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Anybody here an "unofficial" caregiver?


Active member
I'm in Western NC...small town, but almost everywhere out here is pretty tolerant of pot overall. Most people whom I've met since I moved here smoke at least on occasion, especially the older guys (40's+, no offense to any geriatric heads currently posting :nanana:), and they're all remarkably open about it. With NC possibly on the books to become the next MMJ state, I expect pot to become even more ubiquitous in this area soon.

I know that there are a lot of people out here in really bad shape, some without much time left at all, who either currently use pot as a legitimate addition to their treatments or are interested in doing so. I also know that the insane prices ($40-50/eighth and WAY up) people charge for high quality pot are too much for most folks to afford when used in the quantities that are typically needed for effective pain management.

With this in mind, I'm considering offering my services as a caregiver to a few folks. This would NOT include compensation of ANY kind on my end -- I want to provide this to people who I judge to truly be in NEED, not somebody who gets a headache every once in a while and just wants free pot. For that reason I'm not all that worried about legal ramifications, even if our state does not legalize MMJ any time real soon (as I suspect may be the case). at least 50% of harvests are given away to friends and family already and there will still be a lot left over that doesn't need to be laying around my house for no reason....and I will NOT sell pot or any other drug ever again...so this seems like a pretty good idea to take advantage of my particular situation

any thoughts? anybody who has done or is doing this currently? Feedback is appreciated! :yeahthats


hey jd, fellow north cacker here, if i wasn't concerned about your anonymity i would tell you what town your from, but also as a student of the law, i would go ahead and tell you that while yes we are, and i am praying it happens, on the verge of becoming a mmj state, no judge around here will go for that.....in fact, most d.a's i know would probably try and trump up even more charges on you for that while you are just trying to care for patients, I understand, a patient myself. i understand you arent doing anything wrong but just my opinion on the matter. I would say go for it though, because if no one was really willing to push the bounds nothing would get accomplished.

i agree with you on prices here, they are fucking ridiculous, that is why we take matters into our on hands and provide ourself with 20x better medicine than is out there on the street

plus we have to get something accomplished here in nc soon, bev perdue has completely fucked our state


Active member
Thanks man...this wouldn't be aimed for any publicity or as a "fuck you" to the cops around here at all, for the record...just helping people out who truly need it in the best way I know how...that's the plan anyways

My idea in regards to pot laws is that if you're responsible with it and smart enough to always stay one step ahead, you're probably not going to get into any trouble...if you're not selling pot, you shouldn't have any issue whatsoever with police. That's just my opinion, of course...point being that giving herb to a few individuals whom I have thoroughly researched and gotten to know very well shouldn't put me on anybody's radar. Just the way I like it. :nanana:


jd, i feel you on what you are saying. and I think that that is a great idea, as I regard myself as a patient and have many friends who do as well, and I provide them with quality medicine, but we do share cost of supplies and electricity, what not.

i love western north carolina, i am really hoping we convert soon to a sensible legal marijuana legislation. i would really hate to leave here, this whole state is pretty awesome

best of luck, hope to see some of your shows around the site


Active member
Bless you guys, I am an "unofficial caregiver" whenever I can be, unfortunately being in a rented house has put a damper on it for the time being.

There's nothing better than giving excellent herb to someone in a wheelchair. My attitude's always been, if the cops want to bust me for this go ahead, I know it's the right thing to do.


Active member
jd, i feel you on what you are saying. and I think that that is a great idea, as I regard myself as a patient and have many friends who do as well, and I provide them with quality medicine, but we do share cost of supplies and electricity, what not.

i love western north carolina, i am really hoping we convert soon to a sensible legal marijuana legislation. i would really hate to leave here, this whole state is pretty awesome

best of luck, hope to see some of your shows around the site

I agree, NC is awesome...I'm a florida boy originally but I've been here almost 17 years (a large part of my life) and consider it home. Legislation changes or not, I can't see myself ever wanting to be anywhere else at this point. Beautiful scenery, good people, and the local food scene is right on point for me as a chef by trade

I'm a little wary about posting a lot of pictures but I'll get a few up when I get a chance. By the way, thumbs up on widespread in your signature man, they can jam for sure

Bless you guys, I am an "unofficial caregiver" whenever I can be, unfortunately being in a rented house has put a damper on it for the time being.

There's nothing better than giving excellent herb to someone in a wheelchair. My attitude's always been, if the cops want to bust me for this go ahead, I know it's the right thing to do.
Hey man, at least you're intelligent and mature enough not to know not to cultivate on another person's property...few and far between it seems nowadays :noway: I definitely feel ya on the knowing that it's the right thing to do...but if possible I'd like to avoid any issues with that entirely :laughing: thanks for posting

edit- by the way growshower, what did you mean when you said "if i wasn't concerned about your anonymity i would tell you what town your from"? I take it you're in my neck of the woods too?:headbange


that is awesome you are a chef by trade, i was a sous chef not too long before i began my new career, the food scene around the state is on point for sure, especially in smaller towns. i went and lived out west a couple years ago and I loved it, but i was in socal and it was way too fast paced for me.

gotta love you some panic, its a shame they haven't had halloween on your end of the state recently, i know what you mean about the pics, i don't post journals up here, only trich shots, but i am sure i will get around to it eventually.


Active member
that is awesome you are a chef by trade, i was a sous chef not too long before i began my new career, the food scene around the state is on point for sure, especially in smaller towns. i went and lived out west a couple years ago and I loved it, but i was in socal and it was way too fast paced for me.

gotta love you some panic, its a shame they haven't had halloween on your end of the state recently, i know what you mean about the pics, i don't post journals up here, only trich shots, but i am sure i will get around to it eventually.

jam on dude :headbange


Active member
Excited and had to post this somewhere...my buddy had given me a handful of beans from a trip to mexico several years ago, 5 (supposedly Highland) oaxacan sativa and a few others that I'm less excited about

Those 5 OS are probably close to a decade old and have been through several moves and varying levels of humidity, heat, and light...I thought for sure they wouldn't be viable but threw em in my standard water/h202 mix the other day for shits and grins and forgot about em for a few days

went back and they have ALL sprouted healthy 1/2-3/4" taps...little late in the season for anything real impressive, but I'm gonna veg em for a few weeks and take some cuttings, then throw em outside with the others and hope for a good result

I'm giddy like a schoolgirl so I had to post this :laughing: he's been growing this particular Oax for several years (indoors!) all by itself in a closet and it is some of the strongest, most intensely cerebral sativa I have ever had the pleasure of smoking...I've been on a sativa kick for a while and this is like christmas in july for me :woohoo:


Here's hoping you get a nice harvest and lots of clones jd. Highland Oaxacan is a fabulous sativa. Try to produce some seeds if it goes well.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
What a great attitude, good luck with this plan.
Plants are happier when they know they're going to a good cause, well, almost every commercial bud i saw looked miserable :yoinks:


I'm also a displaced Floridian. I moved to the South Carolina and I've been in contact with a few of the state representatives here. They are pushing hard for medical marijuana to get passed but it is still a long battle. Its nowhere as open here as NC.


Feels good, doesn't it? Helping people in general, but something like this, life changing, for both the "unofficial" caregiver and the patient. Makes you see things in a new light.....