I would beware the word combination "marijuanna" and "botany".
A botanist would not say marijuanna, at not in a book title. It's cannabis.
True. Marijuana is a derogatory term. But it has "mystique" and has been heavily stigmatized by society in many ways.
Cannabis may be the correct term but simply isn't as eye-catching to the general public. While I'm sure accuracy is important to the author, he (and the publisher) want an appealing title to sell books.
Robert Connell Clarke is a good writer for this type of work. I have his book, Hahish, it is a great read and his research and knowledge of the history of the plant is among the best, if not the best in the scene.
Been meaning to pick up marijuana botany.
sounds interesting. does he properly explain that we are mistaken when we refer to indica and sativa as separate species?
I think it is over many folks heads. If you can wrap your head around it it is very informative. Peace GS
Books specifically on marijuana tend to suck.. stoner authors make shitty books. ;P