Hi all
I have been having some calcium issues. Just harvested and will be up potting the veg plants and moving them into the flower room tomorrow.
I have been using GH 6/9 in 100% coco.
Ive been pre treating the coco with dolomite lime (2 tblspns per gal) but still get cal def in late flowering. (basically i hydrate the coco bricks with a 1/2 strength nutrient solution and add dolo lime).
I found this:
Now i have a ph pen and no ec pen so im kinda at a loss. Is there a easy way to buffer with calcium nitrate ie put x grams of calcium nitrate into 5 litres and add coco brick (i use the bricks)?
Im thinking of changing my mix to 33% coco, 33% perlite and 33% vermiculite or 60 coco and 40% perlite to downplay the coco cal problem. Would this mean i would have to use a different recipe? GH 6/9 is specifically for coco so i dont know.
Thanks for any help!
I have been having some calcium issues. Just harvested and will be up potting the veg plants and moving them into the flower room tomorrow.
I have been using GH 6/9 in 100% coco.
Ive been pre treating the coco with dolomite lime (2 tblspns per gal) but still get cal def in late flowering. (basically i hydrate the coco bricks with a 1/2 strength nutrient solution and add dolo lime).
I found this:
Coco Substrate Buffer
(Used for preparing non-buffered coco substrates such as compressed coco blocks)
Calcium Nitrate 290 g/l
Magnesium Nitrate 280 g/l
Magnesium Sulphate 10 g/l
Ferric EDTA 2 g/l
Make 1L by beginning with 500ml of RO (demineralised) water. Add ingredients one at a time, dissolving each ingredient before adding the next. When all ingredients have been added, top up to 1000ml (1L) with RO water.
What I recommend you do is hydrate the coir blocks in mains (tap) water. That is, fill a bucket or tub with mains water. Measure the EC of the mains water before adding the compressed coir block/s. Let’s say it’s EC 1.0 for arguments sake. Add the compressed coir block and allow it to expand. Stir the water and coco substrate around and then measure the EC again. You’ll no doubt find the EC is now much higher. OK, now run mains water through the coir (you may find a bucket with holes and mesh at the base helps here). Run the mains water through (flush) the coir until the water that has passed through the coir (runoff) is no more than EC 1.0 - 1.2. I.e. Original mains water EC ideally matches that of the runoff.
Now fill up a bucket with demineralised (RO) water and dilute the buffer concentrate to 1.4 EC (700ppm). Place the hydrated/expanded and water flushed coir into the diluted buffer solution and leave to soak for at least one hour.
After one hour or more, take out the now buffered coir and squeeze out the excess fluids so the coco substrate is not saturated/water logged. You may find drying it in the sun for a while helps. .
Ready to go – you now have a high quality buffered coir product at a fraction of the cost that you would pay for similar products through stores. I’d also recommend that you mix the coir with perlite. 60% coir to 40% perlite when using it as a run –to-waste medium.
Now i have a ph pen and no ec pen so im kinda at a loss. Is there a easy way to buffer with calcium nitrate ie put x grams of calcium nitrate into 5 litres and add coco brick (i use the bricks)?
Im thinking of changing my mix to 33% coco, 33% perlite and 33% vermiculite or 60 coco and 40% perlite to downplay the coco cal problem. Would this mean i would have to use a different recipe? GH 6/9 is specifically for coco so i dont know.
Thanks for any help!