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anyone know of any ebb & flo coco threads


hey guys ive just been searching and searching but i cant seem to find a thread or guide on coco in e&f tables and im hopen some one out there can point me in the right direction......cheers guys:gday:


Active member
Dongle69 had a very good thread about her E&F coco setup. Unfortunately she un-registered and the thread was not saved. Basically she treated it just like an ordinary E&F grow but just used coco instead of hydroton balls. Flooded three times per day and used GH nutes. No salt buildup problems and a very good yield.

Carl Carlson

Here are what I thought to be the most important notes from dongle69's thread titled "6000 Watt ebb & flow high tech grow". Yes, I'm a fan and this is a textfile on my computer. I think the thread has been locked away from the public.

use big pumps to fill the tables in about 6 minutes, then it takes around 8 minutes to drain
EC 1.7 - 2.0
pH 5.6 - 6.2
add water to the reservoir about every 3 days. add nutes whenever adding water usually, except at the end. no reservoir changes needed.
The plants get watered multiple times a day once the root system takes hold.
all topping if any before 12/12

1st res will do 5.5-5.7 ph and ec 1.5.
Then creep it up over the next 2 weeks.

I do a bottom (lollipop) trim at about 2 weeks into flower.
All throughout the grow I pull fan leaves that block light from penetrating the canopy.
It really beefs up the lower stuff and doesn't seem to affect the tops.

my newer containers, they are 2.17 liters.
I like their shorter size since I can only flood so high.
The roots fill in most of the container as opposed to no roots in the top 2-3 inches with my taller containers.
The 5.5" containers worked out great, as the roots filled them perfectly.

I'm using the smallest containers that I can while still providing good plant support.
Big containers are for hand watering, soil, or for large plants.

Don't think it's been asked but what size fittings are you using in your drain kit on the 4x8 tables?

1" overflow and 3/4" on the pump.

Lately I have been starting low, around 5.0-5.2 for the first watering at transplant.
Then, after starting at 5.5 in the reservoirs, I keep it between 5.5-6.5.

Originally Posted by turbo14 (Post 3027310)
Very impressive....Are you still feeding your plants 3 times a day for 6 minutes at a time?....Did you notice a significant increase or decrease in final yield when making the the switch in mediums?
Currently I'm feeding once a day at lights on.
I have tried multiple feedings a day to as little as one feeding every 3 days.
Once a day seems to give them what they want while not keeping things too wet for fungus gnats to thrive.

If ya have a moment could ya break down the EC you aim for at different stages. Any additives at all?
Depends on strain, but usually 1.4 EC under t5's in veg and around 2.0 EC under hps in flower.
Floralicious Plus is my only constant additive.
Sometimes I use Silica for lanky strains.

Yes, I clone in 2.75" to 3.5" pots then transplant to the 5.5" and let the roots explore a little bit.​

This is unedited, just copy & paste so you'll note on some topics there is a progression of thinking on her part.


breathe deep
I'm ebb and flowing using coco coir. 3x6 table, two strains. 2 x 600w.

Feeding floranova bloom at 8 ml. a gallon. feed 2-3 times lights on. Plants are happy on day 15 of 12/12.

no blockage of pumps. using 2-3 gallon pots

true grit

Well-known member
Could coco smart pots work with a drip and return to resevoir? Still tryin to find those grows... I might prefer drip to flood...


coco drip, feed every 12 hours once roots are established, 30 seconds - 1 minute..

coco ebb&flow, same as above, 5-15 minutes

flush 1 week



just don't molest my colas..
I'm doing it right now and loving the results. Botanicare Cocogro, CNS nutrients with liquid karma.


Active member
I did coco ebb flow a number of times. Check my signature there should be links in there.

I have moved on to drip with coco because it is easier for me to maintain with more lights. Ebb flow doesn't scale very well in my opinion.


just don't molest my colas..
I did coco ebb flow a number of times. Check my signature there should be links in there.

I have moved on to drip with coco because it is easier for me to maintain with more lights. Ebb flow doesn't scale very well in my opinion.

i agree. this room right now only has 3kw and only 2 of those are ebb and flow, one of them is the coco table. too much water sitting out and not moving constantly becomes a problem when it's 100s of gallons of water

Carl Carlson

Flood and drain:

When using coir in flood and drain it is recommended that you mix it with clay pebbles. A maximum of 50% coir with 50% pebbles is ok, ideally 25% coir with 75% pebbles is better. During a flood cycle the growing media becomes fully immersed in nutrient solution making it fully saturated, after the drain cycle it can take quite a long time before it needs irrigating again. For this reason you should only need to flood a maximum of twice a day with 50:50 mixes and three times a day with 25:75 mixes for fully grown plants.

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