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How to LST when stems are thick and stiff?


Smokes, lets go
I was going to lst my plants but there stems are thick and rigid and don't bend, i could snap them but i don't think they would bend. they are solid and don't move when i try to lst the whole plant just leans, instead of the main stem- it seems like its impossible to lst these....


Just Call me Urkle!!
hahaha exactly what I was going to say.. Just squeeze lightly on the stem where you want to bend it until the plant falls over on it's own. I know it's kinda hard to do at first if you haven't tried it before cuz you feel like you're killing your girls but it works out great and the buds end up fatter and more dense IMO


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
secure the bottom of plant main stem 1-2 inch off the soil secure it to 1 side of the container. now take the top pull it over when you feel resistance like stem may break back it off some and secure top to opposite side of container. now every day adjust the main top down a little untill ya feel resistance then back off tad and secure. repeate this and after a few days to max 1wk you'll have the plant LST'd the way ya want it. remember dont pull top down to much or you'll snap the main stem it can be done just do little adjustments untill desired angle is achieved.


Another handy item for LSTing is this: They make little picnic tablecloth weights that hold the table cloth down in a wind. They are just little weights attached to an alligator clip, but they work well in LST applications.... They are usually about 6 for $1 at a dollar type store or someplace they sell tablecloths for picnics etc. Hope this helps, I like them. Mine are shaped like little lemons and limes.....


Active member
can we see some pics of the stems. ? i mean you did ask about stems not leaves yet all you show us is pics of the tops of the plants.

not trying to be a dick but give a n*gga a break, cant help you if we dont know what you're working with. need to know if the stems are woody yet or just thick. if its woody you wont be able to lst, but if theyre still green you can bend em and lst.


Smokes, lets go
can we see some pics of the stems. ? i mean you did ask about stems not leaves yet all you show us is pics of the tops of the plants.

not trying to be a dick but give a n*gga a break, cant help you if we dont know what you're working with. need to know if the stems are woody yet or just thick. if its woody you wont be able to lst, but if theyre still green you can bend em and lst.

yeaa there woody thats the exact word for it looks more like a tree branch than a stem


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Another handy item for LSTing is this: They make little picnic tablecloth weights that hold the table cloth down in a wind. They are just little weights attached to an alligator clip, but they work well in LST applications.... They are usually about 6 for $1 at a dollar type store or someplace they sell tablecloths for picnics etc. Hope this helps, I like them. Mine are shaped like little lemons and limes.....

This is good advice but other than this you would have to supercrop. I'd tie some really heavy calibration weights to the branches but Lola's method would be a lot simpler...


Active member
i dont think you need to bend those at the woody part, just tie down as low on the stems as you can, that are still flexible. they will still bush out well, just keep the main shoots going 90degrees for a couple of weeks and the rest fills in!


Training plants is easier when they need a watering, they bend better and are less likely to break (less pressure inside the stem).

Peace :joint:


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Also, on old woody stems may not survive even fairly gentle attempts. So a good way to do it is to take a curved stiff piece of wood or metal and use twist ties to tie the stem to the brace, gently forcing it to start curving. If you do this in stages you can train any branch no matter how old and tough it is.


i used skewers with objects taped to the sharp end
and hook the handle of the skewer around a branch and it naturally weights it down