The staff of ICMag has assembled a list of security Do's and Don'ts for members of the site. These tips apply to any website.
We suggest you study these and modify your behavior if necessary. Protect yourself by following our sage advice, garnered by over more than a decade of online surfing by our experienced staff.
Many who are new here see everyone else posting up grows and may think this site is completely safe to post anything.
Also many "newbies" coming on are actually older folks who are getting online for perhaps the first time and don't know the ropes.
Most of this is common sense. Then there are ppl who are stupid or just don't give a damn... Nothing we say will change their behavior...
DOs and Don'ts
DO use a proxy service if you are worried about security. (Update: This can now raise a flag with the authorities, so think twice!)
DO use a firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware. This goes for everyone!
DO report anyone trying to buy or sell you something illegal on this site. They could be trying to set you up or rip you and others off. We need to ban such people!
DO delete PMs on a regular basis too, just in case....
DON'T use the same username you use on other websites. Use a unique registration email addy too.
DON'T give anyone your real name or address!!!
DON'T discuss or arrange any illegal activities via ICMag. You will be banned for this.
DON'T post photos of an obviously illegal grow. Keep people and identifying objects out of view.
More Tips:
Always assume LEOs are on this site (they may or may not be, but it's better to act like they are!)
If you use the Auto-Logon feature, be sure to logout when you are done!
If you have a legal grow and are obeying the law you should have no problem with posting your activities, but be aware that revealing your location may encourage rip-offs.
Remember it's not illegal to be on ICmag or to discuss cannabis growing!
UPDATES: ICMag does not link to Facebook or allow Google to monitor traffic to our pages as do other cannabis websites. Websites that link to those services are allowing those third parties to record your activities on those websites and your IP#. Be very careful when visiting other websites or following links to them. They may link to those services without your knowledge.
Also, using proxies may now raise a flag with LEOs, if they are already looking at you. They assume if you're using a proxy you're up to no good...
We suggest you study these and modify your behavior if necessary. Protect yourself by following our sage advice, garnered by over more than a decade of online surfing by our experienced staff.
Many who are new here see everyone else posting up grows and may think this site is completely safe to post anything.
Also many "newbies" coming on are actually older folks who are getting online for perhaps the first time and don't know the ropes.
Most of this is common sense. Then there are ppl who are stupid or just don't give a damn... Nothing we say will change their behavior...
DOs and Don'ts
DO use a proxy service if you are worried about security. (Update: This can now raise a flag with the authorities, so think twice!)
DO use a firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware. This goes for everyone!
DO report anyone trying to buy or sell you something illegal on this site. They could be trying to set you up or rip you and others off. We need to ban such people!
DO delete PMs on a regular basis too, just in case....
DON'T use the same username you use on other websites. Use a unique registration email addy too.
DON'T give anyone your real name or address!!!
DON'T discuss or arrange any illegal activities via ICMag. You will be banned for this.
DON'T post photos of an obviously illegal grow. Keep people and identifying objects out of view.
More Tips:
Always assume LEOs are on this site (they may or may not be, but it's better to act like they are!)
If you use the Auto-Logon feature, be sure to logout when you are done!
If you have a legal grow and are obeying the law you should have no problem with posting your activities, but be aware that revealing your location may encourage rip-offs.
Remember it's not illegal to be on ICmag or to discuss cannabis growing!
UPDATES: ICMag does not link to Facebook or allow Google to monitor traffic to our pages as do other cannabis websites. Websites that link to those services are allowing those third parties to record your activities on those websites and your IP#. Be very careful when visiting other websites or following links to them. They may link to those services without your knowledge.
Also, using proxies may now raise a flag with LEOs, if they are already looking at you. They assume if you're using a proxy you're up to no good...
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