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Rooibos Weed Tea


To the best of my knowledge this is the quickest way to produce an edible/drinkable from scratch. About an hour start to finish if you take the fastest route. It doesn't require the mess or time involved with cannabutter and has a lot of freedom for creativity. Anything you can make with hot milk you can make with this. Teas, chai, oatmeal, muesli, cocoa...and the list goes on.

I typically make this with rooibos and chamomile if I'm going to drink it, hence the thread title. Both are mild sedatives, which add their own little spin to the high and make this a great sleep aid. These two also have flavors that compliment the taste of ganja. If you're looking for something caffeinated, consider substituting authentic Indian spiced chai for the rooibos/chamomile.

Ingredients are as follows. Subtract the tea/chamomile and add whatever substitute you'd like, or use the milk base as an addition to something else. I like it in muesli and oatmeal. As is probably obvious the more cannabis you use (and the higher quality it is) the stronger the finished product will be. That said, consider about 1.5 to 2 dried grams the practical max for a single serving, limited by the carrying capacity of the fats involved. If you want more weed than that, increase quantities accordingly/proportionally.

As a general rule of thumb (because of the oil and how difficult it is to separate) you want each person's beverage prepared in their own saucepan, regardless of how much they intend to consume. It's hard to divvy this out from one big pot without someone getting more potency. You'll see what I mean when you make it. Anyway...

1-2 tablespoons olive oil
8oz water
8oz whole milk
1 ample teaspoon Rooibos tea
1 ample teaspoon Chamomile
1 joint's worth good quality Cannabis (+/- 1 dried gram)
Honey/sweetener to taste

Please note all the following times should be considered minimums. Increasing any or all of them should increase the efficiency of the extraction, but after a certain point you hit the law of diminishing returns. All things considered you don't want it on the stove for hours and hours. If you do end up taking the fastest route use a quantity/dose of cannabis on the larger end to somewhat offset shorter lipid exposure time. In either case and at any rate, I find it's nice to prepare this while I'm doing work/chores/etc, as I have something to look forward to when I'm finished.

All that out of the way...

...first add the olive oil to a small pot/saucepan. Then grab your cannabis. It's best to use budleaf/sugartrim, but properly broken buds work equally well. Add the cannabis to the oil, mixing it around and thoroughly coating the leaves. Let cannabis sit in oil for a minimum of twenty minutes to absorb and loosen the THC (no heat).

Add water to oil/weed mixture, turn heat on high and bring to a boil. Once boiling, lower heat so it's gently boiling but not roiling. Lightly boil until between half and three quarters of the water has evaporated, about twenty minutes. The only real purpose of the water is to physically agitate the ganja, but that said you do want it on the heat for at least fifteen-twenty minutes during this stage. Don't however boil it dry.

Once water has been reduced to a level you deem appropriate, lower heat and add the chamomile and rooibos (loose) directly into the water. Mango rooibos was used here, but any rooibos will work, as will other teas, chai and other hot beverages prepared with milk. Steep for about five to ten minutes. Note: You'll obviously skip steeping if you're using the milk base in cereal or some other food, but that said it might make for some interesting flavor combinations. Rooibos oatmeal anyone? ;)

Now add milk. Wait until milk warms up and adjust temperature so it remains hot, but not quite bubbling/boiling. Let sit on heat for about a half hour, being sure to stir frequently to prevent scorching. It's normal to have the milk foam a bit (think cappuccino), but again you don't want it roiling or going crazy. Just hot.

Toward the end, stir in honey or preferred sweetener if desired. Strain mix through a fine mesh or other suitable filter. Press cannabis and tea to remove all milk/oil, then discard. Expect to see a small amount of THC-laden olive oil floating on top of the milk but in practice this isn't enough to impact taste or mouthfeel.

The beverage is rich and comforting. It yields about 8oz/one serving final volume, as most of the water evaporates off by the end. Effects set in 30 minutes after consumption. Very strong by one hour and "peaks" at about two hours in. Long lasting and powerful.


stone fool
This should work with any tea you like, the oil and milk extract the goodies. I like any dose that requires a joint or two. I will try this sometime, thanks.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Yep, thanks for the recipe, gonna have to try this someday, big tea drinker here.. Even tho this looks like it will take a while, could proly whip up a batch of butter and bake a cake by the time this is done with all boiling and simmering and stuff :tiphat:

Might try this with mate and some tough indica, have em uppers and downers fight it out :)


Mate does sound intriguing...haven't had some of that in an age. Think I'll grab a bit next time I'm at the shop.

But yeah, this can be made with pretty much any tea. In fact, it very well might make an excellent hot chocolate (Christmas party, anyone?). Or hell, if we're on Christmas, substitute Egg Nog for milk.

You could skip all the additions and just sweeten at the end with Baily's for a similar "hard" treat. Or use the base to make oatmeal. Many fun options here. Just be mindful you're mixing something that's appropriate given the primary ingredients (i.e., weed, water, milk).


Update a few months down the line. I've been using pretty much all my sugar trim with variations of this recipe. Works very well and I also found out through experimentation that it requires less time than what I originally posted. I've adjusted the OP accordingly.

I tend to prefer making this on the stronger end, but I use trim so with straight high quality buds you might want to dial it down. This can produce an edible with borderline psychedelic potency if you really push it.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
This is essentially Indian Bhang.. a spiced milk and tea mix with kief I believe. A yoga teacher I once knew used to bring me little vials of Bhang milk, and I would flavor my coffee at work with it. Used to make for some hilarious mornings, and nobody had any idea I was high. Its fun to be clear eyed and high thats for sure. If it wasn't for red eyes, I could smoke anytime and be comfortable.


New member
Good recipe, I'll be trying this with my low-grade sift.

I grew up with rooibos, it's delicious and healthy. The rastas from my neck of the woods like to have it with a little sweetened condensed milk.

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