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Colorado man says marijuana is sacred part of his religion



AVON, Colo. - A Colorado man says marijuana is the main sacrament of his religion and a drug charge against him violates his First Amendment rights.
Trevor Douglas of Avon says he belongs to the Hawaii-based THC Ministry but was cited with marijuana possession after a Colorado state trooper pulled him over for having an expired license plate. The 25-year-old allegedly had less than an ounce of marijuana and a pipe.
Douglas told the Vail Daily newspaper that his religion is similar to Christianity and that the use of pot is sacred to him, just like wine and bread are sacred to Christians.
"The court is basically trying me for my religious beliefs," he told the newspaper.
According to its Web site, THC Ministry has offices in Los Angeles; Bozeman, Mont.; and Boulder, Colo.
"We use Cannabis religiously and you can, too," the site says. "Cultivation and enjoyment of Cannabis sacrament is a fundamental human right provided by God and protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution."
THC Ministry says it provides "defense to prosecution" to its members who are "sincere practitioners." According to its Web site, a successful religious defense depends on five things, including sincerity; that marijuana be used in private, like in a church or home; and that the drug, or "sacrament," not be sold.
Douglas is due in court March 9.
He maintains he is not a drug abuser.
"If it's part of your religion, you should get security from this prosecution of possession," he said.
On the Web:
THC Ministry: http://www.thc-ministry.org
Information from: Vail Daily, http://www.vaildaily.com


cant stop wont stop
whatta pussy under an OZ in colorado?? whats that a 25 dollar fine? i thought they didnt even ticket for that anyways?


I thought it was pretty funny, why wouldn't he just take it like a man!! hahaha.


Lola's Sacred Church of the Sensimilla

Lola's Sacred Church of the Sensimilla

Join me brothers and sisters!

Send in your dollars now and receive my sacred blessing...


Smoke Weed. Praise Jebus. Drink Ovaltine.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
I thought it was pretty funny, why wouldn't he just take it like a man!! hahaha.

Because if you "take it like a man" you renounce your Human Rights to the state.

The almost worldwide ban of Cannabis has no medical or scientific basis, no physical or neurological ill effects apart from a temporary psychoactive state is caused by THC or other cannabinoids. The ban is therefore purely political.

What better way of fighting the misuse of a legal system than by using it's own laws?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a legally binding document all members of the UN must abide to.

Article 18.

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

The United States stand by this declaration with the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.

The First Amendment of the American Constitution explicitly guarantees the fundamental right of religious freedom and liberty to practice any faith as according to one's choice.

You can therefore not impose an arbitrary, unfounded ban on the First Amendment.

In any TRUE Court of Justice, this would be acknowledged.
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cant stop wont stop
not that it isnt a great idea to fight this and prove a point, especially if you got the time and money - its just i thought colorado completely decriminalised having an oz in your possession - Fuck to be honest i with i could use this defense in my case.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
You could use it, but you would have to be affiliated to a recognized religious order practicing the use of THC before an indictment.


cant stop wont stop
im pleaing on monday. 1-20
i got 3 other felonies dropped in a deal assuming i take the 1 for 1-20
i could have possibly used that defense but with other drugs, scales and bagged up bud on the premises it would have likely been the biggest joke in district court since OJ simpson. then again he did get away with it... :chin:
anyways im pretty well screwed

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Whatever goes down steppinRazor, you can sleep well at night with the knowledge that you have not killed or hurt anyone, have not caused damage or destruction to property, and whatever you used those scales and bags for, it was a transaction between consenting adults.


great. now I want ovaltine
that made me lol and flashback to the kids all saying "more ovaltine please"

and that is a good way to fight the cause but it is also giving way to children and drug dealers to hide under this religion and so I doubt that the judge will rule in his favor considering the damage it can have on the community as a whole but hey what do I know i could be completely wrong


Andinismo Hierbatero
Because if you "take it like a man" you renounce your Human Rights to the state.

The almost worldwide ban of Cannabis has no medical or scientific basis, no physical or neurological ill effects apart from a temporary psychoactive state is caused by THC or other cannabinoids. The ban is therefore purely political.

What better way of fighting the misuse of a legal system than by using it's own laws?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a legally binding document all members of the UN must abide to.

Article 18.

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

The United States stand by this declaration with the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.

The First Amendment of the American Constitution explicitly guarantees the fundamental right of religious freedom and liberty to practice any faith as according to one's choice.

You can therefore not impose an arbitrary, unfounded ban on the First Amendment.

In any TRUE Court of Justice, this would be acknowledged.

Quoted For Truth!



I am all about the defense, I just thought with CO being a medical MJ state then why wouldn't you also be apart of the legal medical value of MJ especially if you're not in Hawaii anymore!!!!

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Join me brothers and sisters!

Send in your dollars now and receive my sacred blessing...


Smoke Weed. Praise Jebus. Drink Ovaltine.

I know of a couple serious religions that revere Cannabis as sacred and use it as a sacrament in the rituals. It is called Santa Maria in some and it is a very serious thing. Not sure why people, even us who fight to have it legalized, make so much fun of that notion...



I know of a couple serious religions that revere Cannabis as sacred and use it as a sacrament in the rituals. It is called Santa Maria in some and it is a very serious thing. Not sure why people, even us who fight to have it legalized, make so much fun of that notion...


heehee, I just wanted YOUR money!

No seriously, this has been tried before, it didn't fly.

Supreme Court wouldn't even hear it.

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