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Kroggi's Vertical Tubes #1 White Russian


Hi there, thought i might share what im working with currently, as im enjoying watching and replying to some of your threads aswell. So, where to begin :) Well ive been growing for some years, and thought i needed a change in things, so i found heaths vertical tube system and thought id try that. It gives me some room to work with, and thats one of the things i appreciate a lot when growing.

The system can hold 64 plants, 16 in each row. As you might see, it aint completely filled... The clones im running are White Russians, and didnt exactly go too well in the cloner. So a lot of the clones died, plus i got attacked by spider mites... Bad start, but its something everyone can deal with.

So, off we went, got em started up, and split up in the pots so they all had some room to work with now that it could be done.

Im currently at week 6 flower, tho the last pictures is back from mid week 5 or so. So to get up to date with the pictures taken, here they are...


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Next round of pictures...


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And the last round for now...
Should maybe mention theres 2 other plants in there aswell as the pictures shows... 2 in soil, which was from seed, to find a proper mother plant... ICE and 2P x NL...

But for the last round of pictures for now...


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Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Sweet anyone running a Heath Robinson design is rocking it straight up!

Just one thought have you considered putting some Reflectix behind those rows just to capture all the lumens?

Keep it green bro!


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
What strains you growing, what size lights you workin with?


Heh thanks :)

I guess u mean the wood that needs the reflectix ? I dont know if i should cover the whole wall with it, as the white paint should "bounce" about 80% back, more or less... Read that somewhere in a thread in here, about light and reflection :)

The strain is White Russian, and i currently have a 400w CMH (lower bulb) and a 600w HPS (top bulb). Tho i might switch the 400 out with a 600w the last couple of weeks, tho it might not be that big a difference yield wise :)

The strains in the 2 pots, are ICE and 2 Pounder x Northern Light, should be seen out from the file names ;)


Hi Kroggi. What are your temps like? If you can switch to that 600 you definitely should..


Well its summer here now, and the temps rise a bit... So the room temp peaks at 28 Celcius with 420 m3/h fan extractor and 2 30cm table ventilators.


day 44 of 12/12

day 44 of 12/12

Another small update... Day 44 flower
Added another 50 liters of solution today, to the thirsty ladies... EC 1.5 PH 5.5


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soil margin

Active member
Really love this setup. Totally backwards from everything I do with soil and organics, but I still think it's awesome. Looking forward to seeing more updates as they get closer to finishing.


I discovered some bad stuff yesterday. Spidermites on the leafs in the setup. I heard with some friend how to get rid of them, this late in the flowering... And one of them mentioned i could use CO2 with 24 hours of darkness. 10000 ppm of CO2...

I dont have any CO2 setup, but i know theres another way to make it... Yeast, sugar, water... Question is, how much is that gonna produce :/

Anyways, could need some help on this matter... theres (in the worst case scenario) 21 days until harvest, and id love to get rid of these mites, once and for all...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
not enough that the truth you need a cannister to get 10,000PPM's I did the gallon jug an yeast and sugar...try Organocide, totally organic pesticide can be foliar sprayed on flowering plants and harmless, or get a post in the INfirmery thread ASAP, spider mite (damn borg) are a real problem.


I use Azatrol in my res, totally wiped out my spider mite infestation and keeps them away. It's organic - a neem oil concentrate, pretty sure it's safe anytime. It's systemic, roots soak it up, bugs eat leaf, get poisoned and die, eggs hatch, babies eat and die, end of story. I use it as a preventative now, feed in veg to keep all sorts of nasties away. Good luck.


Gonna search for azotrol. And ur sure about this doesnt do anything to the buds, leaves anything behind that aint good to smoke etc :p Did a quick search now, doesnt seem to be anything in the danish market... Searching on...

I was hopeing the yeast would be enough... Mixing 10 1½ liter bottles with it now, just to try it out while i find another solution, i might aswell :/


Well-known member
spinosad can be used in flower, no smell or residue. it works. hit em 2-3 times, done.
I dont like oil based sprays imho organocide is nasty stuff, harsh too.


Ok, been searching some different methods on how to get rid of them.

- Azatrol for the res, which kills em when they eat the plant. I think ill try and get me this if thats possible in Denmark, for future use.
- Organocide, to spray on the plants, kills all the stuff that doesnt belong, all from citrus rust mites to glassy winged sharpshooters...
- Lavendel flowers soaked in water for 34 hours and then sprayed on plants. Kills it all, and doesnt harm anything. In late flower, only target problem areas. Gonna get me some plants for the garden this summer :)
- Sticky tape and vacuuming... Dont wanna go into detail about this, sounds funny, but ehm... Ill pass on this one.
- Spinosad mixed up in water, sprayed on plants, kills it all and can be used in late flower aswell. Knows about this one from friends who tried it too...

After speaking to a couple of friends about this, one of them suggested i leave them be, and get rid of them in the trimming/drying. After they have been cut down at the right time, i could clean out the whole room. Reason for this suggestion was that theres between 2 - 3 weeks left.
I think ill go with leaving them for now, and get me some azatrol if thats possible here in Denmark, and some lavendel flowers for the garden. That should keep me safe for a while :)
Thanks for all the help and info search which gave me a great idea on what to choose. Lots of these things cant be found on any danish sites, which is sad...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Yeah Azatrol is dah shit..I don't know why I didn't think of that congratsz Kroggi!


Hehe theres a fun thing about it too actually :D
Today when the wifey came home from work, and we were looking through magazines, i saw the lavendel plants and said to her... I think ill go buy some of these for the garden, and she just looked stupid at me... Honey, we allready have those in the garden, or well not in the garden but the pots right outside... I was like, huh ?

Went outside to check it, and theres like... PLENTY of lavendel flowers :p woups...

Oh well, one less thing to think about ;)