia.

In fact comparing weather charts from where I am here and Alta in the Far North of Norway at 69.58N and its very similar.

Obviously the winter is a different thing though I know a Norwegian living here who says that he didn't know what cold was till he moved here. Norwegian winters he said are down to -25c easily but are a dry cold that doesn't compare to the bone chilling damp of a dreich gray Scottish winter day with wet sleet hammering of the sea.

But looking at the charts in the summer the north of Norway get more sun and more hours of light and warmer temps than I do.

In other words, although my latitude would suggest an ability to grow certain outdoor strains in fact the weather makes a similar approach to the far north a better solution- Autoflowers.

My Danish semi-auto typhoons did really well but were caught out by our autumn weather-rain and more rain. Seemed starnge spending 4-5 months growing plants only to have it all come down to a few weeks of weather at the end.

Now apart from a wee grow years ago all my growing experience has come from this year and these forums were quite a surprise to come across.

Didn't pay to much attention to autoflowers, they seemed to be derided for being crap and small and not potent.

However a friends inside grow started and went wrong with some lowryder#2 and so I was given them and then gave them some soil and outside they went. The shock of this change meant they all grew slowly and oddly through the summer but they all finished one way or the other. And given there poor upbringing the smoke was good!

So there I was smoking some outside bud(well resiny leaves) wondering if the typhoons would survive the next late summer gales.

Autos are fuckin great!!

The most interesting Lowryder was this one.
Here she was about 2 months old and a few weeks into flowering.

The transplant from coco to soil and then outside had stunted her but she was no bother so I left her be and she finished like this,

Her peedie wee buds were covered in resin and she had slowly flowered for almost 3 months!!

The tiny pile of dried bud is amazingly potent!!!!!!!

More potent than the typhoons or the other lowryders and so sticky its hard to roll her up in a joint.

Although she was small flowering over that length of time had super charged her resin.

I had noticed that a main complaint further north about autos was getting them to a size where a good yield could be had before they kicked into flowering.

All these things were kicking around my head when I saw the Autoflowering haze thread a few weeks ago.

And there it was, same short auto veg time and then let the sativa kick in for a long flowering during the best of the norths weather.

This way resin and potency are forming during the warmest months and hopefully finishing before the autumn rain and winds do there worst.

And as I was admiring this the cogs turned and I though Mmmmm, I have some sativas upstairs at the moment, Mmmmmmm,,,,,



dopeness man! do you plan on just going f1, f2, f3 to nail down the autoflowering, or will you be doing some back crossing with your f1s to the lowryder parents?

i'm doing something very similar with some thai and lowryder #2 as well as some bagseed acapulco gold and lowryder #2, afghan x lowryder#2 and a few others even haha, most i am just going to cross with each generation but i did do some where it was backcrossed back to the original lowryder dad....fun experimenting, man i hope your project kicks ass and delivers some serious sativa goodness at your latitude!

Hi Smokefrogg,

Cheers for your words!

Been looking for a breeding project to play with and this fits the bill perfectly. Hopefully I can learn alot from this and put some of the theory that I vaguely understand in to practice!

So far the plan is to grow the lowryders under T5's and use the males to pollinate the sativa lassies. I intend to use all the males unless any show some extreme problem.

If I understand right the F1's will not show auto traits and I will have to flower these as normal photoperiod plants.

My hope is to keep as much genetic diversity here so that the if my timing is right( and it might be tight) I should be ready with the F2's for outside in the summer.

This will let me grow more of a selection and among the possibly 25% that will auto I can select for growth in my environment as well.

Hopefully this would mean that I could work on them inside through the next winter and hopefully still keep the genetics that are happy outside here.

I think if I were to backcross on either side I would use for example a new seed lowryder male so as to add more genetic variation at that point to try to keep up vigour for outside. Ideally though the backcross would be with a similar sativa mum to reinforce the sativa traits.

Excellent choice of parents bro! what ACE strain is that exactly??? LR#2 will give you enough Sativa heritage to keep them sativa dominant later down the line. Looking forward to your progress.


Cheers SGS,

At the moment I have some Golden tiger, Malawi and Panama from ACE flowering. I also have a Southeast asian landrace that will be to long flowering I think. Also plan to grow out some Thai landrace seeds later this winter as well so all good candidates.

The plan at the moment is to pollinate the Panama, Malawi and the earliest and most vigorous of the Golden tiger.

I have males from the panama and golden tiger outside, and with some help from the greenhouse are continuing to flower. The greenhouse only gets the chance for a few hours of sun at this time of year, night temps this last week inside it have been 6-7c with daytime not much better. The fact they are starting to realise pollen gives me hope that the cross will work.
Golden tiger male,

Panama Male,

The Panama should be good with shorter flowering time and I think slightly happier in cold and with good mold resistance.

The Malawi however is something I have wanted to smoke for years and am really looking forward to when she is harvested indoors.

I have two malawi going, the younger is very quick for resin production,

Both the Malawi and Golden tiger can suffer from PM I think and have longer flowering times, the Malawi is quicker but one of my GT is keeping pace and is very vigorous so all will be pollinated.

Keeping thse two lines separate untill the auto trait is fixed and then crossing them(Golden tiger is Malawix Meao Thai) would bring back good vigor without to much disruption.

I went with the Lowryder#2 partly because after all the abuse the ones I had this year suffered they never hermied and showed they could do there thing here in a bad summer.

The other reason is exactly as you say SGS, they were the most stable sativa cross I was able to find.

I also want to smoke ganja and it seems that the indicas are at their finest made into hash- and I do love hash too.

I read that the Afghanis thought that smoking there bud as grass made a man weak.

I also remember Bob Marley being asked after playing a concert in newly freeded Zimbabwe why he thought that they could kick out colonialism and other African countries couldn't. His response was that he had smoked there Ganja there and it made a man strong! Thats what I want to smoke.

The genetic diversity created by crossing Indica to sativa has allowed amazing new strains that work indoors.

But Indica is a dry loving plant in its native home and that is not Scotland.

I think the possiblitys in sativa/ruderalis crosses for the further north is limitless as they both share a common conception of flowering when mature, and with the sativa tropical mold restiance and the ruderalis hardiness combined it gives good hope.

I also wonder if it would be possible to select for sativa root growth, so as to make it possible to transplant with out worrying about damaging taproots, handy for starting plants inside and putting them out later.

Lots of potential.:)

In two minds as to whether to pollinate the Lowryder females with sativas or just to make a straight lowryder cross.

Would a T5 be enough to make seeds?

looks like a great project i used some Ace genetics too in my autoflowering Haze/Sativa's
keep us updated and good luck


Hi La Buena Hierba,

Cheers for the luck and back at you with it!

Really loving ACE genetics, really looking forward to sampling them too:smokeit:

I think thats enough for now, I need a lie down.



So it went something like this,

10 lowryder seeds started,

9 germinated, 1 stalled so happy with this,

1 got caught in there seed case and didn't thank me for my help so then there was 8,

1 was found half pulled out the rock cube one morning and never recovered so then there was 7,

2 were slower getting there root down into the wet soil so got a bit dry, one sort of recovered so in the end there is,

First male showed two days ago and is big and happy,

One female showed yesterday and so did another male, with another today.

So natural selection has left me with at least three good males so far which is excellent.

Plan to pot up the female and make lowryder F2 seeds for selecting a mold free as possible pure lowryderr line next year outside.

More info on how the sativas are doing on the malawi scrog link below, but I was pleased to find that one of my panamas has the red pistils.

Not as clear inside as they would be out. One of my typhoons this year had pink pistils which were lovely to see so I hope I can keep this trait through a cross,

Various cuttings that took but that weren't needed have been put into the greenhouse. Snow and frost came this last week and the old drafty greenhouse dosn't give much protection from this so quite a few had leaf damage.

The southeast asian landrace was hit worse but one of the Golden tigers was untouched and has even grown pistils,

She is not as quick to flower as the GT I already plan to cross the lowryders with but I shall add her to the mix as she will bring good cold resistance.

I had read, but it is good to see now from experience how touchy autos are in there first few weeks. I hope that with a sativa cross it will be easier to select for a bit more hardiness in the early stages as finding two weeks of lovely gentle weather in Scotland at any time of the year is unlikely.

And a wee picture of a Malawi,

If you squint you eyes a bit and smoke something very sticky you can almost imagine it growing in a Highland birch grove!


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