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SMALLEST CHEAPEST DIY Ez-Cloner - Areoponics Cloning


Back in 09 when I was first starting my hobby I couldn’t get clones to root for shizzle. Tried rockwool, perlight, and sprayed the heck outta them. Something always went wrong.

I would end up ether rotting or drying out one end of the plant, the side above ground or the side below…

Google told me an EZ-Cloner will defiantly do the trick.. 500.00 for a HUGE box! Google, I only need 4 clones max every 2 months. What am I gonna do with that huge thing?

Then I saw the DIY 5 Gallon bucket system, Nice…

STILL TO BIG For a stealth operation!

Sooooo I made my own Even smaller version and it works every time now plus its cheap as hell to make LOL!!!

What you will need:

1 130 GPH pump :: 12.00

1 ez-cloner mister nozzle :: 2.00 ”ebay”

1 tube epoxy :: 3.00-5.00

1 8” flower pot or bucket :: free - 3.00

1. plastic lid of some sort :: free

4 neoprene circles :: free - 5.00
"you can prolly use styrfoam if you got nothing else, net pots optional."

Taking the pics later today…









Yea this is a 120 GPH pump u can get for 12 bucks and a .75 cent 340 degree nozzle. Does 2-4 clones no prob maybe more!!. Just epoxy the cord, pump, and nozzle into the smallest hose adapter.

Add a panel for 4 2" netpots . You might just want to use the neoprene inserts without the netpots.

I posted this on another forum but it had a plastic dome on top, found out that you dont need it. Also only did 2 clones with it instead of 4...

Any Questions Just ask!


Autos are for pussies!
nice!! I was thinking of doing my own also. Im in the same situation with my plants. I only need like 4 clones, so buying an ez-cloner is overkill. Kinda ghetto but it works!! Thats all that matters.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
It is a little more that your spray nozzle. 5-7 bucks a pop.
But if you check out
they have spray nozzles under 'Cultivation Tools'...'Humidifiers and Watering Devices'.


cool cloner but the shipping would cost more then 1 of those sprayers hope you got more then 1...:biggrin:

yeah I got like 15, there were a few models before the simple one hahaha!!

But if you poor, I would call them about the shippping bet you gould get it shipped for like 2 bucks..


Great job MB! I love how simple it is. Just goes to show you that it doesnt have to be to comlicated. Areo cloners are the way to go. I made mine out of a 5gal bucket with 4 mister heads and a 290gpm pump. I made 8 sites and so far it works better than any thing else Iv made so far.


nice setup. I dip mine in clonex and put them in 16oz cups with fox farm light warrior, spray them once and water after I insert in soil and 7-10 days later they are rooted and ready for transplant


The nice thing about areo cloners is you dont need anything to start your clones in. I was spending to much money on rapidrooters lol and now it just some water and theyre ready for the buckets.


VERY NICE! I was just about to build a custom one this week with 3 sprayers and a 190 gph pump. Aero really is the way to go for cloning. Roots in 5 days, here we come!

Gonna have to hack mine together this week :D


nicw thread mb i use a system very similar: a ten gallon tub with six air stone strips with the tips of the cuttings just above the water, the micro bubbles bust on the tips and its like they are teasing the roots right out. was wonding though if you noticed if the bigger the cutting the faster it roots or vice versa. i take around 60 cuttings some a little bigger than others and it seems more often or not the smaller cuttings roots show up a day or two before the lager ones but will take a little longer to start blowing up once you start veggin em. just blazed and wondering if you noticed the same or anyone else for that matter. peace


yeah I made a 30 site ez-cloner for under 40 bucks then I added a (rez heated and a recycle timer optional) but it's best to try and keep your water temps around 75 to 78 deg. F and the recycle timer helps add air to the stems I can produce roots on a clone in 1 week w/ this system. The best $40.00 spent in a long time for sure.


I got those sprayer nozzles from HTGsupply for i think they were $.50 cents each. You might wanna put a manifold on your pump so u can change your sprayer nozzles when they clog. The way u have it now looks to be a pain every time 1 clogs. jmo


I am building mine up with a 190 gph Harbor Freight pump ($8), a 1/2" PVC manifold ($2) and sprayers (the only thing left to pick up).
Still looking for *the* perfect container but I think a snap-lock style airtight container is the way to go.
I'll put it up here when it's done... It'll be a while before I can get to a shop to buy sprayers though :dunno:

I had thought about putting one together before this... But it's seeing it done and knowing it works that's the driving force sometimes (R&D is great, until you do it all day anyway)

one Q

Cool MBean... I was thinking that the splashing water would be louder than the pump itself