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Say What?! Kona G.



-==Kona Gold==-
Big Island Hawaiian Bud 1 time for your mind..

23 Days into flower. Poor mans sodium (150w), Promix (kinda)

Female Selection #1

Female Selection #2



more to come as things ripen.
thanks for looking :monkeyeat


Active member
ooooee! i see some sparkles, don't worry them konas'll start ta rival the sour creek's smell a few weeks down the road. i see #1's still goin umbrella on ya. man this is gonna be sweet.. keep em happy capt. adios


the claw on #1 (aka: mitemeat) is moisture stress. Its drownng in its own dead roots

the claw on #1 (aka: mitemeat) is moisture stress. Its drownng in its own dead roots

don't worry them konas'll start ta rival the sour creek's smell a few weeks down the road.

heh, after talkin 2 ya b4 i went in and tied a top with some garden tie and my forarm brushed a kona cola....hehe my arm fuckin STANK somethin glorious, reminded me of haze. kinda astringent like is the best way to describe it.

thanks for checkin in ralph, hope yours have started to do somethin, the #1 is a tough cookie but in complete health/larger space it'll yield huge for ya.. and some sticky, danky stanky, old school hawaiian nugs.

be well my friend.
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those pics are beat..and dated wrong, i think that was 22 daze...hmmmm-WHO CARES!?!?

those pics are beat..and dated wrong, i think that was 22 daze...hmmmm-WHO CARES!?!?

here's a few that do this vintage heirloom some justice..
24 Daze





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25 Daze

25 Daze


Yield on the Kona is far better than expected, the flower time can be compensated for by running from clone in a multiple-single-cola setup (SOG).

this plant, when grown right, will produce some serious baseball bats...and tons of em!!
the branching pattern is insane!
All lateral growth stay tight to the stem until mid-flower when the force of the buds plumping slightly spreads them apart. If anyone has a book called 'The Good Bud Guide" by Albie, turn to page 150. KG's branching pattern is right on point with his old SSH, and his description characterizes the KG growth pattern to a Tee.

this particular plant (in 1.5 Gallons of peat/perlite) will outyield the sour creek growing right next to her under the same lamp in a whopping SEVEN gallons of soil! These Konas aint even under the main part of the footprint!

i love this plant:canabis:
be well


Active member
Ahoy Cap'n! Just out of curiousity, how did you acquire the Kona? Is it seed from a hybrid cross or is this an unadulterated clone your growing? It would be interesting to know the background of the genes. Thanks! :yes:


this be a vintage Big Island 'IBL' grailplant which i aquired through a friend in her passing, she was terminally ill and her last vacation was a trip to Kona where she met with some local old schoolers who in compassion for her condition, sold her beans of this gem for $10.00 each. (which is where these plants came from)

no crosses here rellik, other than whatever was originally used to create it decades ago..

(only thing i have ever heard on it's lineage, which i have my doubts about, yet makes the most sense, is thai x columbian gold..plz don't quote me on that tho i am not sure/it is just hearsay i found on the internet)

ps- i like your sig ;) you should read some of george wahington carver's quotations i believe they can be found on www.brainyquote.com , i will paraphrase one for ya 99 perent of the failures in the world come from people that have a habit of making excuses

be well my friend


26 Daze...

26 Daze...


rellikbuzz said:
Is it seed from a hybrid cross or is this an unadulterated clone your growing?
to answer any and all pm's on this, it's not available commercially and should be considered "clone-only" status at this point, until we find some males in the dwindling seed population.. and there are no guarantees, but plenty of F1 hybrids in the works as we speak:dance:since theres little to no interest in the thread here, i wont even bother listing what i have lined up, so if there is any interest, lmk and i will share:smile:

be well

Itchycoo Park

New member
Aloha Captain!
Well seeing your Kona was enough to get me off my duff to register — seems only fitting that I reply here with my 1st post.

Hawaiian strains have always seemed so exotic to me. They bring back memories of walking along the Bonzai Pipline at sunset, blazing... & then forgetting which way was home... haha

Best of luck on your hybrid projects.. as well as finding a Kona male!



Hey, thanks for the reply, Itchycoo:smoke:

welcome to the site and yes, findin the right Kona male will be my focus in the coming months.

thanks again for your interest in the Hawaiian strains, the KG has a certain aloha flavor thats truly unforgettable and unique as far as i'm concerned. It'll be a real treat to taste her fully ripe :)

be well


Active member
CaptainJack said:

to answer any and all pm's on this, it's not available commercially and should be considered "clone-only" status at this point, until we find some males in the dwindling seed population.. and there are no guarantees, but plenty of F1 hybrids in the works as we speak:dance:since theres little to no interest in the thread here, i wont even bother listing what i have lined up, so if there is any interest, lmk and i will share:smile:

be well

Hey Cap'n! Because we are significantly smaller here than OG it takes a little while for threads to catch on. Ours don't move at the "light speed" that they do over on OG. Don't know how you keep up with the responses on some of those threads over there. Whewwwww. A lotta work.

Anyway, don't give up on us, bro! There's lots of people here that will be very interested in seeing the Kona grow. Just have a bit of patience with us. You grow it . . . they will come!

By the way, great story on the origins of this clone. I can see why she's special to ya. Please let you thread continue. Knowing it's origins just makes me wan't to see it flourish in your friend's honor! God rest her soul.

Itchycoo Park

New member
Rellikbuzz said:
By the way, great story on the origins of this clone. I can see why she's special to ya. Knowing it's origins just makes me wan't to see it flourish in your friend's honor! God rest her soul.

Well said Rellikbuzz... my sentiments exactly.


that was beautiful, rellik.
i thank you.

be well.

ps- i never, ever, had an acct. at OG
ICM is my one and only home :smile:



since theres little to no interest in the thread here, i wont even bother listing what i have lined up, so if there is any interest, lmk and i will share

HAHA i see it now, ok, well, i was just a bit appauled at the amount of interest (aka people wanting free stuff) in PM but my good friend KingRalph, and the kindly Rellikbuzz were the only ones to grace the actual thread up until that point.. I'm sure you understand.

thanks again for the kind words you guys, and dont worry, id post updates whether i had people looking or not (for my own reference)

be well


Kona Gold x Monkey Balls

Kona Gold x Monkey Balls

if ya don't mind me askin,
where did you hear i was hybridizing the two?

i'll shoot ya's a pic or three of the veggin DC/MB's when i can.
I havent checked with him since i gave him the seeds to germ,
so i don't know theyre progress yet,
but i will keep everyone updated when i know myself.

hopefully he has them vegged up nicely and ready to flip.
if this is the case, there will be some F1s ready and cured by summer,
to begin research/stablization.

I plan to call it Brass Monkey.


Deep Chunk/Monkey Balls baby;Pre-Soviet Afghani IBL
(as you can see, i've got a couple DC/MB at my op too,just no plans to use these for breedin)


Active member
braaass monkey... that funky monkey...... brass monkey chunky... that funky monkey!

yeees a kona gold male, the hunt is on! with any luck pollen in 2 months for the capt ;) an neveryoumind the nonsense man, when aloha bring the curious n reminiscent minds searching for kona gold they'll stumble upon this thread hidden away in the breeder test grows. may the genetics live on forever...


Good show so far Jack..
I'll be watching. :chin:

But man do i hate supor rare clone only cha cant have it stuff :pointlaug :woohoo:


o hush, BT :D
you know damn well that the first seeds go over the ond and thru the woods to casa de biGbadT...hehehe

if all goes accordingly there'll be some Kona Gold x Nevilles Haze to share, mostly for my personal research, but nev and jack are the first two studs on deck for the gangbang:D

be well BT