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Guatemala sativa


Active member
ZamxGuatemala F3
I think is Zam Dom but expressing more Thai RE: aromas.
Stem and many fans are already glistening with sessile capitate trichomes. Flowered from seed. Seems to show compact branch structure of Guatemala strawberry phenotypes. Will be more sure in a couple weeks.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi friend,

Your ongoing breeding project between Zamaldelica and Guatemala sounds like music to my ears. :D

I have little to add, as i see you have clear your breeding goals and i'm pleased to hear you are finding nice combinations of terpenes and effects between both strains which are addressing the project in the right direction. Just some considerations on the male of your post #100, it is clearly a Thai dominant Zamaldelica pheno, he will probably contribute with very accelerated and even trippy effects into his offspring, but usually this kind of males are not the best if you are breeding for higher yields, stronger terpenes or shorter flowering times and better indoor adaptability.
At the end, it just depends on your personal preferences and breeding goals.

Good luck! :yes:

I made a cross! Zam fem x Guatemalan
I'm at F3 now Guatemalan nearly eliminated hermaphroditism from an overly (after I got it... not ACE) femmed and selfed line. Saw examples of sour lemon and strawberry phenotypes carry through with Zam maintaining trippyness and picking up a more cartoonish hilarious vibe to ameliorate the anxiety Zam can cause. Traits mixed fairly evenly with Zam all around with both influences clear in every plant.

I have been selecting for vigour compact heavy yield strawberry mango sour terpenes and intense trippy hilarious high. I'm mainly seeing only two phenotypes (another less common lemon one and even rarer woody sour also occur but much less frequently than last generation) One Guatemalan dominant with slightly better bud structure calyx/leaf and compact robust flowering that carries strawberry and candy predominantly.
Another with stronger Zam influence that exhibits leafier buds more lanky stretching stems INTENSE candy floral scent with powerful strawberry jam background and long Thai looking pistils.
The Zam Dom seems about a week slower to initiate flowering.
Im considering femming the two and finding a perfect blend then cross it to a male that came from a BX (sort of I think?) to a Zam fem of extreme resin production. From there I'll continue in crosses towards something fairly stable.


Active member
Lol you just made me really glad I selected a higher yielding male from the ZamxGuatemala F3 seedstock as well...
I really only started the line to continue preserving Zam which I only had in fem form... then I saw some cool things and followed them. The goals for this one sort of defined themselves at F2 when I saw what was possible.. reading about Guatemalan in this thread helped give an idea of what I was seeing and where it would go too.

At this point I'm quite in love with the terpenes! Which is funny cause I haven't even smoked any F3 yet.. yesterday both females had lost some candy smell to a very deep organic sweet humic aroma that I recognize as "sativa jungle funk"... I usually find aromas are sharper and cleaner at beginning and end of flower with mid flower being predominantly "muskier".
I dont mind a reduction in yield too much as its already producing nice dense buds even if they aren't huge.
I'm not really looking to make it commercial (I would but the license process for a micro nursery is long and complex and I'm not sure I would even be allowed to sell something so clearly derivative of ACEs work.. at least not without permission)..
As I'm looking at my options three or four jump out.

I could find another female Guatemalan dominant pheno similar to current favourite fem them and have good chances at lots of fems I know I'll like. Downside is I no longer have a standard line I can continue and pass on... my contribution to cannabis genetic development bottlenecks severely but I get what I was really after: good smoke and some badass seeds to sprout gift or otherwise spread around (legally of course):biggrin:

I could fem current females find good expression of both in one plant and breed forward with that as mom.

I could pollinate current fave (hmmm or both females) with BOTH males and develop sister lines one with stronger Zam/Trip caffeine influence but less terps and yield and another with stronger terps and yield but a kinder effect. These lines could be recombined any time... do you think that recombination would bring any vigour back or are the populations too closely related?.... this feels to me like safest long term option to preserve the line but also most time/space consuming. But I do love the idea of a two pheno line that throws the two examples I have now..

I can pollinate with Zam dominant male then find a higher yielding male with as much frost to BX to current fave and see what comes of that direction.

The truth is I'm at a crossroads with my garden. Plant counts cannot be maintained while I continue producing medicine for myself as well as continue building a collection of genetics to breed with.
I continue to have many breeding ideas interesting to me and am confident I could happily spend my life at play in fields of my own genesis.
But I am limited by laws personal health and monetary deficit.

So I'm thinking I need to preserve some of what I have as seed and cull what I'm holding.. problem is that most of what I have is not true breeding. That's one reason I've been working at ZamxGuatemala to become its own thing enough to trust what I'll get from the seed..

Do you think it's worth pursuing the more Zam dominant route Dubi? Will it be different enough from Zam to be worth it? Is it perhaps safest to pollinate with both and save seed for when I have more time?
Ha ha it's indicative of the depth of my pollen chucking addiction that I kind of want to pursue all three routes!

I guess to really be sure I also need to test progeny on that male... he does stink a lot so I might be lucky on the Terp reduction aspect...

Thanks for chiming in Dubi I was really glad to hear from you... I'm really enjoying this hybrid and can see that both of the parental lines have a lot of really interesting traits to play with... I like that Zam has a little variation in it still.... seems it only takes a few generations to begin isolating traits one finds appealing. The candy smells it passes on are frickin sublime.

Bud Jones

Well-known member
Hi psyphish,

Beautiful one :) Guatemala has usually brownish pistils, although pink pistils are not so rare in american sativas genepool. The flowers must be yummy around this stage of flowering :yummy:
Hey I have a friend in Guatemala for a month .. What area is a good place to find good landraces . Anything in particular he should ask for ?


how do these pure guatemala compare to the pure ace's honduras?

im gonna guess the guatemalas are typically kinder and softer in effect while the honduras is more uppy and electric? both trippy? both extroverted?


ACE Seeds Breeder
Sorry Bud Jones, I missed your question.

When looking for authentic landraces in Central and South America always try to avoid sources offering you Skunk, Kush, Cripa or anything could be related with moden indoor genetics. Try to source for the old school pure sativa flowers with best possible cerebral effects and without Afghani terpenes and you will be in the right track.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi nepalnt21,

Pure Honduras has the big size and bearing of old school Colombian sativas, with a longer flowering time and very high yields, very energetic and cerebral effects.

Pure Guatemala is smaller in size and yields lesser, with a more Mexican sativa shape, the flowering time is shorter than Honduras and in average produces more refined sweet terpenes, it's very cerebral as well, but more balanced in head/body than Honduras, with a warm and optimistic quality to it.


Curious Cannivore
I bought some Guatemala seeds directly from Ace, probably 7 years ago, and they have been languishing in the fridge ever since. Every year I think to myself, damn I need to pop those! :D So last week I stuck four seeds in the dirt and put them on a heat mat. This morning I am rewarded with two sprouts! Hopefully will get another one or two...I think these are the oldest seeds I have ever tried to sprout, so I am pleased.


Curious Cannivore
One more is still on a heat mat but may not be viable. However three did pop and are looking robust. :)



Curious Cannivore
All three turned out to be girls. I put them outside in the woods and have already topped them. Two are in a 25 gallon bag and the third is in a 15. They don't get as much sun as I would like but we are in the woods so I take what I can get. I could grow them more openly here in Massachusetts but I like to keep them out of sight, like a secret garden from the old days. :)


Like Texas tea i have been meaning to get around to these for a while now. Great quality seed by the way thanks Ace.
To start with i germed two on a paper towel. Planted those 2 into cups of soil and at the same time planted the remaining 3 seeds into cups. And here we are about 2 weeks later



Day 15 These 4 turned out to be females. The sexing was hard to tell on the 2 at the front until they revealed pistils. The small plant appears to be a male, it never really took off I wonder if it was me or the plant but happy to potentially get some pollen and I will take a clone to study him further. Not sure what went on with a citric acid spray I did it left residue everywhere with some burning.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Welcome to this room @Devondale :) glad you got a high female ratio from your Guatemala pack.
All the best for the flowering stage!

@TexasTea hope you had a great summer time friend :) How are yours doing in the woods ?


Welcome to this room @Devondale :) glad you got a high female ratio from your Guatemala pack.
All the best for the flowering stage!

@TexasTea hope you had a great summer time friend :) How are yours doing in the woods ?
Thank you dubi! I am very happy with that also 🙂 I like the branchy structure so far on 1,2,3. They all have very nice smells. By the time i am done touching them my hands smell like vics vapor. Sweet smells i think are like peach and strawberry in some at times with spices and mint. I think the dude is a little small to smell as pungent yet.